Flash Player - Fullscreen Without User Interaction (automated Testing)?
Jul 4, 2010
At the moment I'm using Selenium-Flex to write functional tests for a video playback app.At the moment, I need to test that the app behaves appropriately when switched to fullscreen mode - make sure that the control bar is in a reasonable spot, the video resizes appropriately, etc., and of course to do that I need an automated way to make Flash Player go fullscreen.
For good reason, Flash's security features prevent being able to fullscreen except in response to user input. Actual user input, a javascript callback being called does not count.Is there any way to disable this security feature on my test rig, so I can actually run my automated tests on fullscreen mode? Barring that, is there any way to put Flash into fullscreen mode externally, so I can hack it up to work that way?
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May 22, 2009
On load - Get the current position of the movieclip object on stage which is stored in MySQL through PHP.When the user moves the movieclip object, update the x and y position of the object by sending it to MySQL through PHP.It's a pretty simple way of understanding Flash/PHP/MySQL Integration and I find it much less complex than a socket server but I don't think it's efficient enough to use with the constant queries. [URL] Does not really work very well, dont think the Y position works at all lol, when you refresh the page it is suppose to save your current object position into the database then load it again but it appears a bit buggy, not completely sure why - I'm pretty new to Load/Send but it doesnt matter much. Also the movement appears to be lagged too and opening a new window as a 'new user' does not share the same instance of the object on stage (I think that would require me to make seperate ID's for each user though to give them their own unique objects on stage.)Is there any better (more efficient and reliable) way of creating a stage for multi-user interaction (like player characters for a game which move around by user key input, not a chat room)...Which does not involve the use of a socket server?
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This is the code I have:
var starttime=getTimer() // put this where you want to start tracking time
var elapsedTime=getTimer()-starttime; // put this where you want to know the time.
while (elapsedTime>4000)
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Apr 13, 2009
I like to make a fullscreen desktop application, with an FLV, using the FLV Playback component. However, I�d like there to be a Fullscreen button on the playback component, which will allow the user to toggle the video fullscreen.I cant, for the life of me, figure out how to do this with various settings�it should be easy! This is what I have--is there a better way to do things (without a custom movie player)? My inital settings are as follows:
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
theMovie.fullScreenTakeOver = false;
Then I have a function which should work--but my button won't appear in fullscreen--Can I apply this function to the built-in fullscreen button?:
function handleClick(event:MouseEvent):void
if ( !theMovie.fullScreenTakeOver )[code]....
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Sep 1, 2011
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Oct 8, 2010
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Sep 25, 2009
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So the question is - do you think it would be possible to invoke FileReference.browse() upon the user interaction coming from javascript?
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Sep 27, 2011
The following code works as expected: when a user clicks the button, the installer automatically launches.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"[code]....
I verified that the installApp function is executed.Why doesn't the second piece of code work? Is user interaction required? If so what's a way around this?
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Jul 7, 2011
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Am I supposed to open an Actionscript 3/Air app somewhere else, not the Flash Player? I want to make this standalone, not have to be launched as a test scene inside Flash to work.
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Apr 13, 2006
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Sep 27, 2011
The code flow is as follows: user clicks 'download details' button on the page -> on button click handler a call to a RPC method is made using s:CallResponder -> RPC method generates and returns a URL from where to download the file -> the success event handler of the CallResponder gets the url where FileRefrence.download() is used to download the file but throws following error:-
Error: Error #2176: Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press.
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Jan 18, 2012
I need to create a user interaction simulating the use of a spirit level showing that a rectangular object on the stage is level. It doesn't have to actually work like spirit level, basically just has to give the impression that it has worked like one.
Maybe make the bubble of the spirit level should move (become animated) when being dragged to the object, then settle (animation come to a stop) when dropped in place on top of the rectangular object? Although I am unsure of the code to go about this?
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Jul 23, 2009
I am making a flash site and there is a main SWF which loads and unloads all other SWFs into and from it. For example, there are links to pages Home, Biography, Gallery, etc. When you click the Gallery link, gallery.swf loads and it is added to the main SWF.
So here's my problem: when I test my movie, everything works perfectly, but when I open the SWF that was created by testing movie in a stand-alone Flash Player or a browser, those SWF's sometimes don't load. If I click Biography link, for example, it usually doesn't load biography.swf but if I click Gallery link, which may or may not load gallery.swf, and then Biography link, there's a greater chance that biography.swf will be loaded.
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May 19, 2005
I've been searching for quite a while now on a few different sites for information on testing the cpu speed of users computers. I've done this search before about a month ago and remember fidning something about this. Problem is, now I can't seem to find anything. The reason I need to know is because I have an MC on my stage which is using actionscript to animate but on older computers with slow cpu's all the animation slows down terribly. I would like to be able to test cpu speed and redirect to a different page based on cpu speed.
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Jan 4, 2012
I need a player that can play FLV videos in FULLSCREEN inside my Flash8 application.I know that it can be done using AS3, but I need to use AS2; is there a player that supports fullscreen that can be used?
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Jul 29, 2010
My boss wants me to implement a full screen option in our player. I can easily make a button to activate the full screen mode but can figure out how to make it change to a 'full screen exit' button once full screen is activated.
Here's the current fullscreen code I have:
ActionScript Code:
import flash.events.FullScreenEvent;
function fullScreenRedraw(event:FullScreenEvent):void
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Feb 15, 2011
according to release notes in flashplayer 10.2 you can do fullscreen on multiple monitors. how can i trigger this behaviour?
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Apr 13, 2010
A lot of users on one of our online apps complain about the app freezing in the fullscreen mode. I googled and came across many others complaining about this problem for other flash apps. Is it such a common problem, or are there known causes for it?
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Aug 28, 2009
I have a problem with Flash Player 9. I have developed a flash application (projector) in Flash CS3 using AS2 . I can compile it into Flash 9 projector, but when I do that, it will not run FSCOMMAND("FULLSCREEN", true); anymore. I wonder why this is as such.
When I read through some help resources, somewhere it says that FSCOMMAND is not supported in FP9 because of some security reasons and it says that I should use External Interface API instead.
If I have to use External Interface whatever remember that I am working with flash projector (exe), not in a browser. I use "trapallkeys" to stop people from pressing ESC and CTRL-F to quit fullscreen mode. However, ESC and CTRL-F still work if I put "trapallkeys" above "fullscreen".
So the problem is, I only able to use either one, not both. This is really strange.
I could not make "showmenu", "false" to work either.
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Dec 16, 2009
I am working in a player and when am trying to make it fullscreen the scrubber and volume bar everything become too big in size.
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Oct 7, 2010
Is it possible to make a flash player go full screen (not in browser)? Would there be any bug / error on different version of Flash player?
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Jul 8, 2010
It's with a Flash overlay that has been custom made to overlap a .flv video running in Flowplayer (open source video player at flowplayer.org) The Flash overlay is mostly transparent and just includes a few buttons over top the video to allow visitors to share, email and visit a related website. Take a look here for example:[URL]
The video and Flash buttons work fine when videos are played within Flowplayer at normal size in the browser, but when making it fullscreen using Flowplayer, the Flash overlay plugin does not resize to fullscreen with it. Then, when made regular size again it gets distorted, as you can see from the example.
I know it might involve creating a custom onResize() function, but I haven't figured this out yet with Flowplayer. There are vague instructions & snippets of code here under "Layout management" section on flowplayer . org/documentation/developer/writing-flash-plugins.html
override public function onResize():void {
set _childButton width according to my new width,
Interesting, but doesn't tell me much of what to do. I have a feeling it might involve making a new .as class in Flash and associating it to the custom buttons overlay .swf. On the right track?
get the overlay to resize using onResize and what code should be used would be very helpful. Others may be also trying to make custom overlay plugins too, and the fullscreen issue would be the next step to know after that and make it look more complete.
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