ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign A Mask To An Object In It?
Jun 24, 2009In my current actionscript project I have two objects that I draw at runtime in the drawing API, and I want to assign one of them as the other's mask.
View 2 RepliesIn my current actionscript project I have two objects that I draw at runtime in the drawing API, and I want to assign one of them as the other's mask.
View 2 RepliesI have a as3 class that loads a number of images from a given location, they are all loaded dynamically with imageloader. However I'm trying to make a Xray screen for all of them, so when I click and drag the Xray screen around, it will reveal the images loaded under each picture, creating a sort of Xray effect.I tried using masks, however since the images are all loaded dynamically they are its own class with its own layers, I'm trying to make a mask that will work for all of them (I load 2 picture for each image, example car.jpg and carb.jpg, b.jpg being the inside image).so I have my stage ---> [MyXray Box, and my Images
View 4 RepliesIs it possible to automatically assign an object to a class during testing project? I know you can do so by assigning in a movie clip's property the identifier but I need to know if I'm say creating a game, and it gives the user the ability to choose a player, I need that player/movie clip that the user chose to be assigned to a specific actionscript class.
View 4 RepliesI have an object on stage that when I want to click it start to move cross the stage. But I get error:"Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 41136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 1."
function animate(evt:MouseEvent)
How do you assign an object different variables.I tried setting it up like this but I get an error.[code]How do you do this correctly I get error Label must be simple identifier when I do it like this.
View 2 Repliesif i have an input box on the stage, can i assign it a variable via an event (let's say a button click)?[code]
View 1 Repliestrying to find how to assign listener to an object created with this function...
private function placeBtn(thumb:String, Xthumb:Number, Ythumb:Number, targetHolder:MovieClip, ID:String):void{
var clipHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
i want to assign a transform matrix to an object, but i want to assign the values myself (as in, no 'rotate, scale etc'), but for example, set a matrix like
which if applied, would have no effect, but would be valid (actually not exactly that matrix, but you get the idea). i want to set the values of the matrix and the object should be affected by those values that i set by myself, no scale rotate or any predefined operations. how can i set my own matrix?
Here i have creating a dynamic square and trying to assing a color from XML DataI have XML file with color code
How you can assign a class to an object on stage.[code]...
This would make a new object, but the current object already exists, it just needs to be notified that it's of the type "ClassName" so it can inherit it's properties.I've also tried assigning the "ClassName" in the linkage as either the base path or the class name. But in either situations I get an error saying that the class needs to be unique when I use the same class on multiple objects.
This is a work around question:
lets say I have the following:
is there a way to assign the x or y property
var xORybject;
so that the following is evaluated correctly
this.someobject[this.xORy] == this.someobject.x || this.someobject.y
I have created an object called myObj.
How do I create a class that I can call that will assign properties to myObj such that PHP Code:
myObj = {foo:15, bar:"hello"}
BTW, I do not want to just say
PHP Code:
var myObj:Object = {foo:15, bar:"hello"}
...because in fact I am going to be creating a bunch of objects all having the same properties, and there will be many more such objects.
I am really confused with this tutorial as there is shown how to assign z dimension to the Sprite object. It is never declared, so I assume the z property should be implemented to the Sprite class. But obviously I get an error when I try to build the application does not matter if it is flash or flex app. From my point of knowledge I can not find z property for Sprite in the actionscript, so I do not know how Lee implemented his code to work. Below I put all the code from the tutorial, so you can quickly glimpse at it. How is it possible to assign z dimension to work it, or suggest what kind of class to import or whatever I should do, or know anything about the z dimension in flash player 10.I do not really think z could be in 10-beta and is not in 10 official.
Select allpackage {
import com.caurina.transitions.*;
import flash.display.Sprite;
[SWF(width="600", height="400", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF", framerate="30")]
public class ThreeD extends Sprite{
[Code] .....
I am trying to use JSON decoded as a dataProvider, but no matter what I try I get errors such as the following: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert mx.collections::ArrayCollection@2a88ae01 to
I'll try to make this as clear as possible. Let's say i have 4 "classes".
Let's say now i use a loop to create 8 obj. I'd like to assign a class to each obj in function of an array like : array = [class1, class2, class1, class3, class2, class4... ] so obj0 class' should be array[0]
I have a problem which I can't resolve. The problem is that if I apply a mask to object, it shows up deformed in swf.Here is what I see in Flash CS5 (sorry for large images): And this is what I get when I compile it and run swf (or run it embedded in html):
It looks a little bit rotated and skewed to the left. If I copy and paste the movieclip with mask to a new flash document, the problem dissaperas, so I guess it has something to do with Flash settings. I tried to compile for Flash 10 and Flash 9, but the deformation remains. The problem is that creating a new flash document and copying all images to new one is not an option, because the project is ~80MB.Here are my publish settings.
I tried to mask a 3D Display object using some code from the AS3 reference but was unsuccessful:
var square:Sprite = new Sprite();;, 0, 40, 40);
myDisplayObject.mask = square;
Is it possible to mask a 3D Display Object? (Can I draw a 3D Display Object through the Flash UI or must it be done via AS3? My guess is no, otherwise more people would be doing 3D in Flash without great travail.)
I'm trying to add an overlay over my main scene in Flex, with a see thru.
The idea is that users can only interact with the elements exposed thru the Ellipse.
Here is my code:
<!-- Our black overlay -->
<s:Graphic width="100%" height="100%" cacheAsBitmap="true" mask="{this.focus}"
i can't make this work for some reason
..if I don't apply mask, scaling works great, but when I do scaling is wrong...
I'm trying to learn shared objects by attempting a basic function. I would like to have an .sol file remeber what buttons are clicked on by a user and assign an alphavalue for the buttons that have been clicked. Here's what I have..
I want to be able to mask an object that has been added to the stage using 'addChild'. This is what I have so far, but it does not seem to work.
var skyMask:mcSkyMask = new mcSkyMask();
skyMask.x = 0;
skyMask.y = 0;
var cloud1:mcCloud1 = new mcCloud1();
cloud1.mask = skyMask;
cloud1.x = 7.5;
cloud1.y = 57.7;
Basically, the cloud is going to move across the sky then get hidden by the mask so it does not appear on the background stage.
I experience some sort of a bug when trying to dynamically mask an object to which I have applied rotationY with an object which is also applied rotationY.
View 0 Repliescan I mask multiple object through a loop
should be the question
ActionScript Code:
for (var m = 0; m < mylooper; m++ ) {
MovieClip(holdbox.getChildByName("mytxt" + [m] )).mask = mymask
it seems to only mask the last object not all of them
I continue in my adventure with customizing a horizontal slider's functions. This is the very last thing I need to figure out and it is done.I have posted an SWF at the following link so you can see it working: neterhetdotcom/test/slidermask/ (change "dot" to a period "." as i am not yet able to post links)If you click on the scrollbar. You will see that a mask follows the click and displays an "orange" color... this orange color is supposed to indicate the progress of the slider across the scroll bar. the mask is positioned just to the left of the slider on the click so it allows the "orange" color for "progress" of the slider to "show up".
If you click and hold on the slider the mask does not track this motion. I need to know how to make the mask track the mouse along with the slider. The mask would have to align it's right edge to the point of the mouse click for it to work as the mask is the same width and just slightly taller than the visual scrollbar. (a narrow rectangle as well)How the scrollbars is set up in Flash is I have 2 layers with the scrollbar art on each. the bottom one is the default greay "off" state.. the top one is the orange "progress" state that has a mask attached to it so when the mask slides the orange shows up or goes away. (Thus indicating the progress of the slider across and back)So either the mask has to follow the slider button (on the left edge of the slider button) or the mask has to follow along with the slider on the mousedown state...(as long as the mask had it's right edge aligned to the mouse click)
import flash.display.MovieClip;
I would like to know if it is possible to apply function as a mask for other object.
View 9 RepliesI am making button pieces for use in my GUI factory. I am having an issue placing my Thumbnail graphic w/Mask and border. The mask is not moving away from 0,0 when the Thumbnail is moved to 280,10.I can force it to 280,10. I will be multiples of this and other button in a scrolling menu with it own mask in a container.I am trying to build in a work-a-round for this feature.Here's the primary part of Thumbnail class:
public function Thumbnail() {// constructor code makeThumbnail();cHolder.mask = picMask;[code].......
I am trying to implement the following control on a movieclip object. When the mouse pointer is over the object and if the left mouse button is clicked and stays clicked then a mask that overlaps the movieclip object is starting to disappear. I tried the MouseEvent.DOWN, etc but I did not succeed to implement this functionality. Probably i miss something. Can I achieve this through standard mouse events types or do i have to implement it another way? Also is it possible instead to fade out the mask by reducing the alpha attribute, to actually make disappear the pixel(s) that under the mouse pointer ?
View 1 RepliesI'm having trouble setting up a Graphic object (a solid filled rectangle) to be masked with an image that gets loaded at runtime. I've managed to get it to work with the following code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
[Code] .....
Setting the PNG inside the <s:mask> makes the stage render nothing, while adding the mask programmatically in the init() method causes correct behaviour. It took me quite a while to figure this out and I'd like to understand what it is that I'm doing incorrectly in the MXML approach, as that seems to be what is being done in the Cookbook (other than me using an Image and the example using a Group wrapped BitmapImage).
I have several Sprites that are all combined in one parent Sprite. The parent Sprite then gets a Glowfilter applied and should then be masked by a Textfield.
Everythings working fine but as soon as I apply the Filter to the Sprite nothing shows... However, if I apply the Filter to every single Object that the Sprite contains, it works...
I have a preloader using a mask, set to slowly reveal the target object from the bottom up as the movie loads. But there is something off with the code and I'm not a programmer.
View 8 Replies