ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images .. Why Reverse Order
Dec 13, 2011
I'm loading some images within a gallery but I have a trouble.. They appear backwards.. the last one on the xml is the first one shown.. I guess the problem is caused by onLoadInit.. which resizes each images and then place it on stage.. if i make a trace of "i" inside onLoadInit, always give me the last number of "i" (eg. "28"... 28 times)
I try to load 4 pictures. Loading is fine but the order is reverse.This is the code:
function showThumbnail(id:String, xmllist:XMLList):void{ var pics:XMLList = xmllist.(@name == id).*; for each(var i:XML in pics.pic){ var loader:Loader = new Loader();
The "I" is the picture index. I think the order should be 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png just like the order of the xml ~~This is the output:
i have been able to customize this tutorial to meet my needs but i have one remailing issue. The thumbnails are loading in reverse order from they way they are listed in the XML file or random order. Is there a way to force them to load in the order they are listed in the XML file?
I noticed something after executing my slideshow. The images aren't showing in the order they are in the XML (and that MUST be in order).[code]The problem resides in the fact that Event.COMPLETE when loading images add probably images in the order they are LOADED and not LOADING. Is there a method which will make them add in the order they are called?
I have a problem with loading images. The images are loading random wise whats the problem with the code.When i trace the url its displaying randomwise.
ActionScript Code: private function createContainer():void { for (var i:Number = 1; i<=myXML.images.length(); i++) {
I'm building a an multimage gallery. Almost everything is working well but a malignant fate that is making the images load in a shuffled random order. Everytime that I click each gallery button it gives a new sequence. If I was a poet I would say that it has no order just like the unpredictable chaos of a party in a drunk anarchist's whorehouse. (and if I was a poet I would not write what I wrote. Whatever!) The array that store the images URLs is showing a proper order. So it makes me think that the problem is on the onClickButton function, but I'm not sure.
I have a movie on stage that acts as a button using the code. person_mc.buttonMode = true;
I load an image onto the stage from my library using addChild(holiday);
What happens is that the person_mc button I have on stage will not function anymore, because I am presuming it is underneath the holiday pic when I loaded it using addChild.
How do I load the holiday pic, so that it is underneath the person_mc?
I know I could do what I did with holiday using addChild for the person_mc, but I do not want to do it that way.
I load data from xml and want a list of thumbnails with text to be lined up. A handful of text-attributes to the xml-rows, including a src-attribute, which links to an image, goes through as wanted - text is shown, and images are shown. The image order, however, varies when I have more than two rows and is completely wrong. The text-attribute-order to each thumbnail remains perfect in all scenarios.The images bitmapData is taken etc., and the images are scaled to a proper thumbnail size. This might be where something goes wrong?
ActionScript Code: function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
is it possible to play a movie clip (or simply, main timeline) in reverse order e.g. suppose, there is a movie clip, few frames in that, of course it will play from first frame to end frame, and also, i want them to play from end frame to first frame.
I'm trying to use a BarChart in Flex. I'd like it to order the bars according to the order of the ArrayCollection I fed it. i.e. data at index 0 should be the first bar on top.However, Flex is giving me the exact reverse order. i.e. data at index 0 is not the last bar in bottom. How could I tell the BarChart to reverse the order other than reversing the order of my ArrayCollection?Here's the block of code in my script tag:
[Bindable] private var optionsArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ new VotingOption('Yes, it rocks!', 'yes', 5),
I am trying to get my animation to play in reverse order and this is a pain in my leg.I have most of it figured out, this script below. I need to know if and how do I get this forward function to stop at a labled frame or key frame and not just use a number of px.
In this example I have x: "100".I need this to just play till it reaches a stop actions / lable frame or key frame. I have been trying to get this animation to play in reverse order for about a week now and I came across the TweenMax and it has a lot of good subclasses, but not much information online about the reverse subclass.
stop() // importing the classes TweenMax and easing import gs.TweenMax; import fl.motion.easing.*;
this is not CRUCIAL but I would like to be able to change it.As the notes come down the screen, they get added on top of each other since each child is added at a specific time.Is there a way I can reverse the sort order? So notes added after notes become layered behind instead of in front?
Is it possible in AS2 to remove an attached movieclip instance in reverse order? I want to give the user the ability to click an erase button and remove the most recent instance of an attached movie. I have tried .swapDepths and getting inconsistent results. Here is what I have:
Is there a way to reverse the order of the items in a comboBox? I'd like to use index numbers to refer to items in the arrayCollection below. I want the newest content to appear first in the comboBox. But, if I add something above the first item then all of the index numbers will be off by one. If I could add a new item to the end of the arrayCollection, but have it appear first in the comboBox drop down that would solve a lot of problems.
Ive got text in arabic in Word doc, written right to left (its times new roman font, arabic characters). when I copy & paste in XML, it reverses the direction, becomes left to right.
Im using word 2003 & adobe CS3 .i need to load xml file in Flash .
This is a code that open a XML file, containing a small list of images, and place them as thumbs on the page.It kinda work now, but the funny thing is, the order of the thumbs is totally scrambled compared to the xml list, and I can't just see why!It has something to do whith when the loaders gets transfered via addEventListener to the placePics function, more than that I cant find out!There may be the better way to put up this code. I just feel putting it up in two nested addEventListeners like this is not the best of practice. But I see no other way here.
package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public class thumbHolder extends MovieClip { var xmlRequest:URLRequest; var
I have an image gallery of 6 images on a frame of my timeline. what I want to happen is instead of all images trying to load up at the same time when at that point in the timeline I want the 1st image to process and load then move on to the 2nd image here is how I am loading those images.
location1.loadMovie ("image1.jpg"); location2.loadMovie ("image2.jpg"); location3.loadMovie (image3.jpg"); and so on.
can I edit this code somehow so that the 2nd through 6th images do not load until image 1st is fully loaded and so on.
I had created a flash which load several images and display it using loadMovieClip(). I need the images to load in a specific order according to the information retrieve from a xml file. However, my scripts only works well if it was tested in my local computer. In online environment, the images seems to load in a random sequence. so that the images loads according to the xml order?
Below is my scripts:
var myShowXML = new XML(); myShowXML.ignoreWhite = true; myShowXML.load("galleryxml.xml");
Coming from a pure programming background where I have a render() and which image is drawn over which, is based on in the order of the drawn function of the image being called.
But after trying out Flex, I notice that Flex allows images to be created & drawn in the MXML file using the <image> tag and that I can also create and draw images in a AS class file link to that MXML file.
But it seems like any images created in the MXML file are drawn over the images created and drawn in my AS class file.
Is there a way to specify the draw order of the images?
I'm having a problem with my images not showing up in the correct order. package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*; [Code] .....
I'm new to AS3 and have been fighting and searching for a solution to this problem for a week now, and I'm VERY close I crated a MC holding of a series of images (about 50) and I jump around in it using plenty AS3 scripts (most of which I don't fully understand yet, but I'm working on that to I had to find a way to "rewind" (= play backwards) the MC. Since there is a stop(); command in almost every frame, prevFrame does not work and if I put that in a loop, it goes WAY to fast (but worked).. So I could think of only one way.Create a new (reverserd) MC with the same image sequence ald reverse it manually and play that one. This all works fine (very proud of it ).
Now my question: To get this to work for multiple image sequences, I have to load all images twice (once in MC_1 and again in MC_2 and select them and reverse them). Not a big one, unless you want to create MANY of those SWF's.
So I have this mc: this.slidingMenu it's a mc of a ring shaped menu, which turn around when 2 button get clicked. When the button on the right, mc goes forward until stop(), when the button on the left mc goes reverse until the stop(). In the first case i use gotoanplay, and everything goes fine. For the second I use prevFrame, like this:
I have an FLA with a section in it where I need to swap between images (one over the other and so on, which I have done using swap depth) what I want to know is if there is a way to make the transition from one pic to the other smoother by using alpha from 100% to zero, thus revealing the picture beneath.
I purchases a ac2 slide show which makes the images appear in random order when browser is refreshed. Is there a solution to this? I've provided the code below also attched the .fla file.