TIMELINE: 3 layers, -- Layer 1, flv video - converted to a Movie Clip. Layer 2, is my button. Layer 3, is my action script. My flv video file was imported and converted to a Movie Clip. My button was created using polygon tool and was converted to a button - and both have instance names.
/////////////////////// MY AS CODE:
function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
PROBLEM: Everything functions great, but my flv video file just stops playing at random points, it doesn't even finish playing, and then, when I click my button a second time, it re-starts playing right where it randomly stopped. Why does it randomly stop playing at various points on the timeline?
I'm having a problem playing an flv. When the page loads sometimes it will just sit there and not do anything, then if i refresh, it'll play fine. Or it might play for a few seconds the first time, and then stop, and then if I refresh, it'll play fine. Has anyone run into this? Here is my code.
Code: var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, etStatusHandler);
I imported a .aif sound in to my library and gave it a class name of "Beat". I'm using this sound as a rollover effect. So I have my variable initiated at the top like so:
Code: var snd:Beat= new Beat(); My listener's function like so:
I'm working on a rotating carousel type menu. It has images that rotate around, and when you click on an image, a .flv file plays, then when it's done, it goes back to the menu. It loads the data from an .xml file so it's all dynamically created.
This is all fine and works... locally.
When I upload it to the server, everything seems fine until I click on one of the icons. The .flv plays for 2 seconds, then goes back to the menu. Other flv files on the internet play fine, so it's not my flash player. I tried hard-coding in a video to play, and it has the same problem, it plays the first 2 seconds, then freezes.
Code: var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
I have the program set to go back to the menu when the status of the .flv is: NetStream.Play.Stop
I traced out the status of the video when playing locally, the status goes normally (gets to Netstream.play.stop after the video is done), but when played online, it gets to netstream.play.stop after 2 seconds, then prints that out like 50 times.
I would like to be able to spin a wheel in flash, this wheel has 8 sections to it split up equally, it spins for a random amount of time, 3 - 7 seconds and then stops. the section which lands on the marker is the result and will take you to a specific frame. Also i would like it when it stops to gradually slow down however this is not vital.this code works for just rotating a wheel but i want to know how to randomly stop it and how to take it to another frame.
We have an issue were the server session associated with a Flex client times out when the browse file dialog is open for a time longer then the configured session timeout. It seems that on some players, the playback is stopped when browse or download on a FileReference is executing. This also causes remote calls to be blocked and hence our manual keep-alive messages are not sent to the server, resulting in a session timeout. I searched for some info on this in the docs and found a notice of it, but it does not explicitly list the players it does (not) work. Would anyone know were I could find a complete list?
I'm trying to get the effect of letters cycling randomly until it gets to the correct letter and then stops...so you can have a word cycle randomly until it creates the word you want.how can I achieve that in MX
I'm a newbie web designer, and am working on a client's flash-run website, which is powered by a 3rd party template she gave me. I've done most of the text changing work, and I've uploaded the website at [URL] In the SERVICES page, there's a text area [left-top], which scrolls to a certain point and then stops at the line "VLCC". In the .fla file, there is text for at least another 20-30 lines below. how do I make the scroll work to its full length.
i have a MovieClip with some MotionTweens and they work great.However, as soon as i modify the MC's BlendMode or BlendShader using AS3 (im targetting Flash10) the Tweens stop.I dont have the slightest clue why that happens...I have build a very simple test case for the problem: http:[url].....
On the Actionslayer you will a couple code lines (there is a comment in german, just ignore it, if you remove the // comment sign, you will see that the animation stops as soon as the blendshader is active).I have included a swc that that implements some custom blendshaders. However, instead of assigning a blendShader, you can simply assign a flash blendmode using code.the same will happen.
I have a main movie (e.g called main.swf) and a couple of other movies which need to be loaded inside my main movie.Some of these should load inside a movieclip, and some should load inside a scrollpane. Now, whatever I do, i just can't make my Preloader show the amount of loaded movies properly.I even used the built in methods of scrollpane but it doesn't work at all.I use AS2, and flash CS3.The loader stops at 0% and after same time it goes to 100%.
I have a music track that I want continusuely playing and looping for until my 600 frames stop, then it stops. (by the way my frames/sec is a 1, not 24 like the default). Also it would be nice if in the last 5 seconds it could somehow fade away. How do I do this?
I've noticed (a few months ago, actually) that in most browsers I use to test my application (Firefox, chrome and explorer) the flash plug in, while playing it's content, will stop, or freeze, when the actual plug in playback window is out of the window (due to scrolling, or switching tabs), or covered by another window (a different browser or program window that will cover the visible area of the player), which is something good, and nice, when you think about web pages full of commercials slowing down your browser and computer in general, but what happens when you a games programmer, who work with multiplayer games, on games which are mostly turn based? If one of my players switches tabs, open a new window over the browser, or god forbids, scroll down the page, the game is essentially stopped, since no events occur on that players side of the game!! And this does not effect just simple frame based animation, but everything, onEnterFrame events stop, setInterval stops... the only thing that I could find that does not stop when this happens is a setInterval action done in a different swf, which is loaded to a different level of my game file.
I am making a banner that has multiple movie clips sharing the same area, creating different rainbow effects when different areas (invisible buttons) are moused over.
First of all I couldn't figure out if there was a way to have one invisible button over the whole area that changed to a different colored effect with each mouse over (first mouse over the black and whites would change to reds, second would change it to blues, third would change it to browns, etc.). Since I couldn't figure this out I settled on creating three buttons covering a third of the banner each, so when the mouse passes over one button it changes to reds, over another button it changes to blues, over the third it changes to browns.
The effects are movie clips where each frame has another stripe changing color so it goes in a wave effect from one to the next, and then goes back to white and black in the same manner. The first frame of each movie clip I had to turn into a nested movie clip so I could turn the alpha to 0, since I was going to have these color effect movie clips on top of one another in the main timeline on different layers, and so you could see the effect even if that color layer wasn't on top. I used the same nested movie clip with zero alpha for the first frame of each color effect clip (reds movie clip, blues movie clip, etc), so I dont' know if that's an issue.
Anyway, it seemed to work fine for a while, but after working on it for a while longer (and not getting any further since I removed most of the changes I made), now when I test the movie the mouse over does not seem to work correctly. It works fine, seemingly, for the first time I mouse over each button, but in order to have it work again I have to mouse over the button twice, and then it will pause randomly during a part of the clip and I have to move my mouse back over for the movie clip to continue.
I can't tell if this is because of the overlapping movie clips, or because my buttons are messed up, or if my actionscript is messed up, or if the timeline has to be longer, or what. Currently the timeline is 55 frames, the same as each movie clip.
I put a movieclip_instance.stop(); command in the first frame of the main timeline, is there a better way to do this? Should I put the stop command in the movie clip itself?
Here is a section of my AS in the main timeline, this is my first time programming ever, in any language, and trying to learn from the internet is more difficult than I thought it would be.
redmovie.stop(); red_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, playRed); function playRed(event:MouseEvent):void { redmovie.play(); }
I am playing an swf on a VB.net form which works fine but I've added an FLV to another layer in the same swf and when I run it, the FLV doesn't appear. If I run the swf by itself the FLV appears. I've tried using the FLVPlayback component and tried coding the FLV with AS3, both work when I run the SWF by itself but the FLV still doesn't appear when run in VB.
I have an ad banner in which I am certain I touched nothing that would affect the lack of looping in the file and lo and behold some elemnts loop even though in the actionscript it says to stop looping it....The trace says it played out the function to stop looping but it still does. I am not an actionscript pro but could anyone PLEASE possibly look at the file and tell me how to make sure EVERYTHING stops looping? The looping is causing google to prevent us from putting up the banners
I do not know how to insert an animation stops to give the presenter time and forward or backward in a linear and PowerPoint by pressing any key. Similar to typical PPT slideshows and will insert a small clip light and animation films. "My idea is that every time they click on any key (no button) on the film, forward motion up to a certain frame and so on until the end of the presentation "
how to accomplish my current task. I have an .fla with 32 frames in it, an open frame, a close frame, and a bank of 30 frames in between. I want to set up some AS so that once the user clicks a "Next" button on the first frame, it randomly jumps to another one of the frames within the bank of 30. Then, when they get to that frame and view the contents, and click next, they'll randomly jump to another one of the remaining frames. This will only happen for 20 frames, after the 20th viewed frame, I want the "Next" button to take them to the final slide in the series. The purpose being so that each time a user views the program, it's never the same (well not likely ever the same) - so they'll all see 20 different frames in a different order.
I'm guessing I could do this with arrays, and the math.random method, some if/else statements.
I have a mc call mcA which visible and invisible alternatively on stage. I want to attach 10 mc (mc1-mc10) in library with this mcA. When mcA is visible it will attach mc4 in library then it is invisible again. The next time it is visible, it attach let say mc7 and so on, we do not know which mc it will attach in the next session it is visible.
I am trying to create a small movie. Now I want to create an effect that once the mouse is in the right half of the movie - then movie should play forward. When the cursor moves to the left half of the movie then movie should play backwards. I have tried following some examples from online but I am kinda lost
This is what I have done so far:
- Create the animation named it "mc" of type Movie Clip - Put it in the "main scene" - The (first) keyframe at "main scene" has action "stop();" - <<now i am lost >>
Note: Eventually the right and left part of the movie will link to different webpage.
As I have a gradient background on my website where the swf is embedded, in order to avoid the white screen that appears initially while the swf is loading, I turned transparency on for the swf. In order to really get it transparent I found out that you not only have to enable it in on the html site, but also tick "Detect flash version"and chose "Transparent windowless" in the publish settings. I used the html document created when I published the swf and the transparency now works fine.
However, the films I have on my site are now playing back with a very "jerky" behaviour and not smooth at all. I tried compressing the film as much as possible, but it's still not working as before. The site in question is [URL] if you would like to see for yourself. I've tried it on both my laptop, which is even worse, and my fairly powerful dual core 64 bit stationary PC.
I import the video manually from the File Tab. I change the stage size to match video (I want it full screen because I have "liquid layout" AS3 code in order to match browser window) I center the video on the stage.I make the video an Object (MovieClip)
And that's it.
The video play well, matching the full brower window and resizing accordingly.
My questions are :
1 - I am making the video a movie clip but is it necessary. I have tried without and it still works!! The only thing I find weird is that the "publishing" doesnt work when the video is not made a MovieClip. (I struggle to center the SWF in the HTML page)
2 - I don't know about the Netstream class. My server is a normal FTP (with PHP MYSQL) but not a streaming server. Would it be appropriate (better) to call the video through AS3 using the Netstream class ? (actually I am not sure of what the Netstream class is for)
3 - I have tried to loop the video using the classic AS3 code (that can be found anywhere). What is funny is that the code works when the movie is not converted to an object. But when it is, the looping doesnt work at all. Do you see a reason why ? (Maybe because the video is imported manually and not an instance created from the Video MovieClip Object ??)
I've got a short animation at 720p - not much going on, just some symbols moving around the screen - but playback in flash player is jerky (more flashy, actually) - not smooth at all.
I've got the latest video drivers for my card, running a dual-core 2.4GHz with 6GB of RAM - my CPU meter says it's having no trouble playing the flash. The video card is an Nvidia quadro NVS 285 (pretty old & crap, but should have no problems).
I don't suppose anyone has got any ideas. I am using FlashEff2 for an effect but the entire animation is jerky, not just the bit with the FlashEff. I would post the fla but I can't see any way to do that on this forum - if anyone would like to see the source, please email me at elliot dot sumner at gmail dot com.
The video gallery on my website uses an an FLV video gallery downloaded from Adobe. When I encode my Flash files to Quicktime then to FLV they look perfect but once uploaded onto my site and played back through the gallery the quality suffers, especially text which loses it's vector crispness.Url...The videos are under 'portfolio' the best example of my problem is the INTEL video 3 rows down, second left, text looks rounded when it should be sharp.I have run the videos through Adobe media encoder and After Effects and again whilst looking fine when played locally they degenerate once uploaded.
I'm creating accessible content for a html elearning module. I'm including video, which I have successfully imported into flash, and added captions to by linking a XML document.The issue I am having is that my styling in the XML isn't working in flash, and my captions play in a tiny horrible font, making it very difficult for people to read, therefore not making it accessible content.I've used two tutorials online to create these styles in XML but neither are working.I'm using CS5 Flash and Dreamweaver.XML content is as follows: (I have removed my content for the script)
I created a video in After Effects and rendered the output to an .flv, works fine when I embed in html and upload to my server. But now I'm having a problem with the next phase and that's adding a link to the flv using Cue points. I read the tutes on this but cannot get past the following. First I tested this by importing the flv picking the skin for the player and importing straight to an html page in Dreamweaver. I uploaded the html, flv and player to the server and it works great.
Now I need to add a url link to a certain frame of the flv and read the tute on how to import the flv into a new fla file, I see where I can scrub the timeline inside the flv and thought I was home free as all I had to do was upload and add the cue points. But now I see where I had to take the .flv and import as video to a new fla and after importing the flv it clearly states that the component will only play locally. After making sure the flv was on the server I uploaded the html and swf. When I try to playback from the server I get a browser Which is named "Flash Player Installation" with a blank screen.
I am using the FLVPlayback component to play a flash video. Currently, the input video I am using is a H.264 encoded .mp4 file. My question is regarding the type of video input which the component supports. In the sense, I understand the kind of videos which the playback component supports(h.264, sorenson spark encoded videos and the like). I specifically wanted to know whether there is a provision to play a video which has chapters and is there any skin to support such a feature?
Background Info: I am using Flash Professional CS 5 and the language is AS3. I am using flash on an embedded platform.
I have made my site and now the protocols of Flash wont allow the internet to playback the video, I dont know if you understand me but this is the message I am getting every time I try to open my finished SWF Project."The following local aplication on your computer is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location: my site IP" I looked for the location to allow the settings yet I cant find it.
I found out an action script online, and did like it. So I applied it in my new flash. However, when I play the .swf file with Adobe Flash Player, it runs smoothly, but when I upload it on my website, it keeps black out and does not run at all.URL...And here is the project I packed so you can have a look at the AS:URL...