AS :: Flex - Converting Barchart To Image Without Rendering?

Oct 6, 2011

Is there a way to create a BarChart (in the background) without adding it to the current view? I basically have a chart that I need to convert to an image and add it to a PDF report (using AlivePDF).

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Actionscript :: Detect When BarChart Finishes Rendering In Flex?

Oct 26, 2011

Is there a way to detect when a BarChart finishes rendering? I am trying to add a snapshot of the BarChart to a PDF file but before doing this I need to wait until the BarChart has finished loading.

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Actionscript 3 :: Iterating Through Array Of Objects, Populating BarChart, And Saving Each As Image?

Jan 9, 2012

I am creating an option in my application to create a PDF report based on the results from the application.The results are represented as an ArrayCollection of XMLList objects, which I am using to populate a BarChart.To create a screenshot of each result (as a PNG), I am loading the Results Window (a Title Window) and hiding it (visible = false). I am using AlivePDF to add the capture to a PDF report.

I have been using a Timer to iterate through the results, load each result to the chart, create a delay, and then capture the image and add it to the report.

UPDATE.Currently, I am able to iterate through the results (using the Timer), but the chart does not refresh properly before capturing the screenshot and saving as PNG.Essentially,I am trying to see if there is any other possible solutions for iterating through the results and creating a delay so that I may be able to load a result to the chart, capture the screenshot, and add it to a PDF.Is there any other way to do this in Flex?Initially, I was thinking of iterating through the results array using a for loop,but this was not working due to the fact that the results were not loading in time before capturing the screenshot of the chart.

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Flash :: Converting A SVG Image Into Bitmapdata In Flex 4

Oct 25, 2011

I am working on a flex project, where I have to load a couple of SVG files and compare their pixels. To compare the pixels, I like to convert them into a byte array (BitMapData). I am able to create a bitmap data for a PNG image, but not for a SVG image.

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Flex :: BarChart To Display Data

Dec 21, 2009

In my application, I am using a BarChart to display data. However, the text in the category axis can be too long to display on the chart, so flex adjusts the font size automatically to the point that the data is either unreadable, or the text is partially visible.The length of the text varies every time new data comes in, so I can't set the gutterLeft attribute to a static value at runtime.Two things that come to my mind are:Change the gutter dynamically according to new data/Have a scroll bar on the categoryaxis so that if any text won't fit in the space, the user can scroll to see it.[code]

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Flex :: How To Customize Barchart Datatips

Apr 26, 2011

How can I customize my barchart datatips in flex? The transparent background of them is too dark to see any of the text in them.

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Flex :: Converting Button Icon Back To Image

Dec 5, 2009

I want to extract/read the button icon image as a Flex image component, then apply transform filters to it to make it black/white and then apply image as an icon to another button. So far I can get the icon out as an Object by doing this: var iconImg:Object = myBtn.getStyle("icon"); Not sure how to convert that Object to an image.

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Image :: Flex Working With Images (converting From And To Bytearray)?

Jan 28, 2012

I'm having a task in which I have to read and save images in the database.I'm using Webservice and SQlserver2008 database and I'm saving image as varbinary format.How I can read images from local system and convert it into byte array in Flex ?How to show images in Flex that are recieved in type Bytearray?

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Flex :: Reverse Order Of Bars In A BarChart?

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to use a BarChart in Flex. I'd like it to order the bars according to the order of the ArrayCollection I fed it. i.e. data at index 0 should be the first bar on top.However, Flex is giving me the exact reverse order. i.e. data at index 0 is not the last bar in bottom. How could I tell the BarChart to reverse the order other than reversing the order of my ArrayCollection?Here's the block of code in my script tag:

private var optionsArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
new VotingOption('Yes, it rocks!', 'yes', 5),


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XML :: Flex BarChart - Using Data For Horizontal Axis

Apr 17, 2010

<ProjectName>Alcoswitch - ToggleSwitches
Transverse Wedge</ProjectName>
[Code] .....
My X-Axis shows multiple values of In-Progress, but I just need one. Is it possible to represent such relationship using BarChart. Any other Flex chart is Advisable.

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Flex :: Refresh A BarChart After Adding A BarSeries?

Dec 23, 2011

I have a BarChart showing several normal bars and a BarSeries, like this:

<mx:BarChart id="barchart" dataProvider="{model.myList}" type="clustered">
<mx:LinearAxis autoAdjust="true"/>[code]......

When a user clicks on a button, i need to calculate some values, put them on the "myCalculatedValue" and add another BarSeries as a comparison. I'm doing this:

var barSerie:BarSeries = new BarSeries();
barSerie.dataProvider = model.myList;[code].....

But the BarChart does not change at all. Is there some way to refresh the chart after adding the new BarSeries?

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Actionscript 3 :: Formatting The Datatip Numbers From A Flex Barchart?

Jan 8, 2010

I simply don't know how to do this. This is the code I have.

public function doFormatMoneda(valor:Number):String{
var formatoMoneda:CurrencyFormatter = new CurrencyFormatter();
formatoMoneda.precision = "2";


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Flex :: Add A Click Event Handler To The Vertical Axis Of A BarChart?

Mar 15, 2010

add a click event handler to the vertical axis (or any axis) of a barchart in flex? If I add the handler to the BarChart itself, it looks as though the event doesn't fire unless you click on the actual chart, not the axes.

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Flex :: BarChart - Labels(manual In The Picture) To Be Vertically Centered

Mar 14, 2011

This task doesn't seem too tough, but it has been blocking me for the last couple hours. I am doing a stacked bar chart, and I want the labels to be horizontally and vertically centered within each Bar Segment. The labels are set to be "inside". Such, you can easily center the label horizontally by setting label-align:middle, but there doesn't seem to be anything that can handle the vertical aspect.

Next approach was to create a custom component of the Bar Chart, but that go extremely messy when I was messing with the rendering functions. I thought it would be just modifying this line: v.labelY=v.y + barSeries.seriesRenderData.renderedYOffset - barSeries.seriesRenderData.renderedHalfWidth; but it hasn't worked. Attached is what the bar chart looks like now. And just to clarify, I would like these labels(manual in the picture) to be vertically centered.

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Php :: Rendering Fonts From Flash To Image?

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to render an image with text and images that are on a .swf file. What i am doing is saving all the objects and their properties in an XML and then using imagemagick to render all that. the problem i am facing is that imagemagick treats fonts very different than Flash, so i don't get a perfect copy of what i see in the flash to what i see on the rendered image.

how to match font sizes between flash an imagemagick?

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Clean Image Rendering In Flash Player?

Apr 3, 2011

We are building a flash based product where we need to create icons for various modules. we are having challenges in look and feel of the icons- what looks really good on Adobe Illustrator/ Photoshop looks jagged on flashPlayer. A challenge we have is that the overall screen aspect ratio and hence aspect for the icons which are relatively sized can change

we were told in discussions with some adobe folks that

a) we need to build icons which are square, and in multiples of 32 pixels.

b) use a png format

As per them, this way the pixelation is reduced and diagonal lines won't appear jagged- we still have an issue on rendering in flash player

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Professional :: Safari - Rendering Flash As Background Image?

Feb 7, 2010

Is there a major issue with rendering Flash in Safari?

I have search for a way to display, for example, Adobe Home Page in Safari and be able to see all the menus "on top" and have not found a solution.

I have tried setting wmode to either opaque or transparent but no change.

I am using the latest download of Safari (vs 4.0.4[531.21.10]) on Windows 7.

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Converting An Image Into A Button?

Jul 28, 2009

I'm a very new user to Adobe Flash, and am trying to figure out some of the small things. I was wonderingout with how to convert an image into a button (with a URL).

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Converting An Image Into Animation?

Aug 28, 2009

I was trying to create a website where i want my banner to be displayed not just as a picture but like an animation. I have seen few videos on how to convert an image to an animation. Then i tried downloading trial version of flash but it is taking me a lot of time for downloading. I am attaching the picture in this discussion. Can someone convert this image for me to any kind of animation (anything you like). Here is one website with a nice Flash banner. [URL]


(7.6 K)

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Flash Converting A Swf To A Image

Oct 28, 2010

Is there a application (Or way in coldfusion/ to be able to convert a swf to a image file? It needs to be ok quality and needs not to be too slow.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting A Text To An Image?

Dec 7, 2010

I am currently working on a task that will take 2 years and calculate them (one year being from an XML document, and the other automatically generating the current year), returning a result and have been successful..

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.begin = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
MyDate = new Date();


Now in Phase 2, instead of middleyear_txt.text being just a text number, I was hoping to make it into graphical digits.

So 2007 - 1997 = 10. I have 1 through 10.png, so I was hoping to find a way to make 1 = 1.png, 2 = 2.png, 3 = 3.png, 4 = 4.png, etc...

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Professional :: Converting An Image Format Into Shapes?

Jun 19, 2011

So Ive been working with Flash Pro CS5 and it seems I cant get the converting right with image formats into shape symbols. A couple days ago I did convert it correctly but now I cant remember how exactly I did it lol.
What Im trying to do is convert an image into a shape symbol then into a .gls format. When I import the working shape symbol in my SoThink Flash it would show up in the scene but now I cant recreate a working one as it would show up as a blank image.
Ive watched and read through some tutorials but Im confused on which order I should do the steps into converting an image into a symbol.
Btw.. if theres an easier way to convert an image into a .gls format I like to hear it as well

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Pdf Generation - Converting A Flash Chart To Image / Pdf

Jan 23, 2010

tool which can convert a flash (.swf) chart to any image format to be later embedded to a pdf report. I am using Ruby on Rails as the dev platform. I have used tools from swftools (specifically the swfextract program) but it doesn't suit my use case as it extracts individual elements (shapes, movieclips, frames etc) which is not too useful.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Image Into A Readable ByteArray?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying to read out some BitMapData into some kind of readable output.

Reason for this is I'd like to trace out the ByteArray and hopefully cut and paste its details into an .as file and then compare it against another BitMapData Object or byteArray that is generated within the app.

Basically I want to compare differences between the two and report back how many pixels or something are different.

It might seem like a strange or approach.

I can create a BitMapData Object, it traces back as [object BitMapData] - so I thought awesome just loop through the Object... But looping through the Object traces nothing at all back out.

So I tried to create a ByteArray and then convert that to a string, but all I get is wierd 'y' chars with two dots on the top of the char.

I've left some code below,

public function GetAndCompareBitmapData(target:DisplayObject) {
var bd:BitmapData=new BitmapData(target.width,target.height);
trace("bitmapData "+ bd); // trace [object BitMapData]


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Flex :: Speed Up Chart Rendering?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm using a lineseries chart, but it gets fairly slow to re-render when I add a new point when the total # of points is ~1200 points. Granted, this is running on a fairly slow PC (~600 MHz). Reading the Flex documentation on how to speed up rendering (turning off dropshadows, turning off filterData, etc...) doesnt seem to help. I bound my chart to an ArrayCollection (rather than the array I used before which I manually updated) and it doesnt seem to be any faster. Adobe's documentation seems to have me believe that the Chart looks only at what changed since the last time it was updated, but i'm only adding one point!

If their info is correct, why does it take significantly longer (5 seconds) to update one point when I have ~1200 points then when I only have 2 points (instantaneous)? FYI - When I add a new point to my ArrayCollection, I have to do a "AC.refresh()" to get the DataBinding to pick up the new data.

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Flex :: Rendering Glitches With Papervision?

Oct 31, 2009

Has anyone seen rendering glitches with Papervision?

seee the flash movie at [URL].. which demonstrates the problem.

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Flex :: Checkbox Rendering In Datagrid

Dec 18, 2009


How to get all checked items into one more new array?

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Flex :: Prevent Components From Rendering In It?

Mar 25, 2010

Is there a way to prevent a component from rendering in Flex (to save memory or processing power)?[code]...

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Flex :: Know The Order Of Component Rendering?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a component that has a sub-component they both use a shared variable from the model. The shared variable needs to be set by the parent component before it can be used by the child component. I did like this in the parent component:

creationComplete="group1_completeHandler(event)" >


But for some reason when the code inside myCustomComponent tries to use myVariable for the first time I get a "null" object error. This means I guess that the child component gets rendered before the group1_activateHandler gets called and consequently myVariable gets set.

What should I do to ensure that the parent container initializes the variable before the child component gets created?

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Flex :: 3 - Row Based Rendering In Datagrid

Sep 8, 2010

I need to have custom rendering of each row in my datagrid. It is column based by default. Is there some way to achieve this?

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