ActionScript 1/2 :: Playing Video Messes Up When Done?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm trying to play an opening animation in my flash movie before I move on to the interactive stuff. I have tried to do this in two ways.
The first way: My movie is two frames. In the first frame on the timeline, I have a movieclip that has a video object in it on the stage. I add code to  play a video in it like so and then go to frame 2 where there is a movieclip linked to an external class with all of the rest of my code in it:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: VIDEO Stops Playing, Continue Playing Flash Movie?

Aug 7, 2009

I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...

If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?

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Professional :: Playing An External Video File And Upon Video Being Played, Move Onto Next Frame?

Dec 16, 2011

I suppose the title says it all.  I can load an external video file (FLV) and I can have it play.  I also have the custom buttons made to control the clip.  The only thing I have left to do is to have the main timeline move onto frame 2 once the external video reaches its end.  I am using actionscript 3 and flash cs 5.5. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloaded Video Already Starts Playing While Preloading (at About 30%), But Without Showing The Video?

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I've been using the "Reusable Preloader Using MovieClipLoader" from the tutorial section of this site.The only difference is that i don't use'm for preloading jpg. I load external swf files containing video. Everything works fine so far. The only problem is that the preloaded video already starts playing while preloading (at about 30%), but without showing the video.This is the code i have so far:

bar._visible = false;
border._visible = false;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("container", "100");[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multi Video Player - Audio From The Last Video Remains Playing Even When Prompted To Stop??

Jun 2, 2010

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May 31, 2010

How can I detect when a video has finished playing a.k.a stopped playing, so I can tell flash to play the next video in an array?

This is my code:

Code: Select allvar x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;
var urls:Array = new Array();


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Detect When Video Finished Playing, To Play Next Video?

Aug 17, 2009

How can I detect when a video has finished playing a.k.a stopped playing, so I can tell flash to play the next video in an array?

This is my code:

Code: Select allvar x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;
var urls:Array = new Array();
var desc:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Buttons Not Work Unless Video Playing

Jan 20, 2010

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one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid1);
two.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK. vid2);
function vid1 (e:Event):void {
vidPlayer.source = "vid1.flv";
} function vid2 (e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put Together A Class For Playing Video Using The Video Object?

Aug 23, 2008

I am trying to put together a class for playing video using the Video object. So far, I have only been successful in getting the Video object to fully work when not using a class setup. In the documentation, I have read that to use the Video object you have to actually drag/create the video object onto the stage. So, in my next attempt, I created the video object onto the stage within a MovieClip but still trying to use a class/linkage setup with the Video inside inside of a MovieClip container. No luck there either. Here is the basic AS2 script that is linked to a MovieClip that contains the Video object ("video" instance) within it.

class VideoTest {
private var nc:NetConnection;
private var ns:NetStream;


I am getting the following error with this script.

Line 14: There is no property with the name 'video'.
Line 15: There is no method with the name 'video'.

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Actionscript 3 :: Atom Feed Xmlns Attribute Messes Up XML-parsing?

Jan 21, 2010

Wanna see something interesting?

var xml:XML = XML(<feed><entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>);
trace(xml.entry.length()) // returns 3

Makes sense, right? Now let's add this attribute. var xml:XML = XML(<feed xmlns=""><entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>); trace(xml.entry.length()) // returns 0

Well that can't be right. Let's try it with a different attribute.

var xml:XML = XML(<feed test="okay"><entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>);trace(xml.entry.length()) // returns 3

Anyone know what would cause this? I used atom as an example, but any 'xmlns' attribute on the root node seems to have this effect. The value returned is straight up false - there are obviously still 3 'entry' child nodes regardless of the attributes their parents possess.

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On my Mac OS X it didn't matter, the setStyle Worked Fine,However I've transfered my files over to PC and working with the exact same things all the styles work EXCEPT for the setStyle("themeColor", "color");On this PC it's always turning it from the default "Greens" to a solid gray shade of borders, this is very weird.

For Example

// Have a button component on stage
import mx.controls.Button
_global.styles.setStyle("themeColor", "haloOrange");


It works just fine, do I need to edit the core class files for something? I'm extremely confused, I inport the class files in the first place so I can do public vars and strict data type them to that component.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Playback - 60 Seconds Video To Start Playing After 40 Seconds Have Been Downloaded

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1) I want a 60 seconds video to start playing after 40 seconds have been downloaded - to do that I set the NetStream.bufferTime to 40 seconds and retrieve "NetStream.Buffer.Full" event causing the video to really start playing. This step is OK.

2) However, the "NetStream.Buffer.Full" causes data to stop downloading. So the remainder of the video begins to download no sooner than after the 40 seconds have been played. This step is my issue. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this unintended effect? (i.e. playing a video and downloading data at the same time?)

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CS3 Best Way Of Playing Video?

Apr 20, 2009

not got my earlier problem sorted yet (about the title contuing to loop) but have another question now! ive managed to get an audio clip into my page complete with play and stop buttons. the audio is dynamically loaded

id like to put video in and have an flv video to use. id like to dynamically load it so keep the overall file size down and have navigation buttons for the user using actionscript 3 but not sure how to do this. looked around online and getting increasingly furstrated!

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Swf In Flv Not Stopping, Video Keeps Playing?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm making a basic flash website, and have already created the site structure, but I'm having trouble adding FLV and SWF, as they aren't responding as I would like.

1) I have built a basic flash photo gallery, and it works great. I have exported the SWF, but when I add that to my main sites keyframe, it plays non stop, and the buttons on that embedded SWF don't work.

2) After adding a FLV video to a keyframe, it works as I would like. Except that when I click to another keyframe after starting the video, it keeps playing. How would I be able to pause/stop the video if a navigation button to other keyframes are clicked.

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Professional :: Swf Video Not Playing?

Jan 19, 2010

I created a video player (flvplayer component) and have one video as the source.  I've had CS4 create the html and embed the video.  Locally the video plays fine, however once loaded on the server the player's skin and button show up but not the video.  The service provider said that they allow flash and have the MI

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Professional :: Video Not Playing On .swf?

Jun 21, 2010

I imported a video to my FLA (cs4), and added a playhead. On my local machine the video plays fine , but when emailed to someone to test, the page with the video displays only a blank spot. Also , on my local, I have a home page, and link for video, when I do click to videos, that works, but if I click home button I made, the video sounds keeps playing. I guess making the video display would be first priority, then the make it stop when not on the page containing it would be 2nd,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Not Playing When Run Swf?

Dec 12, 2010

I have some video that I uploaded and when i test movie it doesnt work.  At first i had two videos on one frame and then i move one to a different layer.  Initially when i uploaded them they both worked until i changed the parameters (auto play).  but on the 3 frames in which I have the videos; the ones on the top doesnt play and the ones on the bottom plays.

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Professional :: Playing A FLV Video?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm using Flash CS4.I just dropped an FLV file into my document and tested it.What asctionscript can I use to get it to not autoplay?Instead I would like to place the words "Click Here to play video" on top of the video so that when the user clicks on the text the video then begins to play.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Mp4 Video Not Playing?

Sep 17, 2010

I have an mp4 video, not sure the specific encoding outside of that, that I'm trying to play in a flvplayback component. I can get the audio to play, but for some reason there is no video. I've tried simply attaching it to the component and I've tried using a Video object and attaching a net_stream with the video in AS3. Same result. How do I fix that? If it's an encoding issue, how do I figure out what the encoding is and what software do I need to fix it?

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IDE :: Fullscreen Playing Video Only?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm using the normal

stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;

and it's just fullscreening the video part of my swf, not the entire swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Video From Playing?

Dec 8, 2009

i have a simple website i'm building. 4 sections/nav buttons. on the main homepage a video automatically starts playing, but when you click on another nav button which takes you to another frame in the site that displays another section - the video from the first homepage section is still's the code i'm using on the buttons that go from one section to the next:


home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, homeNav);
function homeNav(event:MouseEvent):void {


what do i need to do so that the video stops playing when you go to another section from the homepage/section?

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AS3 - Stop Video Playing In Same Timeline?

Dec 8, 2009

I've just posted a reply in the ActionScript3 Forum as someone else has had the same problem, but I can't find a solution so posting again here as it's taken me about 5 hours of getting nowhere and I'm sure this is really easy... have one frame on my time line called "theatre" and another called "Video" the buttons between the two work but the video continues to play in the background when I go back to the "theatre" frame on the same time line and I can't find a stop function that will work A button on my main page links to Video on the timeline with following AS3

btnVid.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickbtnVid);
function clickbtnVid(event:Event) :void {


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