Silverlight :: Which Is The Best Design Practice For Edit Data In RIA

Feb 26, 2011

First of all it is a UI design question Which is the best design practice for edit data in RIA, for example in Flex or Silverlight? I would like to show customer's details, but there will be an edit window, than the datas of customer will be editable. I would like to show a new form where the data can be edited. What is the simplest way to show this form. I can make my ui tabbed, so I can open the form in a new tab, or I can open the form in a popup/modal dialog (Save-cancel). Maybe I can use in line editing. What is the most user friendly solution in a Silverlight or Flex GUI? What is your opinion?

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Feb 5, 2010

I've always used this way to refer to variables on my document class
But that complicates things because I would need to extend my class as a displayObject and then add it to the displaylist to be able to use "MovieClip(root)" to access the variables in my document class.. as long as variables in my document class are set out as public variables..

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With the the variable on the document class as "public static var". This solves a lot of problems.. as now I do not need to keep adding objects to the displaylist to get access to the document class variables..

Now.. My question is..Since I want to access most of my variables on my document class.. I would need to set them all to "public static var".. Would setting 100 or so variables to "public static var".. have any disadvantages? Like performance issues... Or anything else which may make it not be as efficent if I were to keep them simply as "public var" and use "MovieClip(root).variable" to access them?

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Inside of the getVideoReveiver() function I'm getting the flag to go off from writeText("flag") then I get and output in the text box of:


from the netStreamHandler, but the video never shows up in the receiving video element.I'm running this is two different videos of the same computer and taking the nearID from one stream and pasting it into the textInput theirID. I'm not sure what to try next?

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I recently read an article about prefacing your variable w/ _global. And I think it rocks!hy is this practice taboo?Why do so many tutorials insist you remember the scope of every movie clip?It seems to me that memory space is memory space

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for (var j:Number = 0; j < all_objects.length; j++) {
var dump = new Sprite ; (0x41C5D2,.5);// flash button color default=0x41C5D2[code]....

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