Toad :: Get An Id Of Last Inserted Record In Backend And Display In Flex

Apr 4, 2011

How to get an Id of last inserted record from backend and display the same with success message as "RECORD INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY AS" +Id in using Toad for sql server.

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Flex :: Show Success Message From Backend And Display In Frontend?

Apr 20, 2011

How to show success message in frontend....when a record is inserted in backend.

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Shockwave File Is Inserted Into HTML But Will Not Display?

Jan 2, 2010

I've inserted my flash movie into an HTML page and uploaded all the necessary files, but it will not display. I've seen other users post their code, so I will here:

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />


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C# :: Flex To Communicate With C# Backend?

Jul 9, 2009

What is the best way for flex frontend to communicate with backend writted in C#? The only communication channel in HTTP, so no custom sockets.I used SOAP in the past, but am concerned about performance since the large overhead of xml, and this application I'm currently working on will be pretty data intensive.Anything that supports easy setup and transparent marshaling/unmarshaling is OK.Is there something as BlazeDS for .net?

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C# :: How To Serialize Objects In Flex For Backend

Sep 26, 2009

We are developing an app with a Flex frontend and a C# backend, connected through web services. We are using the FLex Builder 3's Web Service Manager to autogenerate the webservice classes. The problem araise when Flex serialize our objects, for example, when we have a Number property with no value, this is serialized as NaN, and our backend doesn't know about NaN. Another example is when we serialize a cyclic reference, we get a stack over flow exception. I know in java, for example, you can configure the way xstream work with cyclic reference... So, the question is, can we change the way Flex serialize the objects so C# can work with this frontend? Is there any issue we should know about how flex serialize objects?

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Use Servlet As My Backend Using A Flex Application?

May 8, 2011

I have developed a Flex application. I have also developed a Java servlet program for an Access database using Tomcat. How can I use that servlet backend for my Flex application using HTTPService ?

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Flex :: Connect UI To A Unix Backend Server?

Sep 23, 2011

Im working on a project with the following basic needs:

Need to invoke a Flex Webapp in a new Tab from another Webapp in Java/Jsp.This Flex UI must be connected to a unix backend to show the backend operations on the UI.The unix backend server has telnet operations and SSO

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Flex :: Text Inserted Into TextArea Causes Application To Hang

Jun 5, 2011

I am attempting to insert text from a database into a custom TextArea component, using the following:
var front:CaptionTextArea = myFlashcardFrontsides[adjIndex] as CaptionTextArea;
var back:CaptionTextArea = myFlashcardBacksides[adjIndex] as CaptionTextArea;
var passage:CaptionTextInput = myVersePassages[adjIndex] as CaptionTextInput;
front.text = passage.text;
back.text = str;

This works 100% of the time for smaller strings. However, if I insert long strings of text, the application will hang consistently. The maxchars for the textarea is set to 1200, and the text that is inserted into the text area is always smaller than the character limit:
backside.maxChars = 1200;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Record Ball Speed To Display In Statistics

Oct 20, 2004

I want to record the highest xspeed the ball reaches to display in the statistics at the end of the game:

-the ball movieclip is called ball
-the speed i want to record is called xspeed
-the text variable name is called statistics

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Record Ball Speed To Display In Statistics?

Oct 20, 2004

I want to record the highest xspeed the ball reaches to display in the statistics at the end of the game:

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Java :: Flex For Chart Based Reporting Having Oracle Backend

Nov 24, 2010

My only experience with Flex is some limited reading over the web. What i am wondering is if i want to use Flex or some variant of it for generating reports, specifically Charts, coming off a Java/Oracle backend can i accomplish that in an environment where the streaming media (we cannot play videos on our systems at work) is turned off? Also, are there any other restrictions revolving around using Flex for reporting in the form of charts? Currently, we use Jfree Chart API to develop charts but just exploring an alternative.

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Flex :: Blurring And Disabling Background While Reconnecting Application To Backend

Sep 6, 2011

My Flex 4.5 application has many users from Russia and Ukraine with poor internet connections and Socket connections often interrupt and have to be reconnected.

Currently I set currentState to "offline" on IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR and Event.CLOSE events and display just 1 component in that state:

<mx:ProgressBar indeterminate="true"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
label="Reconnecting..." labelPlacement="center"


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Flex :: Simple File Upload Using UI And Spring/Hibernate/BlazeDS Backend?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm trying to implement a simple application which uses Flex on the front end and a Spring/Hibernate application on the back end, with communication between the two going over a BlazeDS channel.

I'm seeking direction as to the best and/or simplest way to approach this. I have the UI set up in such a way that the user is presented with a file chooser in which they pick the image file they want to upload. When this is chosen and submitted (as a form submission) then the server side should receive the image file data as well as some related metadata such as a description and date, then populate a Hibernate entity/POJO with the image file data and related metadata, and then persist the entity/POJO into the database.

I have found some examples of how you would do a file upload and download using servlets here and the FileReference class (here and here) but these don't appear to address the problem in a way which leverages BlazeDS and/or Spring/Hibernate. I want to put the image file data and related metadata (description, capture date, etc.) into a value object within the Flex application and then send this over BlazeDS to a service provided by my Spring/Hibernate application running on Tomcat. In this service I want to extract the image data (both the actual JPG/PNG/GIF data and the related metadata such as description, etc.) from the value object sent from the Flex app into an entity/POJO which is then persisted via Hibernate in my database.

Can this be done, and if so what's the best way to go about it? Am I mistaken in assuming that if I use BlazeDS then I am somehow bypassing the need to provide HTTP-based services such as servlets on the server side and instead I can use my Java services as "RemoteObjects"? Is there necessarily a one-to-one mapping between Java POJO/entity class and the Flex value object class when making this sort of transfer? If so is there a tool which creates corresponding Flex value objects from Java POJOs or vice versa.

Update: Some code to make this more clear:I have this as my value object in Flex:

package valueobjects
import flash.utils.ByteArray;


When I set a breakpoint in the method above and look at the image variable it looks to be empty, so I'm assuming that the transformation from the Flex value object to the Java POJO did not go as expected and that there's more to it than just adding a RemoteClass alias in the Flex value object class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record Button Clicks Or Keyboard Presses Of A Certain Number And Display In The Text Box?

Jan 9, 2012

Looking to do a keypad in as3. So i have 10 numeric buttons, labelled num1-num10. I have a dynamic textbox that I'll show my presses. How do you record button clicks or keyboard presses of a certain number and display in the text box?

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Flex :: Define A Control And A Skin Which Can Be Reused With Different Controls Inserted From Outside The Skin?

Mar 15, 2011

SkinParts are a great way to add event handlers and logic to an object that is instantiated in the skin, away from any business code. Often, though, I find myself wanting to do the opposite, and define parts that will be used in reusable, skinnable containers in the parent mxml files which will be inserted into the skinned containers.

What's the best practice for when you want to be able to define a control and a skin which can be reused with different controls inserted from outside the skin? Edit: A better way to put this might be that I want to use something that works a little bit like a SkinnableContainer, but that isn't limited to one area where content can be placed.

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Media Server :: Can't Continue To Record Stream With Record Mode "append"

Apr 11, 2012

I develop failover fms application with server-side action script. But i have a problem that FMS can't continue to record stream with record mode "append".
Environment: FMS 4.5.1 r484 on CentOS 5.5/6.0

I have 2 same data streams in failover application and republish primary to livepkgr application.

I have to store of last 10 hours intact recorded video (DVR).
Failover app logic:

1. I create NetConnection and NetStream to livepackager;

2. When primary stream is connected it attach the primary stream to livePackager NetStream

3. If primary stream is disconnected it reattach the backup stream to livePackager NetStream
Problem: I have testing environment. It stop primary stream every 5 min, and started primary stream 5 min after stopping.
It work's, fine, but after a few hours testing LIVEPACKAGER falls. It can't record a stream, NetStream.Record.Start -> NetStream.Record.NoAccess -> NetStream.Record.Stop
Search a solution: I try to relaunch recording process and have no success. try to shutdown/start livepackager, it's same, try to restart server, same no success.
I cant stream.clear() or record with mode "record" cause it clears my dvr cache, I cant clean stream directory in livepackager application.


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Catch Any Error In Flex App And Record It

Feb 8, 2010

Is there any way to catch any error within Flex application and send it via let's say email or record it somehow (this emailing or recording part is not the problem, just error catching for whole application is).

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Flex :: Record Live Audio Using It?

Jul 26, 2010

I have very simple question that is how can i live Audio using flex and save the recorded audio to the client system?is there any way, we can do without any media server or red5?

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Flex :: Record WebCam Output Without FMS?

Aug 1, 2011

I would like to buffer a WebCam stream and formulate it into flv, this on client side only.

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Flex :: Record User Interaction In Flash App?

Apr 30, 2010

I am looking for a way to capture the user interactions with a text input control in Flash over a period of time (not a screen cast)?For example: If the user enter some text, then delete, then enter something, I would be able to store that interaction as it happens and replay that later.

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Flex :: Possible To Record Video Without Streaming To A Server?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to give my users the ability to record a video from WebCam (maximum 60 seconds) so the file should be big with proper quality settings.Do you know of a way to record it in memory (as Flash running in browser can't access file System) and then send it to server to save the file? I have build a functionality to capture a photo with Webcam and send it to the server but not sure about Video.(I prefer not to stream to Red5/FMS or similar as it's more relaible to keep things contained in the Flash file in my opinion) plus I had issues with quality of recording with Red5

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Flex :: Record Voice And Send It To Server?

Nov 17, 2010

I need to record the voice of the student from the client and send it to server to check whether there are any gramatical mistakes in it. I have designed the client in flexMy problem is, i have no idea of how to store the recorded sound and send it to the server

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Flex :: Possible To Record The Stage To A Movie File?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a multiuser flex application. The application includes voice chat from a streaming server as well as various other dynamic interactions.I was wondering if it is possible to capture the Experience in the context of a particular user and write it out to a video file for offline playback / sharing / etc... Something similar to Recording a stream from a Camera object, but only the Stage is the input device... I can't think of any way to do this, so I'm putting it out there for the smart people.

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Actionscript 3 :: Record The Screen Application In Flex (Fms)?

Apr 27, 2011

I have an application with webcam, chat and more, and i need to record the screen aplication in server, for the client not have to upload the result. What I want is to know how to record the images shown in the Flex application (only inside the swf).

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Flex :: Ignore Duplicate Record In A Datagrid?

May 6, 2011

how to ignore duplicate record in a datagrid? and how can i check duplicate record in datagrid...i am using ArrayCollection as a dataprovider to datagrid...

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Flex :: Record Audio And Video At The Same Time Into Flv In Adobe Air 2.0?

Jan 30, 2010

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0 ? So that Video and Audio will be sinchronised?

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Flex :: Record RTMFP In Flash Media Server 4?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm developing an online meeting system with audio/video sharing, using Adobe Flex 4 and Flash Media Server 4. I'm using the RTMFP protocol to make the transmission of audio/video which increases considerably the performance. The trouble now is that i must record the audio/video transmitted, but i figured out that when using the RTMFP protocol the FMS doesn't operate in the channels. So, how could i make FMS record this channels?

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Flex :: Getting Next Record In SQLite Database For Mobile Application?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a mobile application that uses an sqlite database. I cannot seem to figure out how to access the next record when the user presses the 'next' button. My database is using 'id' as primary key with autoincrement as integer.

private function nextMoveRPart(event:EffectEvent):void
var cardNumber:int = parseInt(cardNumberLabel.text);


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Flex :: Air - VideoDisplay Record/Save To Disk/server

Aug 1, 2011

I want to also add cuepoints to a live recording video as it is incoming.

I have a live feed incoming from a VideoDisplay object in my Flex Air app, and I would like to be able to record the video/audio of this and save it to disk and/or upload to server.

Is this possible? If so, would it be possible to add CuePoints to the video as it is being streamed live? Right now I am just trying to record a live stream from my VideoDisplay.

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Randomly Inserted Pictures X & Y Placement?

Jun 1, 2011

I managed to make some code that works perfectly which, when the flash game is launched it randomly inserts a picture from the list you give it (word1.png, word2.png etc.)It works fine! But the problem is the place in which it appears, when i start the pictures appear in the top left corner of my flash game, but I want them to appear at preferably the location of a symbol or the x & y coordinates I specify (In actions obviously, i dont want to type these coordinates in game :P).Btw here is the code

var _loader:Loader = new Loader;
var _pictureArray:Array = ["word1.png", "word2.png", "word3.png"];
var _whatPicture:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);


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