Flash :: Professional - CS3 - Scrolling Stops Mid-way

Feb 5, 2010

I'm a newbie web designer, and am working on a client's flash-run website, which is powered by a 3rd party template she gave me. I've done most of the text changing work, and I've uploaded the website at [URL] In the SERVICES page, there's a text area [left-top], which scrolls to a certain point and then stops at the line "VLCC". In the .fla file, there is text for at least another 20-30 lines below. how do I make the scroll work to its full length.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedded Flash Stops Website Scrolling?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Scrolling Stops, When Dragging An Image Over?

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I have a project with a deadline.I have a panel of images that scroll with mouse_over. When I drag an image over the panel and get to the other side of the panel - basically hitting the image against the border of the panel, the panel stops scrolling.I can resolve this?Here is the code:

private function panelOver(e:MouseEvent):void
sPanel.useHandCursor = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set A Mouse-controlled Scrolling Animation To Ease When It Starts And Stops

Feb 3, 2009

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Professional :: Flash Plugin Stops Playing When Hidden Or On Different Tab?

Jan 14, 2011

I've noticed (a few months ago, actually) that in most browsers I use  to test my application (Firefox, chrome and explorer) the flash plug in,  while playing it's content, will stop, or freeze, when the actual plug in  playback window is out of the window (due to scrolling, or switching  tabs), or covered by another window (a different browser or program  window that will cover the visible area of the player), which is  something good, and nice, when you think about web pages full of  commercials slowing down your browser and computer in general, but what  happens when you a games programmer, who work with multiplayer games, on  games which are mostly turn based? If one of my players switches  tabs, open a new window over the browser, or god forbids, scroll down  the page, the game is essentially stopped, since no events occur on that  players side of the game!! And this does not effect just simple  frame based animation, but everything, onEnterFrame events stop,  setInterval stops... the only thing that I could find that does not stop  when this happens is a setInterval action done in a different swf,  which is loaded to a different level of my game file.

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Jun 28, 2010

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Flash :: Professional - If Try To Move The Folder Or Rename The Folder Movie Stops Working

Mar 31, 2010

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Flash :: Professional - Mouse Scrolling With Internet Browser

Feb 22, 2012

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- It contains only Action script 2.0 coding. - the layout is made out of movie clip and button symbols. - i used a scrollPane component for one of my text and image contents. - I used a UIscrollbar component for all the text inside my image gallery (which is a movie clip containing the scrollable text areas) I am including below the coding formats used for buttons in my file in hopes that it provides clues to the scrolling error :


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Professional :: Animation Stops On Frame 1?

Mar 24, 2010

When i try to test a simple animated mask using test movie command, it looks like my animation stops on frame 1. 

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Professional :: BlendShader Stops My MotionTweens ?

Jun 11, 2010

i have a MovieClip with some MotionTweens and they work great.However, as soon as i modify the MC's BlendMode or BlendShader using AS3 (im targetting Flash10) the Tweens stop.I dont have the slightest clue why that happens...I have build a very simple test case for the problem: http:[url].....
On the Actionslayer you will a couple code lines (there is a comment in german, just ignore it, if you remove the // comment sign, you will see that the animation stops as soon as the blendshader is active).I have included a swc that that implements some custom blendshaders. However, instead of assigning a blendShader, you can simply assign a flash blendmode using code.the same will happen.

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Professional :: Playback Of Flv Randomly Stops ?

Dec 5, 2011

USING:   Adobe Flash CS3 - Action Script 3
 TIMELINE:  3 layers, --  Layer 1, flv video - converted to a Movie Clip.   Layer 2, is my button.  Layer 3, is my action script. My flv video file was imported and converted to a Movie Clip.  My button was created using polygon tool and was converted to a button - and both have instance names.
/////////////////////// MY AS CODE:
function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
PROBLEM:  Everything functions great, but my flv video file just stops playing at random points, it doesn't even finish playing, and then, when I click my button a second time, it re-starts playing right where it randomly stopped.  Why does it randomly stop playing at various points on the timeline?

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Professional :: Buttons In Flash - Shows In Front Of The Image That Scrolling Over With The Mouse

Jun 1, 2011

For my college project I've created buttons were when you roll over images they are enlarged. The problem I have is when I roll over the images, the one next to the one I want shows in front of the image that I'm scrolling over with the mouse. I want it so that the image being rolled over is in front. For example when the magazine article on the far left is enlarged it goes behind the logos next to it instead of in front so you can see clearly what's being scrolled.

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Professional :: Preload - Loader Stops At 0% And After Same Time It Goes To 100%?

May 4, 2010

I have a main movie (e.g called main.swf) and a couple of other movies which need to be loaded inside my main movie.Some of these should load inside a movieclip, and some should load inside a scrollpane. Now, whatever I do, i just can't make my Preloader show the amount of loaded movies properly.I even used the built in methods of scrollpane but it doesn't work at all.I use AS2, and flash CS3.The loader stops at 0% and after same time it goes to 100%.

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Professional :: Add Music Looping Over And Over For 600 Frames, Then Stops?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a music track that I want continusuely playing and looping for until my 600 frames stop, then it stops. (by the way my frames/sec is a 1, not 24 like the default). Also it would be nice if in the last 5 seconds it could somehow fade away. How do I do this?

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Professional :: Movie Clip Stops Playing For No Reason?

Mar 9, 2012

I am making a banner that has multiple movie clips sharing the same area, creating different rainbow effects when different areas (invisible buttons) are moused over.
First of all I couldn't figure out if there was a way to have one invisible button over the whole area that changed to a different colored effect with each mouse over (first mouse over the black and whites would change to reds, second would change it to blues, third would change it to browns, etc.). Since I couldn't figure this out I settled on creating three buttons covering a third of the banner each, so when the mouse passes over one button it changes to reds, over another button it changes to blues, over the third it changes to browns.
The effects are movie clips where each frame has another stripe changing color so it goes in a wave effect from one to the next, and then goes back to white and black in the same manner.  The first frame of each movie clip I had to turn into a nested movie clip so I could turn the alpha to 0, since I was going to have these color effect movie clips on top of one another in the main timeline on different layers, and so you could see the effect even if that color layer wasn't on top. I used the same nested movie clip with zero alpha for the first frame of each color effect clip (reds movie clip, blues movie clip, etc), so I dont' know if that's an issue.
Anyway, it seemed to work fine for a while, but after working on it for a while longer (and not getting any further since I removed most of the changes I made), now when I test the movie the mouse over does not seem to work correctly. It works fine, seemingly, for the first time I mouse over each button, but in order to have it work again I have to mouse over the button twice, and then it will pause randomly during a part of the clip and I have to move my mouse back over for the movie clip to continue.
I can't tell if this is because of the overlapping movie clips, or because my buttons are messed up, or if my actionscript is messed up, or if the timeline has to be longer, or what. Currently the timeline is 55 frames, the same as each movie clip.
I put a movieclip_instance.stop(); command in the first frame of the main timeline, is there a better way to do this? Should I put the stop command in the movie clip itself?
Here is a section of my AS in the main timeline, this is my first time programming ever, in any language, and trying to learn from the internet is more difficult than I thought it would be.
red_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, playRed);
function playRed(event:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Flash Pane On Scrolling WebPage?

Jul 1, 2008

This is a repost, but I've still not figured out a solution. I have a Flash movie that appears on a webpage. The Flash contains scrolling content ( scrollpane, text field, whatever).

The containing webpage is tall, and therefore also has scrollbars. My Problem: When users try to use the MouseWheel to scroll through my Flash scrolling data, the browser page scrolls as well. It's very annoying.

I would like to be able to have the MouseWheel scroll my Flash scrolling content when it's over the flash, but scroll the webpage when it's not over the Flash.

Does anybody know a way to supress wheel-based browser page-scrolling while my mouse is over a Flash movie??? Is there a way to eat/stop propagation, whatever, of the wheel event in the brwoser, either from Flash or from Javascript?

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Professional :: Scrolling A Movie Clip?

Jan 25, 2010

I created a movie clip that has an image on every frame. I'd like to create a scroll bar for simple and easy veiwing of the images. But I don't want a typical scroll like a UIscroll component, because I don't want the images to flow together. I just want to jump from image to image.
Does anyone have some code or ideas for this?

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Professional :: Horizontal Scrolling Images?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a client who wants a home page similar to the way this one operates: http:[url]... It contains 10 images that are on a steady horizontal scroll that repeats. The images seem to be at about 50% opacity and they increase to 100% upon rollover. The images don't need to link to different pages. The way this one works would be fine, just all leading to another gallery page that gives more info.how I can achieve this type of look thru Flash? I have done some browsing online but most tutorials I've found are more like viewers where the user has arrows to scroll forward and back. This one is different, just sort of operates on its own....like walking by and window shopping for my client's products.

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Professional :: Implementing A Scrolling Banner?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm pretty new to Flash, and having a few problems with a website I've had to design for my college ICT course.I built the site entirely in Flash, which went perfectly, then went on to build a scrolling image gallery banner for use on a gallery page of the site (assuming that it would be an easy task to chop the banner into the website).When I've tried importing the file to the stage/library it leaves all the images behind (as they are in the library of the first file) as well as the actionscript required to call the images; leaving me with just a new, blank layer.I've also tried copying the actionscript code into the website document and transferring the images from the gallery library to the website library, however, the gallery is written so that the stage is used in its entirety to show only a certain amount of images, meaning that the proportions of the banner are all wrong on the website file.Is there any way to integrate the flash file for the gallery into a confined area of the stage in the website document, or am I going to have to alter my designs so that the gallery goes entirely across the page (put up and shut up style).
Attatched are download links to the two files in question, sorry if they're a little on the large side.


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Professional :: Scrolling BG's Disable Buttons?

May 13, 2010

I have several layers of scrolling BGs via action script.  In between these layers are a set of simple buttons made via "button" symbols.  Within the stage, the buttons are recognized, however, when I test the movie, the buttons are not recognized/activated by the cursor.  My guess is that the scrolling BGs that are on top of everything else (NOT added via "addChild" in a blank movie clip below all other layers) are somehow "blocking" my cursor from reading the simple buttons "below" them. 
For the visual aspect of the project, the scrolling BGs are needed both "below" and "above" the buttons, so I need a work-around for simple button use in this multi-level scrolling BG environment.  (just to clarify, by "above" and "below" I dont mean vertically above and below, but rather "layered" above and below, so as to "cover" eachother). 

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Professional :: Button Too Scrolling Menu?

May 31, 2010

I hope someone can give me some assistance. I am creating a  page that I want to click on a button to bring a scrolling menu list that a html link will work from I am using Flash CS3 Pro and am trying to use AS3 for the scripting. I've not tried this before so to say it's not cooperating is an understatment. My button will not allow me to apply any actions to them. Any tuts that might show me the error of my ways (lol)

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Professional :: How To Make Scrolling Effect

Jun 30, 2010

like they did on this site: [URL] so, how to make this scrolling effect

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Professional :: Scrolling Background Image?

Jul 20, 2010

I've got a 800x600 document that has a panoramic picture scrolling horizontally and buttons in the image.
i've got this piece of code for AS2.0


Otherwise it is working all good, but I'd like it to stay put at the start. Right now it immidiately starts scrolling to right unless I move the mouse on top to stop it. So ye, i need to have it sitting still and only scroll when the mouse is at the edges of the document.

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