ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Thumbnails Are Loading In Reverse Order
Jul 8, 2008
i have been able to customize this tutorial to meet my needs but i have one remailing issue. The thumbnails are loading in reverse order from they way they are listed in the XML file or random order. Is there a way to force them to load in the order they are listed in the XML file?
I try to load 4 pictures. Loading is fine but the order is reverse.This is the code:
function showThumbnail(id:String, xmllist:XMLList):void{ var pics:XMLList = xmllist.(@name == id).*; for each(var i:XML in pics.pic){ var loader:Loader = new Loader();
The "I" is the picture index. I think the order should be 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png just like the order of the xml ~~This is the output:
I'm loading some images within a gallery but I have a trouble.. They appear backwards.. the last one on the xml is the first one shown.. I guess the problem is caused by onLoadInit.. which resizes each images and then place it on stage.. if i make a trace of "i" inside onLoadInit, always give me the last number of "i" (eg. "28"... 28 times)
Im loading in tumbnails from an XML. Now they appear in a random order, i want them to be in the order they are in the XML file.
thumbNails_xml.onLoad = function() { var listenerArray:Array = new Array(); var tempArray:Array = thumbNails_xml.firstChild.childNodes; var tnLoader_mcl = new MovieClipLoader();
It's been 2 days and counting since I started to debug my code to make it work and It's eating up all my time and I don't think I'll hit my deadline If I don't start asking.
The gallery is working well, It can load the thumbnails smoothly without returning any error. However, the thumbnails doesn't load as expected, I think because the smallest file size gets to load first. So if thumbnail[3] is the smallest, it'll attach itself to thumbnail_container[0] which it should always be thumbnail[0] to thumbnail_container[0] and so on.
I'm working on a portfolio site that I'm pretty much done with, but I'm having trouble with the loading order of the thumbnails on the site. The work in the portfolio is grouped into clients, and within each client, there are thumbnails that display the selected work. This will probably make more sense if you can see what I'm talking about: [URL]. (Only the first two clients are enabled at the moment). Specifically, when the page is first loaded (from a web server) the thumbnails show up in the wrong order. When the page is refreshed, the thumbnails are displayed in the correct order.
The thumbnails always display in the correct order when being viewed locally, or in the Flash Test Movie environment. I'm pulling in the data from an xml file into an array, and iterating through the elements of the array with a loop, I'm loading the thumbnail images with a MovieClipLoader instance. Using the onLoadInit event, I then set the horizontal position of each thumbnail clip. As much as I'm looking for reasons why the order could be switching. I suspect it has to do with which thumbnail image finishes loading first - in which case, how to force the images to load in the correct order. Maybe I should use if...then and load the next thumbnail only when onLoadComplete fires?
is it possible to play a movie clip (or simply, main timeline) in reverse order e.g. suppose, there is a movie clip, few frames in that, of course it will play from first frame to end frame, and also, i want them to play from end frame to first frame.
I used the tutorial "Adding Thumbnails" to build a fotoshow. Adding another xml-file I have the problem,that I cannot reload(?) the thumbnails correctly.[code]Then I do not see any thumbnails,if(!) the new thumbnail list contains fewer elements than the old one and if the old thumbnail list was scrolled over the hit_right field before.It is seemingly necessary to reset the internal state of the movieclip. But how can I accompish that?
I'm trying to use a BarChart in Flex. I'd like it to order the bars according to the order of the ArrayCollection I fed it. i.e. data at index 0 should be the first bar on top.However, Flex is giving me the exact reverse order. i.e. data at index 0 is not the last bar in bottom. How could I tell the BarChart to reverse the order other than reversing the order of my ArrayCollection?Here's the block of code in my script tag:
[Bindable] private var optionsArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ new VotingOption('Yes, it rocks!', 'yes', 5),
I am trying to get my animation to play in reverse order and this is a pain in my leg.I have most of it figured out, this script below. I need to know if and how do I get this forward function to stop at a labled frame or key frame and not just use a number of px.
In this example I have x: "100".I need this to just play till it reaches a stop actions / lable frame or key frame. I have been trying to get this animation to play in reverse order for about a week now and I came across the TweenMax and it has a lot of good subclasses, but not much information online about the reverse subclass.
stop() // importing the classes TweenMax and easing import gs.TweenMax; import fl.motion.easing.*;
this is not CRUCIAL but I would like to be able to change it.As the notes come down the screen, they get added on top of each other since each child is added at a specific time.Is there a way I can reverse the sort order? So notes added after notes become layered behind instead of in front?
Is it possible in AS2 to remove an attached movieclip instance in reverse order? I want to give the user the ability to click an erase button and remove the most recent instance of an attached movie. I have tried .swapDepths and getting inconsistent results. Here is what I have:
Is there a way to reverse the order of the items in a comboBox? I'd like to use index numbers to refer to items in the arrayCollection below. I want the newest content to appear first in the comboBox. But, if I add something above the first item then all of the index numbers will be off by one. If I could add a new item to the end of the arrayCollection, but have it appear first in the comboBox drop down that would solve a lot of problems.
Ive got text in arabic in Word doc, written right to left (its times new roman font, arabic characters). when I copy & paste in XML, it reverses the direction, becomes left to right.
Im using word 2003 & adobe CS3 .i need to load xml file in Flash .
I've stumbled across a very interesting tutorialBut, I've noticed a little detail. When you click on the big image of the finished example on the first page of tutorial, it acts like a link. When I have downloaded finished .fla source, links are nicely written in the images.xml file, but the links in the .fla file don't work.
I tried to add some thumbnails attributes to list component,i was using the xml vidlist however i was unsuccesfull.i thought just adding another attribute would work but it didnt .am i suppose to make an image holder i am sorta lost at this point
im already read almost of the tutorial in how to create a XML Photogallery but it seems i cant find solution to my problem on "how to put a link on the thumbnail?" im creating a different style of gallery.. i only put the scrolling thumbnail area in my index page like a image scroller via XML. im new to XML thats why i cant still figure out how to put the link and pull it in the AS when the certain image is click..
I was adding the thumbnail gallery to my website, but the rollover to scroll through the thumbnails must is offset somewhere. I would like to just add left and right buttons to scroll if possible.http:[url]......
i have been able to customize this tutorial for my needs but i am still having one problem with the thumbnails. Unlike in the tutorial i have thumbnail that are two different sizes. most of them are 100 pixals wide but some are 75 and when they are different sizes like that it screws it up...they overlap or leave big gaps between thumbs.
below you can find the code i am using. the line of code that places the thumbs in there position is
i was able to stop the thumbs from over laping by replacing target_mc._width with 100 but that doesnt fix the big gaps between the images that are 75 wide.
function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { xmlNode = this.firstChild; image = [];
I am using the Kirupa gallery with thumbnail scroller - which is a FANTASTIC gallery system!
I want to move the scroller but when its moved further right...the scroller stops working. I can move it up and down on the stage, but once it goes a certain distance to the right the thumbnails do not load.
I also shortened the mask to about 160 px so it only shows 3 thumbnails of my pictures.
Here is a link to my FLA file: [URL]
How can I get this to work? Why wont the thumbnails load once the scroller moves a bit further to the right!
I have a .fla which loads thumb nails and when clicked shows the large image. It all works fine. I would like to have a reflection for each thumb how would I go about doing this, or how would amend my code to add the reflection.
Code: var holder:thumbNail = new thumbNail(); var thumb:Loader; var container:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
I have built a thumbnail gallery based on the tutorial on this site. It works great, but I'm having trouble with my thumbnails loading in order.I am calling images from an xml file, and placing them in a horizontal scrollbar. All of my thumbnails are different widths. Therefore, I need to be able to get the width of each thumbnail to position it in relation to the one before it and so on. Because of this, I'm using onLoadInit to position the images. Now, this creates a random horizontal order, based on how fast they load on the user's computer, not on their order in the xml file. I would use onLoadStart or onLoadComplete, as this would call them in that order, but the width is not available at this point in the loading, so they pile on top of each other.
I used this code, from "Creating Websites for Dummies" to create a video playlist. The only problem is that it (the book) doesnt show how to load descriptions for the video thumbnails (saying the title etc...of the video). I cant work out how to attach a dynamic text field to each thumbnail that reads its description from an xml file, can anyone give me some pointers or explain how this is done? I've been stuck on this for a few days now and i cant work it out..
in the code below 'main' refers to an attribute in teh xml file.
ar nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
There is this great tutorial here on kirupa where you add thumbnails to a XMLNow, everything works fine with horizontal pictures, but when i add vertical images the thumbs positions gets messed up. now, what i want to do is when it loads the thumbnails it should get the width of the previous thumbnail and position the next thumbnail right after it plus 5 pixels, then everything should work nicely. (I've already fixed how the big image gets positioned with horizontal/vertical images,If someone can point me in to right direction where the positioning of the thumbs are being made, then maybe i can fix it myself.
I've been working on Kirupa's adding thumbnails to the XML photo gallery. I've managed to change the scroller to one that is vertical and reposition it to where I wanted it and everything works fine. urrently the code accounts for when the mouse moves (on the horizontal) to the left or right of the thumbnail container to stop scrolling. However when the mouse moves up and down to scroll (on the vertical) it continues to scroll even though the mouse has moved outside the container area. I'd like for it to only scroll when the mouse is within the 30 pixel - hit_left/right boudaries.
Here's the code, as you can see the changes have been very little from the original.
This question has probably been asked a number of times in this forum. I searched and searched, read every reply, but there is nothing satisfactory posted till now. I tried out all solutions posted, but almost every implementation was incomplete. So, here is my question: In the xml photogallery tutorial, if I want to have a border around a thumbnail (which is dynamically loaded), how do I do that?
I made a xml gallery using kirupa's xml gallery tutorial and then i added thumbnails.It all works fine.Although i managed to have the jpg's loaded fullscreen i dont know how to use smoothing for the resize of the movieclip container. I have a code that resizes the movieclip to the dimensions of the stage onresize function.I'm trying to put in the code an attachBitmap function so i can have it with smoothing to true. But i haven't managed how yet.[code]