ActionScript 1/2 :: Current Browser And Os In Flash?

Jan 3, 2011

I need to get the current OS and current browser in flash. How can i get it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Current Browser Url?

Oct 16, 2009

I am new to AS3 and I have one task in which I have to read browser current url through actionscript.For example if some xyz website is using my flash player then I should be able to get that xyz website url and store it in our reporting database to get an idea about how many website are using our flash player.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Current URL Of Page Swf Is On From Browser Bar?

May 23, 2010

I need to sitelock a swf to All of the sitelock solutions I've found only lock the domain that the swf loads from, which means a user can still copy the source code of the page and load the page locally and alter the swf params (since the swf still loads from the same url

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ActionScript 3 :: Web Development : Get Current Browser URL?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Current Browser URL

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I'm trying to assign the current URL in the browser to a variable in AS3 (CS3).URl...I have tried the following code Actionscript Code: import flash.external.*;var currentURL:String = String("window.location.href.toString"));trace(currentURL);I export the file (html & SWF) and try it locally and I have [code]I get no compile errors but I do get the security warning from my Flash player 10 in IE8 saying it stopped due to a potentially unsafe operation etc etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nvaigate Url To Current Browser Window?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a MC with the following:

navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url));

However, when I click it it opens a new browser window.Is it possible to load the target on the current browser window?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL - Open On Top Of Current Browser Window

Jul 24, 2006

I am using the getURL function in response to a button event. I need it to open the URL (absolute) in a new browser window, but I need the new browser window to open on top of the current browser window. Right now it's opening behind the current browser window. Below is my code:

on (release){
getURL("absolute URL here", "_blank");

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Java :: Enable Intranet Users To Take Screenshot Of The Current Page Via The Browser?

May 22, 2011

Is it possible to create a screenshot from the current page the user is on? (It's for an Intranet enviroment).

I know this is not possible with JavaScript alone, but is it possible with Flash or maybe an Java applet?

I have been searching around but I couldn't find anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Browser Stay On Current Page In SWF File After Pressing F5

Feb 18, 2011

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Flex :: Make A Flash Browser App That Could Receive Data From Browser Plugin Or Other Windows App?

Dec 18, 2009

in other words, suppose I want to send data, like text, programmatically from a Windows app (such as a browser plugin) to a Flash app running in the browser. Well, conceptually, an example of this might be a Flash instant messenger with a textbox and button "Send"; so let's say I want to be able to programmatically paste the text and press Send or otherwise activate it. That's NOT what I am trying to do here in reality (i.e., no,I am not trying to spam other people's chat rooms or anything)but just an illustration of a similar situation.I can include in it whatever widget or hack that may be necessary.The reason why this problem is arising for me is that AFAIK the SDK that is providing me the data I want cannot be directly accessed from Flash, so I need a way to pipe the data from a regular app into Flash. can I have the Flash app interact with other apps through localhost IP? Or are there draconian restrictions on which server Flash in browser can and cannot interact?

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Oct 27, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening Browser Windows From A Flash Movie With Browser?

Jan 17, 2006

I have a PHP mailer form on my site which needs to be published in action script2 to work, but I also have a script set up to open browser windows of a certain size & location which needs actionscript 1 to work? The PHP mailer form has a "Name" field, "Email" field & "Message" field, theses can all be reset with a button. The button clears off any text in the 3 boxes to wipe them clean. The script on the reset button is:

on(release) {
_root.myForm.formNameField.txt = ""
_root.myForm.formEmailField.txt = ""[code].....

This works fine with section script 2 but not with as1. Does anyone know of a script that resets the .text field on as1 Alternatively is there any way of opening browser windows from a flash movie with browser win controls, eg. centre win, no scrollbars.

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Flash :: Full Browser Detecting Browser Size?

May 8, 2007

[URL].. Anyone know the AS to make it automatically check the size of the browser for the listeners_notice when you resize the browser it works perfectly...but not when it first loads up.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Fit Browser To Flash, Without Fitting Flash To Browser?

May 11, 2009

I've figured out how to tell my flash website not to scale itself (which degrades the quality of the buttons i've created as .gifs). And then how to keep it centered within the browser. But this leads to unwanted white, negative space on all sides, since i'm keeping my site small enough for everyone to view (at 800 x 600). So what code can I add that will scale the browser to the set dimensions of the site? Rather than vice versa.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash MX - How To Get The Current URL

Dec 15, 2002

I m making a flash application which will be loaded on different web sites. I have to get some data from ASP & when user exits from the application have to send back the data to another ASP.My problem is how to send & retreive data from ASP & FALSH MX.Second problem is how will i find the current URL from which my application is loaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Not Showing Up In Browsers Without Current Flash Player?h

May 31, 2008

I am having a problem with my flash not showing up in browsers without current flash player. I tried to use the following script but it did not work.I am just trying to make it to where if someone doesn't have flash it takes them to a flattened non flash page.

var MM_contentVersion = 6;[code].....

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Current Page's URL Into Flash?

Jul 13, 2010

Is it possible to get page URL into flash ?

Without using'window.location')

trace(this.loaderInfo.url) simply return URL from where flash was loaded.

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See All Elements Of Current Symbol In Flash CS5?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm dealing with multiple hard to find/small/transparent elements within nested MovieClips in Flash CS5. Is there no outline window where I can get to an element through a tree format vs having to look around on the stage? The closest thing I've found is the Movie Explorer window, but it doesn't go any deeper than the scene level? But what about symbols with their own timelines?

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Flash :: Obtain The Name Of The Current Function?

Jan 19, 2011

I want to get the name of a function from inside that function. e.g.:

function blah() {

I want to get the string "blah" here, from the function's name

Or at least the Function object?

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Flash :: Only Add Child To Current Frame?

Sep 28, 2011

Is it possible to add a child to the current frame only?

I know you can just remove/hide them, and generate/show them again.

But isn't there an easier way?

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Flash :: Reload Current Frame?

Apr 23, 2009

What's the sanest way to achieve something along the lines of this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe)?

What I want is that Flash re-loads the current frame as if I was using gotoAndStop (which does nothing if it is given the current frame as target frame).

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Jquery :: Get Current Flash Version?

Feb 8, 2012

I want to get my clients current Flash version.I've managed to get IF the clients computer supports Flash, but not what version he/she has installed.!

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($.browser.flash == true)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Retrieve Current URL Into Flash

Jun 28, 2009

Is it possible for a flash file to retrieve the current url from the browser and populate a dynamic text field with that url?So say my swf is embedded at [URL]I have a dynamic text field in my swf labeled myText What actionscript would be needed for that myText field to recognize the url and populate with [URL]?

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Print The Current Frame Or What Is On The Screen From Flash?

Feb 14, 2002

First, when i print my movie(properties 760 x 520) it is very small on paper. How can i make it fit the paper?

Second, how can i only print the current frame or what is on the screen from flash?

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Button In Flash To Print Current Page?

Jul 25, 2006

I want to print the current page (web page) when user clicks on a button.

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Flash :: Get All Shared Objects For Current Domain?

Aug 5, 2010

Using SharedObject.getLocal I can get access to what appears to be an infinite number of files simply by using unique identifiers in the method call; What I want to know is how can I retrieve a list of all active files or shared objects that have been saved for my current domain.

I'm trying to write a save game mechanism that allows you to save your game (potentially many megabytes) so using a single shared object seems like it might cause performance issues however if I use multiple objects I'm not sure how I'd find out what has been saved without using an object just to specify the id's of the other saves - then my question becomes what happens if this "header" object is removed or deleted - how can the player access the other files?

A snippet from the flash docs:

Local disk space considerations. Local shared objects have some limitations that are important to consider as you design your application. Sometimes SWF files may not be allowed to write local shared objects, and sometimes the data stored in local shared objects can be deleted without your knowledge. Flash Player users can manage the disk space that is available to individual domains or to all domains. When users decrease the amount of disk space available, some local shared objects may be deleted. Flash Player users also have privacy controls that can prevent third-party domains (domains other than the domain in the current browser address bar) from reading or writing local shared objects.

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Reset The Current Tab Index In Flash

Nov 29, 2010

For instance, if I have an ordered set of objects [a, b, c, d, e] with their tabIndex property correctly assigned, and the focus is currently on object c, I want to change the focus so that:

a) Nothing is focused;
b) Next time I press tab, object a gets focused.

stage.focus = null solves (a), however it remembers the current index causing object d to be focused when tab is pressed.

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Flash :: Get The Current Inner Window Size In An Adobe AIR App?

Sep 26, 2011

I need to know the available screen space in my current AIR app, but when I use stage.nativeWindow.width and stage.nativeWindow.height, I get the size of the window including the title bar. I'd like to know the "inner size", so excluding the title bar. How do I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Get Index Of Current Array

Dec 30, 2011


Say that ArrayVar is equal to 3 at the time funct1 is triggered. in funct1 i want the variable curIndex to be set as 3.

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