Opening Pdf - Force It To Open In Adobe Reader Instead Of Ie Or Firefox?

Jul 26, 2007

I have a pdf which opens when a button is clicked on and i was wondering if there is a way that i can force it to open in adobe reader instead of ie or firefox?

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Force PDFs To Open In Adobe Reader Rather Than In Plugins?

Jul 12, 2010

We have an Air and Flash application that opens a pdf, but many computers by default open pdfs in browser plugins rather than through reader itself. Is there a way to force the alternate behavior in Flash/Air? This is needed since we have slightly writable pdfs.

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Flash - Opening PDF Document With Adobe Acrobat Reader?

Jun 7, 2011

I want to open up a pdf-document (included within the *.air-package) with adobe acrobat (or any other pdf-reader). I've followed this solution openWithDefaultApplication fails on files in application folder.

var _myfilename = "John_Doe-tax_return_2011.pdf";
// = my filename
var realFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath(_myfilename);
var tempFile:File = File.createTempFile();
tempFile.openWithDefaultApplication(); //nothing happens ?

I've tested it all, so it's not a directory issue
// > tmp (?? tempFile.extension = "pdf" doesn't works)
// > true (original pdf-document exists!)

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Set Button Link To Force New Page To Open In Same Tab?

Jan 26, 2010

I am using the following script in Flash CS4 for a URL link[code]...

and I would like the link to open the new page in the same tab. In Safari it opens the link in a new window (when the default is to open links in the same tab). In IE it opens in a new tab, and also in Firefox (though in Firefox this is the default behaviour for me). Is there a way to override default settings and get the link to open in the same tab for all browsers?

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Flex :: Force MenuBar To Always Open Downward?

May 23, 2011

I have a MenuBar which opens downwards except when there isn't enough room to open it. For example, it may have 10 items but there's only enough room to display 4-5. Flex then tries to display the menu above the bar, which is completely off the screen. Is there some property or style I'm overlooking to always force it to open downward?

EDIT: Thought I'd give some clarification as to how I plan to circumvent the issue. If I can always force the menubar to be orientated downwards, I can make it into a scrollable menubar displaying only a few items at worst.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force A Banner To Open To _blank?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force File To Open On Top Of Fullscreen Window?

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have some ppsx files that I'm opening from a button on a fullscreen window. The first window opens fine, but if I go to open another ppsx file, it opens behind my fullscreen interface. Is there anything I can to do force it to open in front? I tried having _blank in there, but that just opens a browser window. this is what I have now (using greensock plugins, but my question is regarding the navigate to url area):


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How To Force IE To Load Adobe Flash Content Debugger

Feb 1, 2012

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Nov 27, 2009

I would like to force a pdf to be saved to disc rather than opening in a browser window? I am actually executing the command in flash in a button instance like this

on (release) {
getURL("", "_blank", "GET");

So how can I do this so it gives the pop up window of save to disc option?

This may be an ASP.NET issue too?

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Javascript :: Flush The DNS Cache Or Force A Host Name To Re-resolve In Adobe AIR/Flash?

Aug 9, 2009

AIR seems to keep its own DNS cache when an application is running, and ignores any changes to the OS DNS cache (i.e. ipconfig /flushdns.More specifically, I'm creating multiple URLStream & URLRequest objects over a long period of time in a AIR application. Once the first one connects the host's IP address is cached for the lifetime of the application.And the URLRequest.useCache property,understandably,has no effect on DNS to force a host name to re-resolve inside a AIR (or Flash) application?

Note: Unfortunately, resolving the IP through a web service and rewriting the URL is not an option as a workaround.The use-case is downloading files from Amazon S3 using signed URLs which are invalidated if modified.

Update: The test results above were gathered on WinXP prior to AIR 1.5.2. Subsequent tests using 1.5.2 show serialized requests with URLStream.load() are re-resolved more frequently but still ignore TTL values.I still haven't figured out what conditions are necessary to trigger the re-resolution, but have noted a couple of cases that prevent it.For instance, if another asynchronous URLStream is active to the same host then requests use the cached IP address and are not resolved. And simply closing and dereferencing all streams to a host is not sufficient to ensure the same host name will be re-resolved in the next request.

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ActionScript 3 :: Adobe Air - Opening App In Fullscreen

Jan 31, 2012

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Open New Window Firefox?

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Aug 26, 2011

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Professional :: Swf Files Will Not Open In Firefox?

Aug 15, 2011

I can not get my pages where I have swf files to open in firefox.  I have several pages with sound also and they will not open.  here is the code that I am using.  I have probably 8 pages of flash and the rest of the pages are javascript and html.
page10 = "<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="

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Professional :: Adobe Flash CS4 Quits When Opening Any File

Feb 23, 2010

I hope someone here can help me figure out why my Flash CS4 on a Mac 10.6.2 machine crashes unexpectedly every time I open a file. (I have posted the entire crash log below) The program will open, and even stay open when I choose a .fla file for about 5-10 seconds and then CRASH every time. For what it's worth, all my other design collection programs work fine.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalled the Flash app., but it didn't do anything. I have also tried deleting all preference files and application support files in my user, and the problem persists.Does anyone have any ideas? I have a Flash job to get out and no way to work on it![code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open A Specific Browser I.e. Firefox?

Mar 22, 2012

I would like to be able to open a specific browser and then go to a URL. What I mean is if the user has a Flash website open in IE I need for them to click on a button and this will open the link in Firefox. Is this possible?
Background...Our company uses Internet Explorer 6 as it's main browser on all employee PC's and for technical reasons IE cannot be updated. The problem is that the website App that I want to open has to be opened in a modern browser, the App will not run on an old browser such as this. Firefox is installed on all PC's, for this reason, but I cannot be sure the user has opened my website up in Firefox therefore I must check that they are using Firefox if not then it has to be opened first.

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Actionscript 3 :: Opening Cpanel (web Host Server) In Adobe AIR Application?

Apr 2, 2011

I am working on application to open cpanel (web host server) in Adobe AIR. I know how to open a web page in Adobe AIR, but I don't know how to open cpanel with username and password?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Open A Browser Window From Flash In Safari Or Firefox?

Oct 30, 2009

I am having a problem. I found the actionscript 2 code to open a browser window, but it is not working in Safari, or Firefox. I found an old action script 1 file version 5 for the flash player that works just fine, but I am using 8 and actionscript 2 so that doesn't work for me.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL - Getting Firefox To Open File From Exe When FF Is Set To Default Browser

Dec 21, 2006

Is there a work around to the getURL Firefox issue? I am having trouble getting Firefox to open my file from my exe when FF is set to my default browser. If FF is already open, the getURL functions fine. If FF is closed, I have to click on my button twice in order to open the file (ie, click once opens a blank window, click again and the file opens) I have FF, Flash MX 2004 Prof. I have tried setting an interval to have the getURL fire again but I can't seem to get it to work.


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Flex :: Adobe Air Badge Installer Not Working On Firefox And Safari On OSX Lion

Sep 21, 2011

We use a custom Air Install badge to install / launch an Air application directly from the website simillar to


This normally handles the install of air if the user doesn't have it already installed.

However, after doing some cross broswer testing, it appears that when a user, (using OSX Lion and Safari or Firefox) tries to click yes when prompted to download the required Air they are unable to click either of the yes or no buttons.

I initially thought that it may have had something to do with the positioning so ensured that the z-index in the css was appropriately set but to no avail.

I beleive it may have something to do with the installer itself rather than my implementation as the same thing appears to happen on TweetDeck too.

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Flex :: Open Adobe Project Using FlashDevelop?

Jan 10, 2012

I am trying to open a flex project( created using Adobe Flex) using FlashDevelop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open Vcf File In Html In Browser Or Pdf In Adobe?

Jan 6, 2012

In flash as3 website How to open vcf file in html in browser or pdf in adobe?

I want all visitors to be able to view vcard info. What if visitor does not have software to view vcf file?

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Flex :: Adobe Air - Get OS Open A File In Their Native Applications?

Sep 9, 2009

In adobe air, is there anyway to get OS open a file, in their native applications?

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