3D Distortion In Flash - Fail To Move The Camera?
Mar 6, 2011
I'm making simple 3D transformations in Flash to rotate stuff, but I get distortions. I can rotation left, right, up, down, but not diagonally since it completely distorts my faces (the ones I draw).I think I fail to move the camera somehow, but I'm not experienced enough to understand my error.Here's the file: http:[url]....
Example: when a face is rotated at about 45° around the y axis (vertical to screen) and then rotated around the x axis the perspective doesn't feel right... the faces are too narrow.What I do is multiply the rotation matrices between themselves (the mouse position providing the angles) get the transformed points, project them to screen and draw boxes with them.
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Jul 27, 2009
Everything going well so far except for camera control. I want the character to always be in the center of the screen. only when the side boundaries are reached, the character should leave the center of the screen to be able to reach the sides of the screen.Somewhat like this: http:[url]....I've tried 2 ways but both without succes:
- move the character using the keyboard, but somehow keep it in the center of the screen (have no idea on this one)
- move the entire area except the character to simulate movement.
This seems kind of ineffeciant but it worked out better that the previous attempt, the only problem is that the character doesn't return to the center of the screen when he leaves the boundary.The .fla's are available for download here http:[url]....
the actionscript is all in the first frame.try not to be too hard on the crappy visuals Ignore the comments too, theyre only there to help me understand what I did.The boundaries seem to be a bit sketchy aswell when moving to the sides, but that's not a big problem right now.
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Here is the image distortion class
package {
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
[Code] .....
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Nov 18, 2011
I have a couple of buttons in my flash application that call two different javascript functions. They work in all browsers except IE9 (I haven't tried earlier IEs). My code to call the function is something like this:
string1, string2);
In IE9, the function does absolutely nothing, but the console complains with:
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'SetReturnValue'
index.php, line 1 character 1
line 1, character 1 is obviously pointing at nothing in particular.
I can make it work fine by switching on compatability view, although the console error doesn't go away.
Is there anything about IE9 that causes this, and more importantly, how do I fix this?
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Oct 28, 2010
We recognized that some older flash projects are compiling well in the old CS4 Flash but fail in CS5 (same player verison). Is there any list of things that has changed for compiling in CS5?
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Jul 31, 2009
I have two flash movies communicating with each other using localConnection, passing an object from swfA to swfB. This seems to work fine, but will occasional fail. The only information we have is that the status event is fired with a level of error, there is no other information. Once a connection has failed it will continue to do so.
I don't know why it's happening but it is not a security problem (both movies are running on the same domain) and all communication is wrapped in a try..catch.
alternative method for communicating between movies? I've tried using ExternalInterface but it's too slow for the number of updates that are sent.
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Jun 10, 2011
I'm implementing AMF service methods for an flash front-end. Normally things work fine, but we've found that if two methods are called one right after the other, the second call returns null to the flash front-end even though the method actually completes successfully on the PHP end (to verify this, I dump the return data to a file right before I return it).
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Sep 19, 2011
I'm using Javascript to call a method on a Flash movie embedded in an ASPX page using SWFObject. It works fine in Firefox, but Internet Explorer 7 and 8 (so far) claim the object returned by swfobject.getObjectById() "doesn't support this property or method". I've found similar posts on this site and others, but nothing I've tried has fixed this in IE.
ActionScript 3.0 class:
public class Player extends MovieClip {
public function Player() {
ExternalInterface.addCallback("test", test);
[Code] .....
Internet Explorer complains about the last line in that function, "Object doesn't support this property or method".
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