Professional :: Flash IPhone Kinetic Data Scrolling?
Sep 26, 2010
Have been trying out flash on iPhone and am wondering how i would make it so datagrids and lists are scrollable with your finger like they are on native apps? I need to be able to scroll with flick of a finger and also select an item when u tap one. Is there any information out there about this?
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Mar 27, 2011
I was just wondering what the best data structure would be to use to represent data objects in a side scrolling game, basically the stuff the user can't see isn't on the stage so I would generally create a custom class to define its properties (x,y,weight,type, derp, etc) and then push that into an array and as the user moves forward I project the info from the array while checking if their x position is.
The problem that can occur is that the user can move left and right so whats the best way to keep track of the indexes?
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Aug 7, 2010
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I'm wondering if there are any good tools for converting the C code to Actionscript directly, or in general if anyone has some advice on how to do this porting in an efficient way given its C based source code?
Since the game will keep getting updated with bugfixes etc, a method allowing rapid conversion of the updated game code to Flash so that only one code base would need to be maintained would be optimal.
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Nov 2, 2010
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