IDE :: Adding Button Over FLV Movie

Jun 8, 2009

I've made an animation in After Effects (1:40 min). At the end of the movie appears 3 buttons. I used the "standard" "load external video with playback component" option in Flash to load the FLV in the swf. My problem is that I would like to add 3 invisible buttons at 1:20min over de FLV movie so people can click on it to go to a webpage. I tried to add a button at frame 1440 (18 frames x 80 sec), but that doesn't work because of the playback.

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Adding OnRelease Event To A Button Throughout A Movie?

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I'm trying to figure out how to add a sound to a movieclip button so when the user clicks on it a sound is played.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Event Listener To A Button Within A Movie Clip?

May 1, 2009

On the main timeline, I have placed a movieclip (movieclipone) which contains some content. On frame 85 of movieclipone, there is a new keyframe which contains a movieclip that hasn't previously appeared in the movieclipone timeline, (moviecliptwo) which contains four buttons (btnone, et cetera).Is there a way to have code in the main timeline that attaches listeners to the buttons inside moviecliptwo, which, when pressed, trigger a function that increases a counter and tells movieclipone to go to the next frame? This is the code I am using right now:
 movieclipone.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);function onEnter(e:Event):void [code]........

When I debug the movie, I get this error at frame 85:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Button Functionality To Dynamic Movie Clip Instances

Jul 1, 2010

My application creates instances of a movie clip (located in the library) based on XML data. Now I want to add individual button functionality to these instances, and I'm stumped.

I'm basically creating instances of clickable doors, the data of which are fetched from an external XML file. The number of doors (doorCount) is calculated directly from the number of "door" nodes in the XML, so it needs to be fully dynamic. Essentially, I want to have a single function that each instance can use by passing in their individual XML data. Clicking a door would first open the door (or something similar), and clicking it again would lead to a link, listed in each instance node.

Here's the loop, where the instances are created:


I don't really know where to begin. Am I able to declare an eventListener inside the loop? How do I pass the "number" of the door to the function called by the eventListener? Or should I somehow pass the door-specific link (and any other node data) to the function directly from the loop?

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Adding A URL To A Button - CS4?

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on (release) {

But in CS4 it isn't active when I click on the button. When I click on the button to assign an action it tells me "The current selection cannot have actions applied to it".

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IDE :: Adding Button To Template?

Sep 23, 2009

i've got problem with adding a button to a template, so by default there are 4 buttons.i've localized in source move clip with buttons and animation, i've copied one of them and pasted, then i've changed the name from item for to item5. the data for buttons and web pages displayed by them are from the xml file, which code i attach. the problem is that even if i added 5 section [with the number 5 in systemOrder) the webpage doesn't display this content correctly, sometimes taking the value of previous button and sometimes showing just main frame, and instead of elements and texts from xml it shows "Undefined". I've search all the source using movie explorer and i havent found anywhere else connections with item4 / item5.

akie ilosci kodu, ale mysle, ze moze to pomoc albo byc wrecz wymagane. na topie typowo action layer, pod nim label layer [to te s0 s3 itd.] oraz event source, a pod nimi wszystkie pozosta necessary. on top there is action layer, under lablel layer [the one with s0, s3 etc.] and event source, and under those all the rest.

code xml'a
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Link On A Button?

Jan 11, 2009

I am trying to modify a template that I have:There are 6 menu buttons on the top, they have rollover animation effects, as well as animation click effects. It did not come scripted with the action of which page to load when you click on them. The way the template was written, it uses the same script for all the buttons. What should I stick into cause it to load different webpages, (index, index1, etc..) based on which menu button it is over the current script for the buttons are as follows:This is on a sprite, not a button object.There are multiple menu buttons of the same sprite. (each one just changes the num = ___) For Example:

PHP Code:
onClipEvent (load){num = 2;}

And I believe they refer to the following sprite:

PHP Code:
on (rollOver){if ( != _parent.num) _parent.gotoAndPlay("s1");
 } // end if}on


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So all I need is ONE BUTTON at the end of this animation. It should be linked:


The .flv file:


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So I create the text with the following code, but when I include the text within a button (AddT1.onRelease), it doesn't work.[code]...........

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Dec 16, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Link On A Button?

Jan 11, 2009

I am trying to modify a template that I have: There are 6 menu buttons on the top, they have rollover animation effects, as well as animation click effects. It did not come scripted with the action of which page to load when you click on them. The way the template was written, it uses the same script for all the buttons. What should I stick into cause it to load different webpage(index, index1, etc..) based on which menu button it is over the current script for the buttons are as follows:This is on a sprite, not a button object.There are multiple menu buttons of the same sprite. (each one just changes the num = ___) For Example:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (load)[code]..........

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In my as3 project I have to add buttons dynamically. In the for loop .. for every iteration I want to add a button in the movie clip with a mouse click event.I have tried to do this But the button is not displayed in the movie clip.Here is the code inside for loop for dynamic button.

// Create the button
var uploadButton:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton(); = "btnUpload"+objectSequence;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Stop Button?

Apr 11, 2010

what as would i need to add to a stop button in my mp3 player?Here is my as:

ActionScript Code:
// Collecting track details from the xml file //

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Actionscript 2.0 :: 3D Carousel Adding Button

Jul 26, 2010

I'm not very good in as or flash, but I'm learning. What seems to be a problem with that 3D carousel is:I would like to add close button when you want to go back to carousel after you click on carousel element (but it doesn't work as I would like to). The problem is that when I click on my button it returns to carousel, but carousel doesn't spin and also the last clicked element it's out of position. What I did is I'm calling the function unReleased which is working perfectlly when you clicked on the carousel element.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding One To Name On Button Press?

Aug 26, 2009

I have a button on stage and when it is pressed I would like to add a movieclip in increments of one. For example if I press the button once I get "mc1", if I press it twice I get "mc2". Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Right now its just counting straight to 9.

private function more_text_ButtonPressed(event:MouseEvent) {
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 9; i++)


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IDE :: Adding Flash Button For URL Direct?

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to add a script to button which will direct me to another webpage. It is working when I run the swf file. But when I include this swf file to my webpage, nothing happens when I click that button. My script on the button is:
on (release) {
getURL ("[URL]","_blank","get");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Stop Button

Apr 11, 2010

what as would i need to add to a stop button in my mp3 player?[code]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Adding Sound To A Movie?

Sep 14, 2010

adding a simple sound to a movie with AS?  I'd prefer this, since I already have simple "Roll On", and "Roll Out" script in place.
I have imported the sound file. In Properties, under Label, I have named it "tire_squeal". (Also, created a layer within the movie, and dragged the file onto the stage - all done.)  Is this necessary when using Actionscript, or not?
The sound file loaded into my Library is named, "tire_screech.wav"
I want the sound to load "stopped", then play OnRollOver, and quit OnRollOut. (See previous AS code in string.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Movie Clip?

Jul 18, 2003

Okay i want to make it that when a ball hits a wall, it will dissapear, and in its place a new movie clip appears, i got the hitTest down and the visiblity, but i dont know how to attach teh movie to its location.

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in this tutorial [URL]

I am adding a input box in one of the movie clip example content2

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Feb 16, 2009

I'm using pageFlip to load several jpg's and to show them in a pageFlip catalogue.Now I would like to on page 3 of my catalogue to add a button at a specific coordinate.Do you know if pageFlip creates several MC's holding the jpgs it loads dynamically or does it load them for each page-pair???I couldn't seem to find the name of the MC's, - if I could, I guess I could dynamically add a button to the MC containing the jpg displayed at page 3?

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