ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Mute Button - Passing Variable In SWFs

Feb 10, 2008

I have a client who wants to add something to a flash presentation that is almost done. There is a root swf that is pulling in a nav screen swf, which in turn is pulling in the text screen swf of that corresponding nav swf. So at the start, the root swf automatically loads nav1.swf, and nav1.swf automatically loads text1.swf. Once that plays, the next button loads nav2.swf into the root swf, and in turn, nav2.swf automatically loads text2.swf onto it. I hope that makes sense. So all the text is going to be on the screen with pix, etc, and we are going to have a VO speak the text. The VO will be on the text swf files since there is fading of pix, text, etc and we need it to match. With it almost done, the client wants a mute button added to the thing.

The question is, if the mute button is on every text swf file, is there some variable that I can pass that would keep the next text swf file from playing it's VO? The client doesn't want people to have to keep clicking the mute button with every page. I know, I know, if I knew they wanted a mute button, I never would have built it this way. It's going on the web, and I figured for loading purposes, this was the best way. Now I think Im screwed... Or rather, they are. They approved this. But can it be done? Can I pass a variable from either the root swf or the navs swf files that tells the incoming text swf files to stay muted?

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Professional :: Adding Mute Button To Timeline

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I currently have several photos that rotate in an out and i also have a music clip which plays when i test the movie. i want to add a mute button from the components tab onto a timeline. Not sure how difficult this is for a novice, but I would like to try and figure it out. Most of the tutorial i've looked at tell you how to create the button and link it to the music. I haven't come across anything that tells you how to embed it into a timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Button To Mute All Sounds

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Mp3 Player - Keep The Mute State Unchanged When The Songs Are Playing Until The Mute Button Is Pressed Again

Feb 3, 2009

I've downloaded the the Flash mp3 Player. I did some minor modifications to it and it works well. The only problem I have is that when the mute button is pressed, the current song is mute(s.setVolume(0)), but when the next song comes up, the mute button is not in mute state(Volume not set to 0). I want to keep the mute state unchanged when the songs are playing untill the mute button is pressed again.

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This mutes all sounds. Now there is an issue, I want to stop all sounds but one (i.e. "music.mp3").

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Aug 5, 2010

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my_FLVPlybk.muteButton = mutebtn;

that is the mute button instance i am using.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing A Variable To A Button Inside A Movieclip?

Dec 23, 2009

I have list that is generated from a database that when click it calls a seperate movieclip in the library called comments and loads data from the database in it. I the movieclip i have buttons that I am trying to pass the data to but it doesnt seem to be working.

here is my actionscript:

getReleaseInfo_Result = function (releasesID,track1url,track2url,track3url,track4ur l) {
_root.container.attachMovie("comments", "comments", 100);
_root.container.comments._x = 325;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Swfs Load - Remove The Swfs And Sound After A New Button Is Clicked

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parameter Passing Between Two SWFs?

Jan 27, 2009

The problem I am currently having right now is the inability to send variables loaded from the LoaderSWF to the SWF that has been loaded.

Concretely speaking, I have an embed script on an HTML page that contains several variables in the FlashVars line. The embed script loads a file called loader.swf. Loader.swf's main responsibility is basically take those variables from the flashvar, load the game URL and pass along the rest of the necessary parameters to the game that the loader is loading. However, I've been working out several solutions and none of them worked the way I wanted to.

The embed script is as follows:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="450" id="game-player">
<param name="movie" value="/shockwaves/loader.swf" />


how can I load the game SWF file and send along additional parameters with that request? Is there someway I can punch in variables into the myLoader object?

The code I came up with sends along the authenticity token just fine, however, it is not sending score_url correctly. I'm not sure if that is the correct behavior, but please enlighten me with any insights you may have.

I have also considered trying LocalConnection, but the problem is that I do not have the necessary source code for the games to set up LocalConnection on the receiving end.

Also, the game files are using AS2, while the loader is using AS3. The game files read variables by utilizing _root.score_url, etc.

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Sep 14, 2009

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I tried using shared objects and kept getting the "cannot create shared object" error. I can either pass a variable or pass the inputTxtBox of the user defined color but don't know how to do either.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<menu name="mainmenu">


Now as you can see from my XML file above one of my menu options is a photo gallery. What I would like to to is have one swf, i.e. photoGallery.swf, and load this into an empty movie clip called content_mc and pass it different XML files (same format, but different content). (see my loadSlideShow() function)

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Create A Mute Button?

Feb 1, 2002

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Fla That To Add A Mute / Unmute Button

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something probably quite simple. fla that I need to add a mute/unmute button to. It would be even better if mute/unmute occured onmouseover, but no doubt this is a more complex question?

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Mute Button Not Working?

Aug 9, 2009

This is a simple mute toggle button for an mp3 player.
I first var sound: Sound 
Then I have the function 
//mute the current sound
function muteSound ()


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IDE :: Mp3 Fading Mute Button?

Aug 2, 2009

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some_sound = new Sound();
some_sound.attachSound("Kevin Spacey 16bit.mp3");


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Here is the parent SWF

// Load the child SWF into frame_mc
function loadBackground(backgroundName:String):Void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute And Unmute Button?

Apr 10, 2009

I am wondering how to make a mute and unmute button is actionscript 3.0.  I did it before in actionscript 2.0 but not in 3.0. Here is my actionscript 2.0 code.
var sound = 1;
var slashMC = _root.attachMovie("slash","slash01",99);
slash01._visible = false;
slashMC._y = btn._y;
slashMC._x = btn._x;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Mute Button Is Not Working?

Oct 9, 2010

I tried using a form of "volume = 0" kind of code but one thing it doesn't mute is the sounds I have in buttons (or symbols). Those seem to continue playing even when the mute is active.So whats a form of code I could use to shut off all volume?If there isn't a solution then what can I do to mute symbol sounds?

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I have some songs in the same folder as i have my .fla file. I call the .mp3 file on the first frame and i want to be able to pause it or stop it when i click on a button. I would appreciate the code for that. Or maybe any other suggestion on how i should add music to my .fla file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mute Button Not Working In Embedded SWF

May 19, 2010

The mute button code I have works perfect when the SWF is played itself, but when it is embedded in a wrapper SWF it no longer works. I know that it is the code that references _loc1. I have the root locked in the first frame of the embedded swf with this:

this._lockroot = true;

Here is the code in question. I just need to know how to change this code to make it work when this SWF is embedded in another SWF:

btn.onPress = function () {
var _loc1 = _root.snd.getVolume();
_root.snd.setVolume(Math.abs(_loc1 - 100));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sync Mute Button And Volume Bar?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm creating a movie with an FLVPlayback component. I used the standard Play/Pause, Mute and Volume Bar components supplied with CS5.I have had no problem getting the individual components to work by themselves... the play/pause button plays or pauses, the mute button mutes, and the volume slider controls the volume. But how do I set the volume bar to 0 when the mute button is on, restore the original volume when the mute button is turned off, and turn on/off the mute button if the volume bar is dragged?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Mute Button For Video In It?

May 11, 2009

I would like to create my own mute button in as3. I have created a video object which plays my video fine. I'm having trouble finding information on how to create a mute button that mutes the audio but the video continues to play. All documentation that I've read relates to controlling sound from an loaded .mp3 file.

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute Button For Sound In Timeline?

Sep 27, 2008

I want to add a mute / unmute button for sound that must remain synced to my animation. It sounds like a pretty straightforward task and I'm embarased that THIS is where I've gotten stuck while I've gotten through some stuff I thought would be way harder on my own. The reason this is a problem is because in considering 2 approaches I've run into a wall. I'll gladly accept any advice to circumvent the roadblock either way.

Approach 1 is to add the sound to the library, drop it in the timeline as a stream and build my animation to match. That works just fine, but I can't find an instance name for the sound to run a setVolume function against (not even sure if it would be that simple, but without an instance name, I can't move any further forward; I tried labeling the first frame of the sound layer 'narration' and trying refernces like timeline.narration, timeline, narration, and so on, but no joy).

Approach 2 is to import the sound using URLRequest, instantiating the sound and setting the volume against that instance. Works like a charm but the sound drifts out of sync with the animation (that was synced perfectly when it was in the timeline). This is my less appealing option because I'm using nav buttons taking me to various frames and the sound (which used to pick up at the right frame when it was in the timeline) just plays on without regard to the point in the animation. It's not a surprise to me that this happens, but if I were to do this I'd need to write code into my nav buttons to pick up the right spot in the sound instance and I'm not sure how to do that.

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Dynamic Mute Button Movie Clip?

Oct 22, 2009

The image is the little speaker, which has been converted to a Button symbol. When you click the button to mute, the sound mutes and a red "X" appears over the speaker icon. The red "X" was created as a Movie Clip so that it appears and disappears as you mute and unmute....after you click the button and mute, the red "X" does appear, however 1.) When the master movie recycles so does that X (it disappears). The muting stays off, though. Of course, then, if I want to unmute, I have to reclick the speaker icon to make the "X" reappear and then quickly click it again to turn the muting off (and I have to catch it before it recycles and disappears again).it is anyway. I'm using AS2:

var sound = 1;var offMC = _root.attachMovie("off","off01",99);off01._visible = false;off01._x = btn._x;off01._y = btn._y;var s:Sound = new Sound();s.attachSound("WildWestSaloon2");s.start;btn.onPress = function(){ if(sound==1){ 


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set Sound Volume To 0 On A Mute Button?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm very new to flash and i've made a movie for a website [url]... and i want to set the sound to 0 on my mute button at the moment i've put [code]...

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Professional :: Flash Mute/unmute Button?

Jul 5, 2010

I have just installed Flash Professional CS5. I have set up a short 3 second Flash .swf file and incorporated it into my website using Dreamweaver CS5. The Flash file has a background sound file and the Flash program loops. I see how to set up a mute button and have done that, yet when the file loops the sound begins again. I have looked through the many tutorials and forums and simply cannot find out how to set up the button so that when the "Mute Sound" button is clicked the sound stops even after the file loops. I am guessing it might have something to do with setting up my timelines, yet I have played around with that and did not get anywhere.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disappearing Mute Button On Click?

Jul 20, 2010

I am very very new to action script, most of the flash I use is for banner animation etc. I am doing a video that I need to start playing automatically, but it has to start playing muted. For this part I am using the following code

vid.playPauseButton = playpauseVid;
vid.volume = 0;
vid._uiMgr._isMuted = true;
vid.muteButton = mute;
vid is my video instance name.

This works great so far. But now the client wants to ad a big button over the video that says PLAY WITH SOUND. And that button has to serve the same function as the unmute button but it has to disappear once it is clicked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swap Symbol For Mute Button?

Aug 5, 2008

I've created a mute button which works fine for my flv and all other button sounds, but i want to swap the symbol for the volume so that when its off it will come up as off but when the user clicks on it to be on it will show that it is on etc...

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