ActionScript 1/2 :: Changing The Cursor Position In An Input Text Field And Removing Leading Numeric Zeros?
Sep 2, 2011
I have an input text field that is named in the properties box as 'numberOfKids'. When the program is executed, and a delete or backspace is pressed the input textfield goes blank and any calculations that use 'numberOfKids' shows NaN.I have trapped the NaN and undefined so that a numeric 0 shows up instead of a blank.
First problem: The cursor is to the left of the zero, so the first number inputted by the user is 10x larger than what they want. 0 becomes 10. How do I get the cursor to move to the right of the 0?
Second Problem: When I manually move the cursor to the right of the 0 and input a number, say 4, it shows up as 04. How do I delete the leading numeric zero in the input textfield?
Here's the code I am using:
calculateChildWeight = function () { if (isNaN(numberOfKids)) { numberOfKids = 0; } if ((numberOfKids) == undefined) { numberOfKids = 0; } if (numberOfKids>=0 && numberOfKids<=137) { numberOfKids = numberOfKids; } else { numberOfKids = 0; } if (isNaN(adjustedChildWeight)) { adjustedChildWeight = 0; } if ((adjustedChildWeight)=undefined) { adjustedChildWeight = 0; } adjustedChildWeight = Number(numberOfKids*(-100)); //numberOfKids.setSelection(numberOfKids.length, numberOfKids.length); //if (numberOfKids.length=2 && numberOfKids<10) { // remove the first character or leading zero// numberOfKids = numberOfKids;// }};
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Selection.setSelection(0, 0);
_parent.journalentry.text = (c.firstChild ? c.firstChild.nodeValue : '');
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Jul 9, 2009
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Aug 4, 2010
I am trying to change the background color of a textInput field.
I have tried:
ActionScript Code:
var textInputFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
textInputFormat.color = 0xFF0000;
_textInput.setStyle("backgroundColor", textInputFormat);
However this doesn't want to work.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have an input text field in which the user enters text. This text is displayed in an output textfield. The user should have the option to change the color of a selection, This color should be applied to the selection in both the input and output textfield. After that the user should be able to further edit the text without loosing the fomatting.
But pictures say more than words so...
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This is my code:
txt_Input.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, fncOutput)
btn_Format.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fncFormat)
var tfmBlack:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
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Jun 20, 2009
I'm trying to use the flash numeric stepper component to pass it's current value into a dynamic text field using AS2.
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Can someone tell me the actionscript needed to do this and if the actionscript needs to go on the component itself or in the timeline.
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Apr 30, 2011
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user submits the values to be calculated. In the method
private function calculate():void {
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Dec 8, 2002
Say you have a form setup with one input text field and one submit button. Is there a way to have the cursor automatically be present in the input field when MC is loaded so that the user doesnt have to click in input field to begin typing.
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Mar 4, 2012
Is it possible to hide the blinking cursor in an input field?
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Feb 14, 2009
Is there some way that I can disable the little cursor that comes when moving over an input field?
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Apr 28, 2011
the last of many problems, is that at the very end of the test, you're shown your score, and you have the option to type your name in a text box and click "save". Doing so will apply you score data (time elapsed, date, correct answers and percentage) along with the name you typed in, and output in a form, that you can save or print off, or whatever. The problem is, the input text box will not let you type in it. If you mouse over it, the mouse stays a pointer, you don't get the text tool. If you click on it, the cursor appears for a split second after you release the mouse button, but you cannot type anything in it.This is the actionscript for the output form:
function saveRecord(record:String, field:String, now:Object, score:Object):Void {
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Jun 30, 2009
I want to initialize a Flash asset to have a flashing cursor in an empty input field. I tried each of the following two ways with no luck:
1. Selection.setFocus("input_txt");
2. Selection.setFocus(input_txt);
I tried these alone in an empty fla with only the input textfield input_txt on the stage.
The other threads on this exact problem are several years old. Has something changed in for CS3 that it doesn't work.
If I put text in the field, it will be highlighted but that is not what I need. Just a flashing cursor.
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Jul 17, 2003
Is it possible to login through flash using one Dynamic Text Field and one Input Text Field and no buttons? If so how? I have seen many tutorials dealing with logging in to PHP using flash but it requires you to make your own php scripts which i am not familiar with. Can some one tell me how to do this with PHPBBs existing php scripts... I want to be able to login thorugh a Input Text Field box and have it verify it in PHP and also be able to register and view other PHP info such as users online and FAQ..
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