ActionScript 2.0 :: Selection.setFocus() Won't Put Flashing Cursor In Input Field

Jun 30, 2009

I want to initialize a Flash asset to have a flashing cursor in an empty input field. I tried each of the following two ways with no luck:

1. Selection.setFocus("input_txt");

2. Selection.setFocus(input_txt);

I tried these alone in an empty fla with only the input textfield input_txt on the stage.

The other threads on this exact problem are several years old. Has something changed in for CS3 that it doesn't work.

If I put text in the field, it will be highlighted but that is not what I need. Just a flashing cursor.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Selection.setfocus Is Not Making The Text Box Cursor Blink

Apr 28, 2006

I used Selection.setfocus("input textbox instance name") is not making the text box cursor blink.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Caret (flashing Cursor) When Focus On Text Field?

May 4, 2009

I want to have the caret (flashing cursor) to appear when I set the focus to a text field. It works fine when the user clicks on the text field.

the following does not seem to work for me:


stage.focus = mytxtfield

When I try this it merely focuses on my text field and no caret comes up! mytxtfield is the instance name of my input type textfield.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making Cursor Appear In Input Text Field

Jun 8, 2011

When I Selection.setFocus(someTextField); the cursor doesn't start blinking in the text field. I've tried it in the flash IDE as well as in a HTML page, I can't seem to get the cursor to start blinking automatically in an input TextField.

I even did an onEnterFrame script to make sure the TextField was loaded and ready before I did the selection. I've also used Selection.setSelection(0,0) , etc. It just never shows up.
If I click the input TextField the cursor shows up as normal though. I just want it to automatically appear as this is a form and I want it to be clear to the user which textfield is currently selected when I change focus.
This is for a touchscreen project with an on-screen keyboard so the user has no mouse.
Even if the user types some letters and sees them appear in the input box properly the cursor STILL doesn't appear. Only when I click the input does the cursor appear.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cursor At End Of Input Text Field After Updating

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I have a multiline input text box which a user can type stuff into, then click a button which will save what they typed and load another lot of text (all using XML). What I would like is to set the flashing cursor to the end of this box when it is updated. I've tried a few things:

Selection.setSelection(0, 0);
_parent.journalentry.text = (c.firstChild ? c.firstChild.nodeValue : '');


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable The Little Cursor That Comes When Moving Over An Input Field?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Cursor - Input Text Field With Embedded Fonts ?

Jul 8, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Focus Input Text Field Cursor Blinking

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Sep 7, 2010

How to detect (in AS3) whether cursor is no longer inside Input Text Field?
I've been trying Mouse events, Focus events, Text events but with no success.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cursor Issue In Input Text Field With Embedded Fonts

Jul 9, 2009

I have some problem with textField with embedded fonts.I'm using font symbols created in library and they work very well with dynamic textfields.If I make an input textfield with these embedded fonts the following problem occurs:if i set the textfield's initial value (.text) to anything not equal to "" everything works fine. I can change the text in it.but if I set the input textfield's .text initially to an empty string, I can't get the cursor in the textfield, as it can't receive the focus.If I turn the texfield's embeddedfonts to false, everything works fine, but this way I can't use custom fonts and fields are looking awful.

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Aug 2, 2004

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piece of code in the first line of my movie....This still doesn't do anything?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Changing The Cursor Position In An Input Text Field And Removing Leading Numeric Zeros?

Sep 2, 2011

I have an input text field that is named in the properties box as 'numberOfKids'. When the program is executed, and a delete or backspace is pressed the input textfield goes blank and any calculations that use 'numberOfKids' shows NaN.I have trapped the NaN and undefined so that a numeric 0 shows up instead of a blank.
First problem: The cursor is to the left of the zero, so the first number inputted by the user is 10x larger than what they want.  0 becomes 10. How do I get the cursor to move to the right of the 0?
Second Problem: When I manually move the cursor to the right of the 0 and input a number, say 4, it shows up as 04. How do I delete the leading numeric zero in the input textfield?

Here's the code I am using:
calculateChildWeight = function () { if (isNaN(numberOfKids)) {  numberOfKids = 0; } if ((numberOfKids) == undefined) {  numberOfKids = 0; } if (numberOfKids>=0 && numberOfKids<=137) {  numberOfKids = numberOfKids; } else {  numberOfKids = 0; } if (isNaN(adjustedChildWeight)) {  adjustedChildWeight = 0; } if ((adjustedChildWeight)=undefined) {  adjustedChildWeight = 0; } adjustedChildWeight = Number(numberOfKids*(-100)); //numberOfKids.setSelection(numberOfKids.length, numberOfKids.length); //if (numberOfKids.length=2 && numberOfKids<10) {  // remove the first character or leading zero//  numberOfKids = numberOfKids;// }};

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Flashing Cursor To A Textinput Box?

Mar 16, 2010

I want the user to know the text input box is inputable, how can I add the text cursor to the box?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setfocus For The Text Input Component?

Mar 17, 2009

how give setfocus for the text input component.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Input Caret With Setfocus?

Aug 14, 2009

I've got a main input textfield. When I put focus on one of the other textfields and that textfield is empty I want the focus to return to the main input textfield.

But though the focus seems to change (without setselection all the inserted text of the main textfield is selected, meaning focus is put back to it), the input caret stays inside the empty textfield and it is keeping it's focus.

How can I get the focus AND the input caret back to the main textfield?

ActionScript Code:
var someListener:Object = new Object();
someListener.onSetFocus = function(oldFocus, newFocus) {


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Flex :: SetFocus To TextInput Field - Returns Null

Jul 3, 2009

I have an app where I am looking to make the enter key act like a tab key. I can easily capture the keypress event and setFocus to a textinput field. The problem is figuring out which textinput field to give focus to. I have this code

//returns TheWindow86.focusManager
//returns null
//This is what I was hoping would work

The code is in a controller class and "this.window" references an instance of a nativeWindow mxml file "TheWindow.mxml". The first trace works as expected, but the second one gives null.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Selection.setFocus(textfield) - "textfield" To Be Focused When Movie Loads

Mar 2, 2003

I don't really know what I'm doing I'm completely gone in my own code, I think I'm going around in circles!


Ok let me explain what I want to do: when my movie loads I want "textfield" to be focused, so I use Selection.setFocus(textfield); Fine! But on a frame before this I have a button to enter my site! Now as soon as you click this button it changes the focus so that when I enter the frame with the textfield it is no longer focused! Make sense? Well on this frame once the textfield is focused you can enter text right away! and then I have this listener which listens to an event within the textfield! Ok now I'm even more confused then when I started explaining this! Anyway I want the textfield to be focused when you enter this frame and if the user focuses something else, well then they will have to focus the textfield themselves. Basicly I just want the the textfield to be focused on load, but the problem is my button at the start! What?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Cursor Automatically Jump To The Second Input Box After The First Input Box Is Filled With A Character?

Aug 24, 2005

If i have two or more input boxes to create a crossword puzzle, how can i make the cursor automatically jump to the second input box after the first input box is filled with a character?

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Actionscript 3 :: Placing Cursor Into Input Textfield For User Input?

Dec 15, 2009

What easiest way to place cursor (focus?) into an textfield input box for receiving user input after an event?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SomeTxt Field Would Be Selected With Cursor In Field?

Mar 18, 2008

AS2 selection.setFocus (someTxt); someTxt field would be selected with cursor in field.

AS3 someTxt.setFocus(); focused on but not with cursor in field.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Initial Text In An Input Text Box Disappear Once Cursor Changes From The Arrow To The Type Cursor?

Dec 7, 2005

does anyone know how to make the initial text in an input text box disappear once your cursor changes from the arrow to the type cursor? For example, I have an input text box which has the text visible saying "enter your email address here" I want this text to disappear automatically when the user goes to type something there...

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Flex :: Set Mouse Cursor As Hand On TextInput Without Losing Text Selection?

Dec 20, 2009

I want to have the mouse cursor to be changed to hand when used for entering the<mx:textInput>. When the field is already on focus, text selection should be available.I tried any combination of useHandCursor="true", buttonMode="true" and mouseChildren="false",and the closest result is when using all three of them. Then the hand cursor does appear, but the text field loses its selection 'abilities' (text cannot beselected using the mouse). This is logical, since mouseChildren="false" disables this. But how do I acheive the desired result?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text Field Won't Accept Numerical Input

Apr 15, 2011

Using AS3 to create a basic number guessing game but for some reason the input text field won't accept text input. I can't figure out which piece of code is causing the problem and it's driving me nuts considering it's from a tutorial.

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Button Selection Via Keyboard Input?

Mar 28, 2009

I am new to Flash and this forum, so please excuse what will hopefully be a simple question.I am using Flash to build an interactive video kiosk for a museum that will be playing on a MacMini. it possible to create buttons or "scripts" that can be controlled with keystrokes? For example when you press "K" an embedded video will start playing. Or if you press "D", you could go back to the main menu? I am trying to make it so you can interact with flash via push-buttons, as opposed to moving a cursor over virtual buttons. Is this possible? would normally do this in DVD Studio Pro, but the sheer number of videos will not work in a single DVD project, so Flash is the only option I can think of. As a DVD it works great because I can use the arrow keys to navigate, and the enter key to choose a selection.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Addition With Input Field And Dynamic Field?

Jan 20, 2009

is there a way to make it so when you are done putting something into an input field it will automaticly add/subtract from a dynamic field.Dynamic1 + Input = Dynamic2where each time you change the input text it will readd dynamic1 and input show it on dynamic2

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Turn An Input Field Into A Dynamic Field?

Jun 8, 2011

I have made this before with one simple line of code but I just cant seem to remember...

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