Making A Rollover Flash Movie

Dec 6, 2007

I have a map of the UK with all the counties and i was wondering how I would go about making a rollover flash movie. I specifically need it to highlight the county when the mouse is over that county and a little box to appear with the county name in it. Like an ALT tag I dont want someone to tell me exactly how to do it just some tips on how i would go about this. Is there an image mapping tool in Flash. Or how would i go about marking out the coordinates for each of these areas.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Ball Move - When Rollover Twice Quickly, It Also Accepts The Second Rollover Command?

Jan 22, 2005

I am making a ball move from left to right and back. but when I rollover twice quickly, it also accepts the second rollover command. I would like it to accept that second rollover only when the first one is finished. I mean, I want the first to be finished before it accepts another rollover.I know it is simple to solve this with a tween using frames instead of as, but I was wondering if someone knows how to adapt the script.

ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(balMC, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut,balMC._x, 44, .5, true);
ballTween.onMotionFinished = function() {
ballTweenterug = new mx.transitions.Tween(balMC, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 44,11.9, .5, true);

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(cs5) Making A Rollover Animation?

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Mar 12, 2009

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Jan 16, 2011

I have an image contained within a slideshow with a rollover attached to it, when you click the image a larger image within the same movie clip appears. This layer is below my navigation layers for my website so when I click on the image it is below some of the navigation layers and logo. Is there a way to make this appear on top of all of the other layers without actually moving the layer up. I'm using Flash CS3 and Actionscript 3.0.

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Making Rollover Stays As Browse The Menu's List

Apr 21, 2010

I am currently making an interactive Map, as i rollover to a certain continent, the continent will light up in a yellow highlight, afterward as i click on the continent the box menu will pop up on top of the continent, everything went fine until i browse around inside the box menu( the box menu is bigger than the continent,..wider) cause at one point the cursor will go to a certain area inside the box menu that is not on top of a part of the continent, That's when the yellow highlight went down. I was just wondering how do i make sure the yellow highlight on the continent stays on while i freely browse around the box menu( which is wider than the continent)

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im using the coding...
on (rollOver) {_root.home.gotoAndPlay(2)

on (rollOut) {_root.home.gotoAndPlay(1)

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Apr 21, 2011

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on (press){

The action says it has no errors, but when I export the move, my cursor turns to a hand but goes no where when I click.

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Professional :: Flash : Making A Transparent Movie?

Oct 9, 2010

I'm trying to make a simple text animation but the background won't go away from my exports. I need to make a movie file (.avi or .mov) and nothing is letting me remove the white space in the background.Things I have tried:

Go to Publish settings > HTML > Window mode: Trasparent Windowless
     Result: White background remains
Make a .mov and in Quicktime Export Settings checkmark Ignore Stage Color (generate alpha)
Result: This time, everything was black (text was black too so it probably blended withthe background[code].....

So far nothing works so what is the deal with flash not comprehending with a clear background in movie files?

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Flash - Making Movie Clips In CS3 For Use Within FlashDevelop

May 24, 2011

I'm making a game in actionscript using the FlashDevelop tool and the FlashPunk game engine. I have a designer making movie clips for me to put into this game using Flash CS3.

My problem is that when I add these movie clips into my game they are playing much quicker than they should. Is there a specific frame rate clips need to be made in within CS3 or any other export options set to enable them to play at the correct speed or is this something that I need to deal with in my code.


Another problem that I'm having is that the command movieClip.stop() doesn't work. Is there anything special that needs doing while exporting or the programming side?


Here is how I'm loading in my swfs:

public var movieClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
private var myLoader:Loader;
public function MyMovieClip(location:String)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Movie Maker In Flash

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Making Flash Movie Accessible For Screen Readers?

Jul 12, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Multiple Flash Movie Clips Talk?

Sep 15, 2004

On my site, i have 3 different Flash Files. Each playing a different part .eg text, content,menu. (because of the design, i can't have just 1 file, plus i want 3 seperate ones~!!!)Now what i want to try and do, is have the MENU(swf1) target a scene or frame in the CONTENT flash file(swf2)So that when you click on about us button, it will target (eg.) frame 3 of SWF2, which contains that information!!ANd also have the MENU(SWF1) be able to also target frames in TEXT(SWF3)Bassically im guesisng its passing variables to and from multiple movie clips!i have no where to start.

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Actionscript 2 :: IDE - Reduce The Alpha Of A Movie Clip When Mouse Is RollOver The Movie

Apr 19, 2010

I want to reduce the alpha of a movie clip when mouse is rollOver the movie , the alpha will be continuously reducing over frames, i dont want to use tween.


i this code when i rollOver the mouse on a movie clip, it shows the alpha reducing over time , and at roll out alpha increases over time. but if i rollOver and rollOut in fractions of seconds , it flickers (like 60-100 instead of from the current alpha lvl), So i am looking for some code that can help me in fixing this problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Movie Clips Follow A Custom Line But They Movie With The Cursor

Feb 4, 2009

trying to make a movie clip follow a custom drawn vertical line, the movie clip follows the cursor but only the y axis

I have added an example of what i mean and the file i need it to happen to

ps the vertical line needs to be hidden.

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Actionscript 3 :: Creating A Complex Flash Rollover In Stages (loop > Rollover Animation > Timed Animation)

Jan 24, 2012

Okay, now things are getting a little complicated. I need to build a Flash object that can sit over the corner of an image to serve extra content. It's way beyond my Flash skill level, my work is usually limited to print work in Photoshop and Illustrator so please excuse me if any of the following isn't clear. I am trying to learn though, So this is how it's all supposed to work, along with my issues; When the image & Flash item load a small looping animation will play to draw the eye/show the item as interactive.

When the user rolls over this the corner will peelback. I have a working peelback animation for the rollover, that reacts to mouse over/mouse off, and a looping animation for the initial, but I cannot work out how to make the initial loop until mouseover, then play the peelback when the mouse is over. And go back to the initial animation loop if the user rolls off. (Each of these animations is stored as a movie clip in the Library)
Then it gets more complicated... if the user stays on the corner until it is fully peeled back I need to make a small countdown (sort of a 3, 2, 1 situation) show, before launching a lightbox (would this have to be jQuery, or could it be done in Flash?) in the browser to serve the content.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Movie Full Screen, Not Just Flash Screen

Oct 27, 2009

Is a command for AS2 to make my movie file play fullscreen (stretch, fit to screen, anything).

goFullScreen(); is great but it leaves white bars left and right. What's odd is that I'm using Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder and it seems to display a perfect widescreen that I want as an input and output but once compiled in flash, it's more square leaving me with white bars left and right. The frame for the video in flash is also widescreen looking.

edit: I ended up stretching the width of the frame but if there is a better way through a command that would make my life easier so I don't have to adjust to every monitor that I run this on.

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Use A Movie Clip As A Rollover Button

Mar 31, 2010

I am new to flash and peretty much lost when it comes to actionscripting. I am trying to use a movie clip as a rollover button. I have it working, but when the mouse goes over the rollover graphic, the graphic starts to flicker and I have no idea why. Can someone take a look at what I have and let me know what I did wrong. Here's the file I'm using: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Rollover Movie Clip?

Oct 8, 2009

I m a starter with Flash CS3 and i m trying to learn actionscript but So i ve made a movie clip (some animation stuff) and i have it in the first frame on stage, i want when the mouse rollover the movie clip to go and play in frame 166 but this dont happen...i have put this code in the movie clip

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IDE :: Mouse Rollover Movie Clip?

Mar 24, 2009

I have been trying to do something in Flash that I thought would be easy. I have created a movie clip with several frames and have tried to add a MouseOver MouseOut rollover to change from frame 1 to frame 2 whenever you roll over the movie clip. It doesn't work. It doesn't even seem to recognise any actionscript whatsoever within the flash file.If I change the movieclip to a button then suddenly everything does work as I want it to.

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IDE :: Continue Movie Clip After Rollover?

Nov 24, 2009

I am working on doing a clickable menu in flash cs4 and i have made my movie clips that animate each menu item on rollover (I did this by putting the movie clip into the "over" state inside the button which resides on my main scene)When I test it that all works fine each movie clip plays on rollover. But when I roll off the button it cuts the animation short.

What I want it to do is continue the movie clip after I take my mouse off the button and hold in that end frame until I have rolled over another button. But still I want it to play through the movie clip if I roll off one button and onto another. So if someone rolls over all the menu buttons they each play all the way through but will disappear after end frame and only the last button that i have rolled over will remain at last frame of its animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Continue Movie Clip After Rollover?

Nov 24, 2009

So I am working on doing a clickable menu in flash cs4 and i have made my movie clips that animate each menu item on rollover (I did this by putting the movie clip into the "over" state inside the button which resides on my main scene)

When I test it that all works fine each movie clip plays on rollover. But when I roll off the button it cuts the animation short.

What I want it to do is continue the movie clip after I take my mouse off the button and hold in that end frame until I have rolled over another button. But still I want it to play through the movie clip if I roll off one button and onto another. So if someone rolls over all the menu buttons they each play all the way through but will disappear after end frame and only the last button that i have rolled over will remain at last frame of its animation.

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Stop Movie On RollOver, Start On RollOut?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a movie clip of scrolling images, but I want it to stop/pause when I hover over the movie, then start on RollOut.I'm guessing I need to use something like:on(rollOver){this.stop();}on(rollOut){;}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover In Nested Movie Clips

Sep 5, 2009

I understand that nested rollovers do not work, but let me say first that there is no nested rollover. Although my rollovers are in a nested movie clip, the main movie clip does not have rollovers, so from my understanding of the nested rollover problem, it does not apply to this situation. But, it's not working.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rewind Movie Clip On Rollover ?

Mar 12, 2011

I would love to know how to make a movie clip rewind

//prev_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, everyFrame);
//function everyFrame(event:Event):void
// [code].........

heres my code basically i want it so if i stay rolloed over it keeps reversing, in stead of having to roll off and on, obviously only does one frame at a time.

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