ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding To The Dynamic 3d Carousel?
Nov 8, 2007
i just ran through the '3d carousel' tutorial i would like to do/add.
here are a few things i would like to add to this code below:
- Different colour panel containers, so somehow i would need to edit the attachMovie with a tint on the mc or maybe load in a another mc?
- Each mc to be clickable.
- A unique link for each items
- The rotating animation to only occur when the mouse is in actual flash movie, so once out of the active area the rotation from the mouse x position to stop.
Also i was aware that GotoAndPlay tutorials have a xml version of the tutorial that can import links/images/ descriptions but for this particular task i cannot have any external files, so it's all got to be within this one file.
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xml.onLoad = function() {
var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
numOfItems = nodes.length;
//this counts the amunt of items listed in the xml document (numOfItems);
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Oct 27, 2008
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Jul 18, 2011
My company recently contracted an outside web developer to create our new website. I have some experience with Flash, but not beyond basic timeline controls. I've been given the task to update the flash element that has a horizontal carousel. Inside, there's three series, each with 6 buttons. The controls are a left and right arrow button on either side. I added a new button into the series and moved each of the series so they no longer ovrlapped.The carousel should just rotate through continuously, but it returns to the start after 6 clicks. Please let me know if there is any other materials I need to provide. Did adding in another button change the positions in the code? If so, what do I need to do to fix it?
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XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<icon image="carouseldogs/icon1.jpg" image2="carouseldogs/icon1a.jpg"
tooltip="How we help"
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I using Flash CS5 for the first time, and I'm hitting a snag. I have an input box on Scene 1 for age (variable called old). On scene 3, I have a dynamic test box (variable called display), where I want to display the age (old) + 10.
My Code looks like this:
PHP Code:
var Real_age = Number(old) + 10;
display = Real_age;
It's returning NaN.
A trace of the output of Real_age gives:
PHP Code:
<FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="12" COLOR="#009900" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">2</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>
<p align="left"></p>
<p align="left"></p>
<p align="left"></p>
<p align="left"></p>
The code works OK in Flash 8, but I figure I must have some some setting that is spitting out the unwanted HTML.
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// Create the button
var uploadButton:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton(); = "btnUpload"+objectSequence;
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Oct 2, 2009
what I want to do is dynamically when the movie is running add a MC to the library only, I don't want it on stage, I just want to create it, add the content to it and that's it, I just want it sitting in the library. I saw this code on another post, but I don't know if this is it or if this relates to a component of some sort:
ActionScript Code:
itemexists = fl.getDocumentDOM().library.itemExists("Service1");
if (itemexists == false) {
I've tried searching everywhere I can think of, and in CS3 the help has no documentation to the getDocumentDOM function or adding to the library on the fly. how do I add to this said MC in the library, the same as I would any other MC or is it different?
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ActionScript Code:
container.onRollOver = function (){
The onRollOver function do not work,but the movie gets loaded, how to work around it?
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// vars
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var espacing:Number = 10;
var navBar:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
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Aug 27, 2009
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Nov 9, 2010
let's say you had a dynamic text field with a number (for example '30'). Everytime you click on a certain button / movie clip, that triggers an animation (so far no problem) AND adds '20' to the number in that textfield.
==> first click, the number displays 50 (30+20), second click 70 (50+20) ...
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List data = new ArrayList();
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Jan 5, 2010
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Where ContentContainer is my Canvas object and c is the DisplayObject I have created at run-time. Some of these DisplayObjects also have children of there own which are added at run-time prior to the DisplayObject being added to the Canvas.
I then need to iterate over all the children of ContentContainer but the first time I do this, it says that ContentContainer has no children (i.e., ContentContainer.numChildren = 0). If I do it again tho then it is fine and returns the correct number of children. Is there something I need to call to get ContentContainer to recalculate how many children it has?
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Jan 19, 2012
I am having an issue with adding dynamic content through an interval. The content is being added to the screen, but the X position, as well as the tween, seem to be completely out of sync. The below is a screenshot when the interval is at 100 milliseconds, as it shows it best. The application needs to work at 200 milliseconds (where the error is not as clear, but the lines are still occationally too close, roughly every 4th). As can be seen, there is a clear discrepancy between positioning. It remains fine for a few, then changes, changes again and then finally reverts back to what it was.
Here is my code that controls this section:
function XYZ(){
Score = 90
var timeBefore = Score
if(timeBefore <= 2.4){
timeBefore = 2.5
[Code] .....
Note: It also happens with 200 and 300 milliseconds, although less prominent.
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Jan 11, 2010
My name is Bryan i am 17 years old and i'm from the Netherlands. As i am trying to become a web design and developer i decided flash was a MUST to know, so i started trying flash and messing about. Now i'm trying to get into Action script 3.0 deeper. Currently i am trying to fix an externaly (XML) loaded image gallery for my self, except i'm a little stuck right now.Up to now all my code has worked. I've got 3 UILoaders set up for 2 jobs: Loading thumbnails (2 of them) and the other is for loading a 'full' version. I got that working. Except if i get huge images like a wallpaper etc. it screws up the size, so i set scaleContent to true.
- Set all the images dynamicly, with that i mean it loops trough all the thumbnails and gets the first 2, it dumps them into the UILoader wich is already the part i am failing at XD
- Check for the width and the height of the image (wich i either will include in the XML document or can i use something like: XMLData.image[ *number here* ].img_thumb.width (as a example)?
- Check if these are less than the UILoader's size and if they are less dissable scale content, if they are more enable it
So as i said im already failing at trying to dump the images in the thumbnails.I've got the following setup:
Root document has a MC: mc_content.
Inside mc_content we have: loader_image (full size of the image loader)
loader_thumb1 and loader_thumb2.
So what i want:
- Load the XML (works)
- Set some limits using variables (works)
- Start a for loop (works)
- get the thumbnail for the current image number (wich is a variable set and maintained in the for loop) (works)
- load the image into the loader_thumb *insert current image number here* (fails)
here is my current XML function:
ActionScript Code:
// Function that is called upon loaded complete
function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void{
// get the XML Data from the file
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Apr 22, 2011
Im adding videos to my stage with AS3 and was wondering if it is possible to then add the standard flashh video controls to the video with script..[code]
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Sep 2, 2005
I have a movie that contains a series of radio button groups, which each have their own accompanying dyn text box. When a certain radio button is selected, a pre-determined value is loaded into each respective groups' text box, via "onRelease".
Now, I can get these values to appear fine in each text box, but I then have a fourth text box (amount_total), into which I want to have the sum of all the previous text box's values.
I have a submit button with the following actions on the first frame of the timeline:
onSubmit = function (){
_root.amount_total = Number(_root.total_surf) + Number(_root.total_music) + Number(_root.total_video);
Now, when I hit the submit button NaN is returned.
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Sep 18, 2006
I'm not a programmer but have been using Flash for awhile. This is my first heavy dive into variables.I'm putting together a Quiz game where I pull the information from a txt file. I can get everything to display and work fine except for the adding of a total score.I have a series of values in a text file and load it into my movie. Depending upon what button I push, I want to take the value and add it to the total score. The next button I push I want it to add that value to the new total score.
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Jan 3, 2007
Here is the situation: I have an XML document which I rip through using a for Loop, and I place the data into an array. From there I tell the data where to go. I have an attribute in my XML called 'link' which contains a URL, now I want to spit that out into a separate textbox and have it also link to the given URL. I have the URL stored in the array just fine, and I can even spit the URL into the textfield, my only question is how to make it link instead of just being normal text?
I hope I explained this well, but the basic gist of it is I have everything working except for adding the hyperlink.
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Oct 21, 2007
I've been building a web based order form and my client want the ability to add items (as many as you want) and for them to be totalled up. I've used Kirupas Scrollpane with Dynamic Mc's tutorial to add my products, but I can't seem to add them up! Each product adds up it's subtotal in the dynamically attached Mc and outputs the variable 'subtotal' In my root I have this function to call the subtotals, but I can't seem to get it to add up each of them to output a total...
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Jan 3, 2008
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Sep 29, 2009
So I have a project where the user puts in a number, that number is * by a certain number and then spits that number back out to another dynamic textField. All of that is working out great so far. Now I need to figure out a way to add commas to those numbers that I am displaying.
Here is the code I have thus far:
var num1:Number;
var inputFont:Gotham = new Gotham();
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
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Nov 16, 2009
I have connected to a web service built in java and would now like to add the products to a stage. I want to show 5 products and if a user clicks <- the previous 5 and -> next 5.
// Add preloader here
var wsConn:WebServiceConnector = new WebServiceConnector();
wsConn.addEventListener("result", res);
[Code] .....
In the res function I would like to add my movieclips but I don't know how to move on.
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Dec 26, 2009
I have 7 Dynamic Text Boxes, each with a numeric value.. I need to add them together.
Total = (ST2 + DO + GA + BO + CT + HT + TI);
This makes it 0000000 (Assuming each Dynamic Text had a 0 in it)
Total = (ST2 ++ DO ++ GA ++ BO ++ CT ++ HT ++ TI);
Gives errors. How do I do Simple Addition? It's been so long.
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Dec 30, 2011
I'm currently working on the gift cards section of a flash website for Discovery Clothing based out of Illinois. So far I have had success with every function but getting the "Add Another card" feature to work. What I would like to accomplish is displaying the input data from the Flash UI elements in a new Movie Clip to the left and then have them repeat the process to add another card. After which they would hit the 'purchase' button and see two separate items on their PayPal checkout. I was wondering if anyone might know how to do this. You can look at the Gift Cards section for yourself by visiting: [URL] then click on the "Give a Gift" wallet in the center.
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