Actionscript 2.0 :: 3D Carousel Adding Button

Jul 26, 2010

I'm not very good in as or flash, but I'm learning. What seems to be a problem with that 3D carousel is:I would like to add close button when you want to go back to carousel after you click on carousel element (but it doesn't work as I would like to). The problem is that when I click on my button it returns to carousel, but carousel doesn't spin and also the last clicked element it's out of position. What I did is I'm calling the function unReleased which is working perfectlly when you clicked on the carousel element.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding To The Dynamic 3d Carousel?

Nov 8, 2007

i just ran through the '3d carousel' tutorial i would like to do/add.

here are a few things i would like to add to this code below:

- Different colour panel containers, so somehow i would need to edit the attachMovie with a tint on the mc or maybe load in a another mc?

- Each mc to be clickable.

- A unique link for each items

- The rotating animation to only occur when the mouse is in actual flash movie, so once out of the active area the rotation from the mouse x position to stop.

Also i was aware that GotoAndPlay tutorials have a xml version of the tutorial that can import links/images/ descriptions but for this particular task i cannot have any external files, so it's all got to be within this one file.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Adding A Html Link To A Carousel?

Apr 8, 2009

i have followed a tutorial to build a flash craousel and have had no problems in building that.  i wanted to add a html link to a section of the carousel but everything i have tried up to now has failed.  All the information is passed through to the carousel from an xml file and everything works fine except for the link.

i have slightly modified the tutorial so i have an extra box on the information page which holds the web address for the site they are looking at in the portfolio.  i have the address showing up but i cannot use the text as a link. the box that i am putting it in is a dynamic text box which has been set up with the following settings


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Links To Flash Carousel Through XML?

Aug 2, 2009

I have a nice Flash Carousel gallery and it fed from a n xml file. I am trying insert links to give an option to a reader to go an external website to read more about the given subject. I am new to actionscript, and all my trying and all my trying failed so far.Here is the script for this section:

xml.onLoad = function() {
var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
numOfItems = nodes.length;
//this counts the amunt of items listed in the xml document (numOfItems);


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Adding URL Link To XML File Of Carousel Tutorial

Oct 27, 2008

I am using the Carousel application as designed in the 3 part tutorial. My question that i can't find an answer to online is how to add a URL link in the description text that shows when an icon is clicked.

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Professional :: Adding New Items To Existing Carousel Causes Sequence To Restart

Jul 18, 2011

My company recently contracted an outside web developer to create our new website. I have some experience with Flash, but not beyond basic timeline controls. I've been given the task to update the flash element that has a horizontal carousel. Inside, there's three series, each with 6 buttons. The controls are a left and right arrow button on either side. I added a new button into the series and moved each of the series so they no longer ovrlapped.The carousel should just rotate through continuously, but it returns to the start after 6 clicks. Please let me know if there is any other materials I need to provide. Did adding in another button change the positions in the code? If so, what do I need to do to fix it?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding An Additional Separate Image To Gotoandlearn Carousel

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to change a version of the gotoandlearn carousel to add an additional image that appears along with the first image when it's clicked on. I can get the movie clip to appear/disappear properly, but I can't get the photo to pull from the XML file and appear in the movie clip. I've tried everything and what I think should work doesn't. Here is my XML file and action script code: ("the2nd" is the movie instance, "image2" is the photo in the XML file that needs to appear).

XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<icon image="carouseldogs/icon1.jpg" image2="carouseldogs/icon1a.jpg"
tooltip="How we help"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: PV3D: When Adding Text3D To Planes In A Carousel The Rotaion Slows To A Crawl?

Jan 13, 2010

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Using XML To Assign URL To Movieclip Button In Carousel?

Feb 13, 2009

I just completed the carousel menu tutorials 1 and 2, and I'd like to adapt the menu for my own use. I want to have each button go to a different URL when clicked, and I've assigned a URL to each button in my XML document under the name "URLREF" (because flash would assume URL wasn't an identifier.How can I tell flash (Using CS3 and AS2) to read the URLREF values for each button, and then tell it to open those URLs in a new window when their buttons are clicked? (note - The getURL should, as far as I'm aware, be in the function "released," where my "tooltext" trace is.)Here's my actionscript: (and XML a little further down.)

import mx.utils.Delegate;

var numOfItems:Number;
var radiusX:Number = 300;[code]................

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Apr 9, 2009

I'm trying to achieve the same effect as the carousel on this site: [URL]. Only different thing I'm trying to do is not have it auto scroll, but to have a left and right button. I have tried using the Carousel 3 tutorial and modifying the code but I keep running into problems and I am a little lost getting the blur effect going and getting the z-index (ie items get smaller as they rotate to the back similar to the example above).

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Carousel With Buttons - Continued - Move Only When Press A Button

Jul 24, 2008

, i want to make a carousel -type gallery like the one from the tutorial but with a slight variation: i want it to move only when i press a button.(move left when i press the left arrow and to the right when i press the right).And i want it to move by one image at a time and i want to know which image is to the front(i've created a dynamic text field called imgName).I hope i'm explaining this correctly and i'm attaching an example with two arrows with no actions on them.

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Adding A URL To A Button - CS4?

May 14, 2010

As usual I click on the button and expect the actions palette to become active allowing me to add the code:

on (release) {

But in CS4 it isn't active when I click on the button. When I click on the button to assign an action it tells me "The current selection cannot have actions applied to it".

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IDE :: Adding Button Over FLV Movie

Jun 8, 2009

I've made an animation in After Effects (1:40 min). At the end of the movie appears 3 buttons. I used the "standard" "load external video with playback component" option in Flash to load the FLV in the swf. My problem is that I would like to add 3 invisible buttons at 1:20min over de FLV movie so people can click on it to go to a webpage. I tried to add a button at frame 1440 (18 frames x 80 sec), but that doesn't work because of the playback.

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IDE :: Adding Button To Template?

Sep 23, 2009

i've got problem with adding a button to a template, so by default there are 4 buttons.i've localized in source move clip with buttons and animation, i've copied one of them and pasted, then i've changed the name from item for to item5. the data for buttons and web pages displayed by them are from the xml file, which code i attach. the problem is that even if i added 5 section [with the number 5 in systemOrder) the webpage doesn't display this content correctly, sometimes taking the value of previous button and sometimes showing just main frame, and instead of elements and texts from xml it shows "Undefined". I've search all the source using movie explorer and i havent found anywhere else connections with item4 / item5.

akie ilosci kodu, ale mysle, ze moze to pomoc albo byc wrecz wymagane. na topie typowo action layer, pod nim label layer [to te s0 s3 itd.] oraz event source, a pod nimi wszystkie pozosta necessary. on top there is action layer, under lablel layer [the one with s0, s3 etc.] and event source, and under those all the rest.

code xml'a
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Link On A Button?

Jan 11, 2009

I am trying to modify a template that I have:There are 6 menu buttons on the top, they have rollover animation effects, as well as animation click effects. It did not come scripted with the action of which page to load when you click on them. The way the template was written, it uses the same script for all the buttons. What should I stick into cause it to load different webpages, (index, index1, etc..) based on which menu button it is over the current script for the buttons are as follows:This is on a sprite, not a button object.There are multiple menu buttons of the same sprite. (each one just changes the num = ___) For Example:

PHP Code:
onClipEvent (load){num = 2;}

And I believe they refer to the following sprite:

PHP Code:
on (rollOver){if ( != _parent.num) _parent.gotoAndPlay("s1");
 } // end if}on


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Keep Adding More And More Animations To Each Button?

Dec 24, 2009

I want to add an animation of jumping when I press the Up Key. I have created a "jumping" MC and placed it into my character's movie clip (known as mcMain). Now I want to call the jumping movie clip from the actions in the main timeline, but it only plays the first frame of the jumping animation when you press the up arrow. My theory is that since the script is running on every frame, it's continuously repeating the first frame.[code]And I think that's the command to call on a label, but that is as close to an animation as I could get, so I thought I'd leave that in there as a placeholder.If you do come up with a solution, would it be possible to then help me figure out how I can keep adding more and more animations to each button? I want to simulate different commands (punching, kicking, fireballs etc.) for this fighting game.

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CS3 Adding ENTER Button At The End Of INTRO

Oct 17, 2010

I have a .fla file and it is INTRO. At the end of this INTRO should be ENTER button but every time i put it there the whole flash doesnt work anymore.

So all I need is ONE BUTTON at the end of this animation. It should be linked:


The .flv file:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Adding Text Via A Button?

Apr 27, 2010

So I create the text with the following code, but when I include the text within a button (AddT1.onRelease), it doesn't work.[code]...........

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Professional :: Adding Scene To A Button

Mar 21, 2011

I want to trigger a scene to play (well, stop technically) when the play game button is clicked but I keep getting error messages.[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Removing A Button And Re-adding It

Dec 16, 2011

the problem occurs when I remove the button, the button has been exported for actionscript, when I remove the button to change the page/page layout, when I return to the page, the button remains in its "over" im wondering if there is a way to reset it either before its removed or when its added.I cannot use gotoAndStop(1);because I am working in a package file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Link On A Button?

Jan 11, 2009

I am trying to modify a template that I have: There are 6 menu buttons on the top, they have rollover animation effects, as well as animation click effects. It did not come scripted with the action of which page to load when you click on them. The way the template was written, it uses the same script for all the buttons. What should I stick into cause it to load different webpage(index, index1, etc..) based on which menu button it is over the current script for the buttons are as follows:This is on a sprite, not a button object.There are multiple menu buttons of the same sprite. (each one just changes the num = ___) For Example:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (load)[code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding The Dynamic Button?

Jul 16, 2009

In my as3 project I have to add buttons dynamically. In the for loop .. for every iteration I want to add a button in the movie clip with a mouse click event.I have tried to do this But the button is not displayed in the movie clip.Here is the code inside for loop for dynamic button.

// Create the button
var uploadButton:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton(); = "btnUpload"+objectSequence;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Stop Button?

Apr 11, 2010

what as would i need to add to a stop button in my mp3 player?Here is my as:

ActionScript Code:
// Collecting track details from the xml file //

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IDE :: Adding A Invisible Button On The Banner?

May 13, 2009

I tried adding a invis button on the banner ( by the way the banner is moving) but for some reason it wont let me add Action script to it to link to a url

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Aug 26, 2009

I have a button on stage and when it is pressed I would like to add a movieclip in increments of one. For example if I press the button once I get "mc1", if I press it twice I get "mc2". Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Right now its just counting straight to 9.

private function more_text_ButtonPressed(event:MouseEvent) {
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 9; i++)


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IDE :: Adding Flash Button For URL Direct?

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to add a script to button which will direct me to another webpage. It is working when I run the swf file. But when I include this swf file to my webpage, nothing happens when I click that button. My script on the button is:
on (release) {
getURL ("[URL]","_blank","get");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Stop Button

Apr 11, 2010

what as would i need to add to a stop button in my mp3 player?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Button On PageFlip Page?

Feb 16, 2009

I'm using pageFlip to load several jpg's and to show them in a pageFlip catalogue.Now I would like to on page 3 of my catalogue to add a button at a specific coordinate.Do you know if pageFlip creates several MC's holding the jpgs it loads dynamically or does it load them for each page-pair???I couldn't seem to find the name of the MC's, - if I could, I guess I could dynamically add a button to the MC containing the jpg displayed at page 3?

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