ActionScript 1/2 :: Move To Another Scene Automatically Without Presing Buttons

Sep 16, 2009

1-What is the ActionScript command to move to another scene (like for example if I want that when Scene A reaches frame 340 is moves on to frame 1 of Scene B automatically without presing buttons, what ActionScript should I put in frame 340 of Scene A)?

2-What actionscript code should I put on a button so that when I click it it starts playing Scene X?

I know this should be relatively easy to find, and I promise I'll search next time, but I just don't have much time now

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function nextscene(event:MouseEvent):void {nextScene();
}function prevscene(event:MouseEvent):void {prevScene();
}nextbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextscene);
prevbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevscene);

The one error I DO get is:
Error #1009: cannot access property or method of a null object reference.
at buttontest_fla: main timeline/frame 425()

Attachments: (4.0 MB)

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So in my Main Timeline I have 2 Layers each with a movieclip attached, named Intro on the first frame and on the following frame Menu.

The problem is that my Intro Movieclip does not finish playing it's animation until the Menu frame pops up.

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In the end of it.

What I want is that my Intro frame would finish playing it's attached MC and then move the second frame labeled "Menu".


How do I move to a label in the main timeline after a MovieClip has finished playing?


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on (release) {

Can I replace the locations.swf with one of my scene names or do I need to find another piece of code?

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Apr 6, 2009

I have a movie clip that i want to use for a button, so that when it is clicked it will move from scene1 to scene2

is there a way to make it change when the movie clip is clicked or is it only possible on a button? i want to use a movie clip because my "button" animates when the mouse hovers over it.

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I've used one of the hangman source code online and i couldn't get it to work. I want to move from hangman 1.2.1 to hangman 1.2 but i can't do that because the button just won't work. By the way, i'm using adobe flash cs5.URl...this is the original source code.URL...i need some reply asap as my project submission is due 3 days later.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When I Move To The 2nd Scene, The Sound Stop Looping?

Apr 30, 2004

My swf works with scenes. In the 1st scene i build a sound object :

PHP Code:

mysound = new Sound();

but when i move to the 2nd scene, the sound stop looping... I could restart it using _root.mysound.start(0,loop) but it would restart the sound when you move from scene1 to scene2 so cut it up in the middle and restart which isn't so nice..

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Makes Scene To Play When Called For And Not Play Automatically

Nov 7, 2009

So this is my code so far:
on (press) { // Gives your movie a button functionsgetUrl("");}
on (rollOver) {this._alpha=100;gotoAndPlay("Scene 2"); }


when i play the movie, it plays scene 2, however, scene 2, which is in my flash document, plays automatically. how can i stop this? is there some code which only makes scene 2 play when called for and not play automatically.

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Flash :: Make A Button Navigate From Scene 1 To Scene 2 Without Displaying Both Scene Content In Scene2?

Jan 27, 2011

ive made a button in the scene 1 which i have managed to navigate to scene 2 but when i click the button it goes to scene 2 but displays everthing that is in scene 1 in scene 2, how can sort this out so upon the button click in scene 1 it goes to scene 2 and only display content in scene2.


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Using Buttons To Go To The Next Scene

Jun 16, 2009

I am very new to flash. I am building an interactive video player. I am trying to get one scene to go to another scene with the use of a button, but everything I do is not working. I keep geting the null error when it tries to look at the scene I am directing it to. I have looked at other forums and can not seem to find a resolution. The first scene just seems like it doesnt want to stop and then when it does the null error comes up. Here is the last action code that I have been using.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Automatically (fade In And Out) As Well As Being Able To Be Prompted To Switch Via Buttons?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm working on a slide show which I would like work automatically (fade in and out) as well as being able to be prompted to switch via buttons... I know this is a super simple thing, but I cannot get all the buttons to work. The buttons are copies of the same instance with different instance names and are located at the 3 respective frames in timeline where the pieces of slideshow should fade in/out ( I hope this makes sense) I get the first set of buttons to work:

controls.bttn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection1);
function clickSection1 (evtObj:MouseEvent) {
// trace shows what's happening in the output window


but when I add more buttons that are located later on in a timeline, I get the following error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at INDEX_TEST_r3_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Play Multiple External Swf's Automatically Without Buttons?

Oct 12, 2010

I need to play multiple external swf's automatically without buttons. The code I have plays them fine but I need to stop on the last swf in the array. [code]...

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Changing From One Scene To Another Without Buttons

Oct 23, 2010

I'm creating a game in which you have to click/shoot the correct number as it passes by and when the scoreboard reaches 2 certain scores I need the scenes to change. I've managed to make it work for one scene where when the score hits 10 it changes to the next part of the game. However I also need to make it so that when the score hits -5 the scene changes to the "Final Score" scene where the player is taken if they lose. When I tried to use the same script I used the first time I just didn't know where to place it and it didn't work. How can I have 2 scripts working on the same timeline so that if the score reaches 10 the game proceeds but if it reaches -5 the game ends?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Scene Changes On Buttons?

Mar 19, 2009

I have made a button in flash and i want the movie to to change to a different scene when clicked. I have attached the below code to the button but for some reason its not working

on (release) {
gotoAndPlay("Turns invisible 1st decision", 1);

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