ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Of Strings - Input By Colored Buttons With Sound Attached

Apr 17, 2012

I've got an array of Strings each of which have been input by a series of coloured buttons with sounds attached. When a play button is pressed the strings that correspond to different coloured sounds should play one after the other. Instead they all play at the same time as one jumbled mess of noise and I have tried everything to get it to work. The trace shows that the for loop through the array seems to be doing the right thing which is why I can't understand why it won't just play back one after the other.

This is the code for the play button:
PlayBTN.onRelease = function(){
trace("PlayButton Pressed");
for(var i:Number =0; i<songArray.length; ++i){
trace("Inside Loop");
[Code] .....

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AS in frame 1:


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for (var i:int = 0; i<areaNames.length; i++) {


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