ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash - Stops Reading Xml?

Mar 10, 2009

Here is the code I have and the flash file runs for about 10to 15 mins then stops updating from the dynamically created xmlfile and just hangs displaying undefined. Is there something wrongwith my code? The only way to clear it out is close the app andrestart it but that leads me to believe its a caching problem. Butbelow i did use some ideas about dynacially loading and unloadingthe content to stop the caching problem. I am not great at actionscript and only understand a little.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading LoaderInfo Flashvars Then Chaning Them And Reading Them Again Fails

Oct 24, 2011

I am changing the flashvars variables v1=value&v2=value ect then after the flash movie runs I am changing the variables externally by javascript, so far so good.when flash first loads it reads the vars correctly.when I try to read them ( after the change ) it keeps reading the old values.[code]everything works except I cannot seem to read the changed FlashVars.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading XML Into Flash?

Feb 17, 2010

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<PRODUCT BUILD="06-20-2006" NAME="FileMaker Pro"/>


It keeps telling me a term is undefined and has no properties. This I've isolated to the backgroundArray.push statement. Just not sure how to fish the data out of that XML doc properly. What call would I use to iterate thru the different ROW tags to get to the DATA info?

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Xml :: Flash Reading Only Certain Characters?

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vt.text =[cv];

and pulls the information from an XML File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<video src='videos/video1.flv' vt='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'/>

Now for some reason only the letters a d g i l n o will actually display when tested with all the alphabet above.

UPDATE: Solved - Just needed to change the textbox AA to Use Device Fonts :) (New user cant answer my own question)

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Reading Special Characters From XML In Flash?

May 26, 2011

I have a php file that generates an xml, the php file:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>

without any success.I also tried changing the encoding of the XML:

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private const DeveloperKey:String = "your-developer-key";
private var netConnection:NetConnection;


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<title>Ok, de regalo de San Valentin me pueden dar un viaje a Playa del Carmen! Digo, entre todos lo pagan! No?? #So&#241;arNoCuestaNada</title>


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Flash Website Stops Loading

Jul 29, 2009

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Now, the website works when it's on my hard drive, but the minute I upload it, it suddenly stops at 3%. The loader dissapears, and nothing happens after that. I have tried deleting the additions, including the animation, and the updated menu. Same problem, only the point at where it stops loading becomes 5% instead of 3%. I have tried removing the preloader, and creating a shell.swf, which loads the file in using an external preloader. Same problem occurs. If I link directly to the file ie [url]... then nothing happens either (that link is for example purposes only). I have tried copying frames and pasting into a new flash file (main2.swf) and same problem occurs. Lastly, I tried removing the preloader, instead creating a simple test animation that loops until the file is loaded. Also just sits there and stops loading.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Up The Reading Of The Flash Parameter Code In Flash?

Nov 8, 2011

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var imageToShow:String;
var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;

This is basically what I have.I'm not sure what to go on to next or if this is even correct. I basically need to get to the point where I can say...

if (parameter == "image1") {
image.image1.alpha = 1;
image.image2.alpha = 0;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading XML Data Generated By PHP In Flash?

Sep 9, 2009

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newsPageContent_txt.html = true;
var test_xml = new XML();
test_xml.ignoreWhite = true;


the header at the top of this PHP is generating the page as xml, so it should all be valid.

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Professional :: Flash Not Reading My Button Hits?

Sep 23, 2010

One of my buttons, flash will not read it as a button when I publish it and run the swf file. The cursor stays as a arrow meaning its not a button in the swf file. Inside of the fla file it is a button with a hit. There is no movie or tweening or anything like that. I think it's not reading it as a button because Flash is placing the hit behind the actual button. Inside of my button there is only 1 layer. When placing the hit usually it covers the button. But in this case, the hit is going behind the image. I think this is why when its ran, its not reading it as a button.

I even removed the AS3 code from the button to see if it was a coding error. Rather if theres code in there or not the swf should still read it as a button and the cursor should change to a hand by default. Because of this, I tried to create another button in another area on the stage to see if it's just that one area thats having that problem. I created a new button from scratch, placed a hit, no AS3 coding added, and it works. The swf reads it as a button. But with that button, I added a AS3 CODE to go to an external website and now Flash isnt reading the AS3 code for that button. Heres the code:
import;import flash.display.Loader;import;
itunesBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoITUNES);
function gotoITUNES (event:MouseEvent):void{  var req:URLRequest = new


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May 24, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Special Characters From XML In Flash

May 25, 2011

I have a php file that generates an xml, the php file:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>


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Video - SWF Reading/rendering (outside Of Flash Player)?

Dec 9, 2009

I would like to use SWF files as source video data within a tool chain I am developing. The problem is, I can't seem to find a consistent way to convert them, and I'm concerned about the loss of quality that the conversion will introduce.

I actually even have Flash CS3, but the export process to anything other than swf is flaky at best. It does different things depending on what video format you export to, and doesn't seem to be consistent across Flash (fla) files.

The options I have come up with are:

1) integrate someone else's source code to parse/play back the swf files, and capture the output directly that way.

2) create some kind of frankenstein work flow using Air or Flex to play the swf and export each frame to an image format, and then read those into the application where I want the data.

Integrating someone else's code seems pretty gross to me. The code available that I can find is at least 2 Flash versions old, so I'd have to do a fair amount of work for this. And when Adobe releases the next version of Flash, I'll have to add support for the new features in myself anyways. Were I to write a player myself from scratch, using the SWF specifications Adobe has published (assuming everything is actually documented enough), I run into the same issue: continued maintenance on a regular basis. And for most likely undocumented (or slowly documented) features.

Creating a frankenstein work flow using Air/Flex seems like a smarter approach, but will be really cumbersome and most likely slow.

Has Adobe released source code for their player somewhere, or better yet, a (C++) library that I could use?

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Flash :: JSFL - Reading Metadata OnDocumentChanged?

Mar 24, 2011

I am building a flash panel that reads metadata from a .fla when it is active in the Flash IDE. This panel is also storing metadata in the .fla and that is no problem. What is problematic is that I do not know how to stop the event listener from listening for onDocumentChange.

I want it to listen for it as long as it is open, but when it's closed it should clean up after itself because trying to read metadata every time a new document is selected is not a very nice thing to do.

I have tried to listen for all kind of events in the panel to detect when the user closes it, but with no success.

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Actionscript :: Flash - Reading Remote Txt File?

Apr 3, 2011

I'm creating a banner for my website from Flash, and I'm using Action Script to read information from a file to put that info on the banner

Now this seems to work fine for local files. But the file will not be on the same server as the script and banner.. (personal Reasons).

How can I read this remote text file? this text files location would be something like: [URL] this file is freely readable for anyone..

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash S5 - Reading Variable From Different Class

Jan 30, 2012

I have already set a variable in my document class "". I am now trying to access that variable and read its value from a different Class and Function, take that value and email it. For example in my "" file I have this function:
public var _myVar:String;
function create() {
_myVar = "hello";

Now from my other class "" I have a new function to try and get the value of that pre set variable:
function getVar() {

Why will it not output "hello"? Instead I get an error saying: Access of undefined property _myVar.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Special Characters From XML In Flash?

May 26, 2011

I have a php file that generates an xml, the php file:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading Dynamic XML Files In Flash

Apr 11, 2007

I'm trying to load the content of a XML file, that name is the same of the fla or swf file. By example, if my swf names "quiz.swf", I want that ActionScript loads a xml file with name "quiz.xml". So in this way many swf files can co-exist in the same folder and look for different xml files without conflict.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Player Locks While Reading In Xml

Nov 21, 2008

I am having a problem with reading in a fairly large xml file (20000 lines)The problem is once i have loaded the xml file into flash, i start to parse the data into an array, during this period the flash file locks up for a few seconds.Is there anyway around this problem, or at very least somehow have a preloader to show how long it will take to parse the xml?Is there anyway at all to speed this up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Not Reading Special Characters From XML?

Aug 17, 2010

I have recently run into a problem when loading an external xml file into actionscript 3. Flash does not want to read special characters for some reason! My XML doc is "uni-8" and I've tried using regular - letter and to describe the character but no luck so far.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Reading XML Attribues Dynamically?

May 12, 2011

I'm new to flash and maybe I'm just missing the obvious.I have the following XML code:

<width800>60 </width800>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Parameters From Html In Flash?

May 18, 2011

how i can read parms from html tag ? maybe with out swfobject and java script ?

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