Catch Any Error In Flex App And Record It

Feb 8, 2010

Is there any way to catch any error within Flex application and send it via let's say email or record it somehow (this emailing or recording part is not the problem, just error catching for whole application is).

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Uncaught Exception: Error In Actionscript. Use A Try/catch Block To Find Error?

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2012-02-2409:21:412212(e)2611178Error from libf4f.dll: Total number of messages waiting to be recorded has exceeded the limit.- 
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public function FOWClient()[code].....

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img.source = 'http://..........';
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Media Server :: Can't Continue To Record Stream With Record Mode "append"

Apr 11, 2012

I develop failover fms application with server-side action script. But i have a problem that FMS can't continue to record stream with record mode "append".
Environment: FMS 4.5.1 r484 on CentOS 5.5/6.0

I have 2 same data streams in failover application and republish primary to livepkgr application.

I have to store of last 10 hours intact recorded video (DVR).
Failover app logic:

1. I create NetConnection and NetStream to livepackager;

2. When primary stream is connected it attach the primary stream to livePackager NetStream

3. If primary stream is disconnected it reattach the backup stream to livePackager NetStream
Problem: I have testing environment. It stop primary stream every 5 min, and started primary stream 5 min after stopping.
It work's, fine, but after a few hours testing LIVEPACKAGER falls. It can't record a stream, NetStream.Record.Start -> NetStream.Record.NoAccess -> NetStream.Record.Stop
Search a solution: I try to relaunch recording process and have no success. try to shutdown/start livepackager, it's same, try to restart server, same no success.
I cant stream.clear() or record with mode "record" cause it clears my dvr cache, I cant clean stream directory in livepackager application.


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Jan 27, 2011

I have a multiuser flex application. The application includes voice chat from a streaming server as well as various other dynamic interactions.I was wondering if it is possible to capture the Experience in the context of a particular user and write it out to a video file for offline playback / sharing / etc... Something similar to Recording a stream from a Camera object, but only the Stage is the input device... I can't think of any way to do this, so I'm putting it out there for the smart people.

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Apr 27, 2011

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how to ignore duplicate record in a datagrid? and how can i check duplicate record in datagrid...i am using ArrayCollection as a dataprovider to datagrid...

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Jan 30, 2010

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0 ? So that Video and Audio will be sinchronised?

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Flex :: Record RTMFP In Flash Media Server 4?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm developing an online meeting system with audio/video sharing, using Adobe Flex 4 and Flash Media Server 4. I'm using the RTMFP protocol to make the transmission of audio/video which increases considerably the performance. The trouble now is that i must record the audio/video transmitted, but i figured out that when using the RTMFP protocol the FMS doesn't operate in the channels. So, how could i make FMS record this channels?

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private function nextMoveRPart(event:EffectEvent):void
var cardNumber:int = parseInt(cardNumberLabel.text);


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Flex :: Air - VideoDisplay Record/Save To Disk/server

Aug 1, 2011

I want to also add cuepoints to a live recording video as it is incoming.

I have a live feed incoming from a VideoDisplay object in my Flex Air app, and I would like to be able to record the video/audio of this and save it to disk and/or upload to server.

Is this possible? If so, would it be possible to add CuePoints to the video as it is being streamed live? Right now I am just trying to record a live stream from my VideoDisplay.

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