Flex :: Record User Interaction In Flash App?

Apr 30, 2010

I am looking for a way to capture the user interactions with a text input control in Flash over a period of time (not a screen cast)?For example: If the user enter some text, then delete, then enter something, I would be able to store that interaction as it happens and replay that later.

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Actionscript 3 :: Download A File From Server Without User Interaction In Flex 4?

Sep 27, 2011

The code flow is as follows: user clicks 'download details' button on the page -> on button click handler a call to a RPC method is made using s:CallResponder -> RPC method generates and returns a URL from where to download the file -> the success event handler of the CallResponder gets the url where FileRefrence.download() is used to download the file but throws following error:-

Error: Error #2176: Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press.


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Dynamic User Interaction Flash UI?

Dec 13, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS4] Flash/PHP/MySQL Multi-User Interaction?

May 22, 2009

On load - Get the current position of the movieclip object on stage which is stored in MySQL through PHP.When the user moves the movieclip object, update the x and y position of the object by sending it to MySQL through PHP.It's a pretty simple way of understanding Flash/PHP/MySQL Integration and I find it much less complex than a socket server but I don't think it's efficient enough to use with the constant queries. [URL] Does not really work very well, dont think the Y position works at all lol, when you refresh the page it is suppose to save your current object position into the database then load it again but it appears a bit buggy, not completely sure why - I'm pretty new to Load/Send but it doesnt matter much. Also the movement appears to be lagged too and opening a new window as a 'new user' does not share the same instance of the object on stage (I think that would require me to make seperate ID's for each user though to give them their own unique objects on stage.)Is there any better (more efficient and reliable) way of creating a stage for multi-user interaction (like player characters for a game which move around by user key input, not a chat room)...Which does not involve the use of a socket server?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Trigger Time Up Without User Interaction?

Aug 10, 2009

I would like to start a timer on a button release which will trigger a "time up" on the user when a reasonable time to respond has been reached. I think I know how to use getTime to set a starttime variable but how do I trigger the "time up" without any user interaction?

This is the code I have:
var starttime=getTimer() // put this where you want to start tracking time
var elapsedTime=getTimer()-starttime; // put this where you want to know the time.
while (elapsedTime>4000)

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Flash Player - Fullscreen Without User Interaction (automated Testing)?

Jul 4, 2010

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Sep 6, 2010

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Flash :: Media Server With Php - Allows The User To Record A Video Using Webcam

Jul 27, 2010

We want to build an application that allows the user to record a video using their webcam on our site using flash and save the URL in a database using PHP. So that we can allow the user to send the video's to other users etc. Also we want to offer the user the possibility to upload their movies (per mail and with PHP) and convert them to flash movies, can this also be done using Flash media server? (maybe in combination with AMFPHP)

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Flash 10 :: Javascript :: Open File Dialog In "without" User Interaction?

Sep 25, 2009

I want to open a file dialog via FileReference.browse() but I get #2176 error which means that this action can only be invoked upon some user interaction. I'm aware of security considerations but in my scenario I have a thin flash movie which merely displays an image and the whole UI is in javascript (I heavily use javascript <-> actionscript communication).

So the question is - do you think it would be possible to invoke FileReference.browse() upon the user interaction coming from javascript?

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Actionscript :: Code Not Executed Without User Interaction?

Sep 27, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record The User Voice & Act On It?

Sep 3, 2009

Is it possible to record the end user by mic? And what kid of actions can I do with the recording? Can I get for example the volume of the sound (decibels) in real time? Can I save the record on a file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record Sound From A User's Computer?

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Flex :: Application Interaction With Loaded Flash SWFs

Dec 14, 2009

I am creating a Flex application with a component that displays various dynamically loaded SWFs, one at a time (kind of like a kiosk). These loaded SWFs are created in Flash IDE, not Flex. They will not be created by us (we will provide a .fla template but that's it), so I am loading them into a separate SecurityDomain.

My Questions:

I want the application to be able to call methods inside the loaded SWF. To do this, would I just call Security.allowDomain("domain original app was loaded from") in the startup process for the loaded SWF? I want the loaded SWF to be able to throw events that are caught by the application. Can I accomplish this through the SWFLoader.swfBridge property? I am defining an interface for the methods inside the loaded SWF. But, I don't want to leave the implementation up to the customer. Instead, I want to provide another SWF that contains the interface implementation and have it be a constraint that the customer includes it in their SWF. I am not very familiar with the Flash authoring environment, how would it work so that the interface implementation SWF exposes its methods in such a way to be accessible to Flex? Is there a way to sign the SWF so that the Flex application knows that it is dealing with the original, not a spoof? How would the Flex code pass in arguments, since it is across SecurityDomain boundary -- is there marshalling involved (say if I want to pass in a Dictionary or some kind of object graph)? The Flex application may load hundreds of these smaller other SWFs during its lifetime. How do I make sure it doesn't keep using up more memory? I plan on using SWFLoader.unloadAndStop() and clearing all references in the Flex object that refers to it. Is this enough? Will the AppDomain for the loaded SWF be torn down automatically so that the class definitions are no longer in memory?

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Media Server :: Allow The User To Record Multiple Flvs?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm having a problem with Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5. I have a simple application setup. I would like to simply to be allow the user to record multiple flvs. This is just because we want them to record, preview and either publish or try again.


to start and stop recording. The problem I'm having is that while the first record seems to go ok, the second gets garbled. The video starts about 70% through, and then just plays a small portion. I've tried meta injection to fix it up, but it's just not working. I'm thinking maybe I have to reset the stream or something before starting a record again, but I don't know how.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record TextArea User Input Into A Xml File?

Sep 19, 2011

I am trying to record textArea user input into an xml file...

here is part of my code

ActionScript Code:
var comment = comment.text; //hello world
var names = name_in.text


how to assign a variable between xml tags ?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Record User's Mic Then Save File To Server?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm looking for a way to do this from a website. From what I can tell this is possible but if you're going to use flash you need flash media server?

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Flex :: Demonstrate Many Of The Specific Graphics, Animation, And Interaction Capabilities Available Using Flash CS4 Pro?

Jul 28, 2009

I am looking for an app or apps which I can use to demonstrate many of the specific graphics, animation, and interaction capabilities available using Flash CS4 Pro. Basically something just like the Tour de Flex app only for Flash CS3/CS4 Pro. The Adobe site has a sparse set of some examples, but again I am looking for something more comprehensive like Tour de Flex.

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Java :: Develop A Browser Based Application That Record The User Screen?

Feb 3, 2010

I need to develop a browser based application that record the user screen, much preferably on flv. Also doing that with java would be perfect.That's exactly what they accomplished at [url].... , with just a javaWS app.

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Flex :: Record RTMFP In Flash Media Server 4?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm developing an online meeting system with audio/video sharing, using Adobe Flex 4 and Flash Media Server 4. I'm using the RTMFP protocol to make the transmission of audio/video which increases considerably the performance. The trouble now is that i must record the audio/video transmitted, but i figured out that when using the RTMFP protocol the FMS doesn't operate in the channels. So, how could i make FMS record this channels?

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Flex :: Interaction Between Main Flex Application And Component?

Apr 30, 2010

I made a login component for my flex 4 application, and i load this component from my main flex application with:

<ns1:Login id="page_login" visible="true"></ns1:Login>

Now i want to change the visibility from true to false, from the login component.

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Flex :: Event-based Interaction Between Two Custom Classes?

May 25, 2010

I have 2 custom components, which have their own nesting hierarchy ... One is container for another. I have to "familiarize them" with each other. The way I'm trying to achieve that is using global events (one side is firing and the other one is catching):

Application.application.addEventListener("Hello", function (data:Event):void{
// .. some actions


Then should be created the connection between container and it's child.

BUT, the only thing I could acheive is passing a reference to the Container in the DynamicEvent. Is there any chance that I could access the child at the event-handler function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record The Current Position Of Any Of The Items Item In Order To Use That Data To Change The Position Of The Item After The User Clicks?

Jan 2, 2010

If I have several items that move across the screen but the user can click any of them at any time, how do I record the current position of any of the items item in order to use that data to change the position of the item after the user clicks?

This is what I am doing: I have 11 images that slide accross the screen. The user can click any of them at any time. When he clicks one I am scaling the image so it looks like it is comming forward (z axis) and then the rest of the images are scaled down so it looks like they are going back on z axis. So what I am trying to do is get the current position of the image when the user clicks the image so that I can use that to correctly estimate the scaling and moving of the image to make it look like it scales from the center and not from the top left corner. So if have a variable that gets the current position of the image being clicked I'm thinking I can change its position using something like: x = currentposition + -45;

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Doing Interaction Design With Flash

Feb 28, 2011

I've been trying to teach myself flash for a couple of weeks and am totally lost. I have had experience with programming in the past, so I understand logic, etc, but I really am not grasping this forced time based system.What I need to do seems pretty simple. I have a jpg of a washing machine front panel. I need to be able to put some transparent "buttons" over it, and have some areas "light up" when the buttons are pressed. So far I understand that I have to work in a chronological setup, with key frames for each state of interaction, and use buttons with some kind of gotoframe action script. what I can't do:

1. get the background jpg to stick to the stage. it apparently has to be either a symbol or a layer?

2. make transparent buttons. in flash catalyst I can just set the opacity to 0, but I'm not sure how to do this in flash pro.

I guess those are the pressing issues. I had tried to import the jpg as a psd background, but then I had to put the button on a separate layer, and it was always either behind the background, or I had to have it's action refer only to the timeline of it's own layer and not the background.

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Flash Interaction After Flv Video Playback?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a video embedded in Flash as an FLV. I'm able to get the video to play through the way I want, but when the video plays through and ends, I want to have two options/"buttons" display that allow the user to either replay the video a la youtube, or link to another web page.

I know it must a very basic question but I can't seem to find any answers. I've included a screen capture of the end of the video.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interaction Between Two Flash Files?

Jan 31, 2003

I wish to be able to use a Flash animation (call it "one.swf, loaded into "one.html"") as a control panel to control the activities in another animation (say "two.swf" which of course will reside in "two.html")The control panel ("one.swf") will have 10 buttons for the navigation around "two.swf" and "on release" of the butons, I would like for BOTH 1. the navigation in "two.swf" to happen AND 2. "one.swf" to be (preferably) minimised or else closed.What sort of coding is needed to enable this interaction between the two swf files?here will be a button on "two.swf" which will be used to call up "one.swf", but presumably the coding there will need to be different if "one.swf" is minimised to how it is if it is closed. Whilst I can hack opening "one.swf" from fresh if it has been closed, how do I code the button to restore it from being minimised?

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