I have a movieclip instance named 'placeholder' on the canvas, and I want to change the alpha of the named movieclip from it's class without effecting the alpha of all the movieclips of the same type. How would I specifically target the named movieclip instance that is on the canvas?
I'm building a variable matching game. The player clicks one of four choices and then clicks the answer area. Their choice appears in the area, and if the answer is correct the answer container shifts down, highlighting the next answer area to be filled. Inside the container are a large number of these answer areas (60).
What I am trying to do is have only one be answerable at a time, the highlighted one, so that players can't skip ahead despite seeing the empty spaces left to answer in. What I have right now isn't working, and I could use some outside insight.
Code: var i:int =1; function sampleFunction(evt:MouseEvent):void{ if(selection == e.currentTarget.targetCorrect){//targetCorrect is a string set statically
I realize I could use a for loop to add the event listener, but the project really calls for only one answerable area at a time.
i'm trying to create a dynamically named Vector. i have a critical project deadline tomorrow, and this small problem is holding back continued development i've adapted my code from this example [URL]...yet am getting an error message (see below). here is what i have:
I have an array of external images that I am loading and the number of external images is variable, so I want to be able to create loaders to load them as needed. Is there a way to dynamically create and uniquely name a loader at run time?
Otherwise is there a way to pass the image content off in such a way that it will remain loaded if the loader is used to load other images?
I've dynamically created a grid of buttons which are going to modify a 2D array, but I can't work out how to create a unique function for each iteration of the loop with a dynamic function name. Probably just a stupid syntax error by me...
So I've been trying to make dynamically named functions, and while it works, I've run into a couple of problems.
ActionScript Code: var uServer:String = "irc.epic-chat.net" var lol:String = "lolz" var num:Number = 3
If I had something like that ^ what could I add to func to distinguish between whether it is being called by lolz0, lolz1, or lolz2? I was thinking whether there was something like .name I could use, but I couldn't come up with anything.
i am loading several images from an XML path into a flash movie and i want to dynamically create image loader variables for them. Here is my code so far:
Code: var xmlData:XMLList; var myXML:XML; var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
method and this doesn't work for me either, i'm guessing thats because it is in the AS2 forum.
I have a movieclip (myMC) that I create several instances of.I dont duplicate the movieclips, but just copy and rename them like "myMC_i", where "i" is a unique number.Can I somehow check if one copy of myMC (for instance "myMC_2") collides with another copy (for instance "myMC_5"), always ignoring collisions with other types of movieclips on the stage?Thats the problem I cant solve. I can either check for a collision with ANY other movieclip, or check for a collision with a single SPECIFIED movieclip (by checking for its name). But I dont know how to check for a collision with a group of movieclips that has the first part of their names in common. If it had been like in a search-engine, you would have been able to search for:[code]
I have a function that creates a group of dynamically created MC'sWithin each MC, there is a group of dynamically created buttons.I got that bit to work fine.Now what I need is to send a handful of var strings and numbers along with each of those buttons, and am not having very good luck doing thatHere's what I got so far...
Code: function storePageBuilder(a):void{ var storeMC:MovieClip = new store_MC();
I have a function that creates a group of dynamically created MC's Within each MC, there is a group of dynamically created buttons. I got that bit to work fine. Now what I need is to send a handful of var strings and numbers along with each of those buttons, and am not having very good luck doing that.
Here's what I got so far...
Code: function storePageBuilder(a):void{ var storeMC:MovieClip = new store_MC(); storeMC.name = "storeMC_"+a;
how to get your logo to appear next to the address of your web site when your website address is typed in, for example if you look at the website address at the top of the screen you see (logo) [URL]
here is my new code that works for PART of my movie. i have two dynamic text boxes, one named "item" and one named "ssnumber" ssnumberNode works fine but itemNode does not. i bolded the parts that i think are relevant to the problems
I'm having a heck of a time getting my movie clip on the stage postion where I want it (and eventually I'll want 8-10 movie clips running on different stage locations at the same time.) I've tried numerous scripts methods, this is the last one and it's still not moving out of 0 position:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("my_mc", 1); my_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc",2); var my_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); my_mcl.loadClip("textgauge1.swf", my_mc.container_mc),{x_:371.6, y_:76};
I did a search but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I'm loading an external jpg into an emptyMovieClip (AS1) on the _root timeline and I want to implement a preloader so when the jpg loads it fades in, not show up abruptly.
Here's my code:
Code: // Load an external Image function loadImage(imageFile) { var imageFile;
I'm loading external .swfs into an EmptyMovieClip. but i want to change the background color dynamically for some of the swfs but not all. that is, sometimes the background color is white sometimes black. how do i do this?
I am loading an swf file into an EmptyMovieClip container called "container" using loadClip. I cant figure out how to reference the different instances inside the loaded swf.[code]...
when you create an empty movie clip, the registration point is 0,0 as default, I read you can change this by defining the X&Y but my movie Clip's position is defined by stage width and height.Is there another way to define the registration point~?
say i got this empty movie clip which loads .jpg files.... the dimensions of the empty movie clip is 800 by 550... by default, the top most left of the external .jpg image will load onto the 0 by 0 point of the movie clip... but i want it to display the .jpg image in the center of the empty movie clip...
well like the title says, ho can i set the properties of a mc's created with createEmptyMovieClip , getting a real nag , have tried all kind of things , for loops , etc.
for (i=0; i<=10; i++) { this.createEmptyMovieClip(["rondje"+i], i); lineStyle(1, Black, 100);
I'm trying to create a scroller menu. The container movieclip will hold several copies of a clip in the library. So I'm trying to create the clip dynamically since it's width will be varying depending on the number of elements it contains. But when I try to use the attachMovie method on my newly created empty movieclip, nothing shows up! The test_mc will attach if I just say _root.attachMovie, so I don't know if it's a path issue or if emptyMovieClips can't have other clips attached or what.