ActionScript 3.0 :: Mask Shifts Independent Of Container Object?

Mar 13, 2012

I am making button pieces for use in my GUI factory. I am having an issue placing my Thumbnail graphic w/Mask and border. The mask is not moving away from 0,0 when the Thumbnail is moved to 280,10.I can force it to 280,10. I will be multiples of this and other button in a scrolling menu with it own mask in a container.I am trying to build in a work-a-round for this feature.Here's the primary part of Thumbnail class:

public function Thumbnail() {// constructor code makeThumbnail();cHolder.mask = picMask;[code].......

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private function slider (event:Event) {
// = 0 to 1
// possible values are 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ... 0.9, 1


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itemsContainer_mc (inside externalContainer_mc at 0,0);

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private function setupSlides():void
for(x = 0; x < TOTAL_SLIDES; x++)


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Professional :: Mask Deforms Object?

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I have a problem which I can't resolve. The problem is that if I apply a mask to object, it shows up deformed in swf.Here is what I see in Flash CS5 (sorry for large images): And this is what I get when I compile it and run swf (or run it embedded in html):

It looks a little bit rotated and skewed to the left. If I copy and paste the movieclip with mask to a new flash document, the problem dissaperas, so I guess it has something to do with Flash settings. I tried to compile for Flash 10 and Flash 9, but the deformation remains. The problem is that creating a new flash document and copying all images to new one is not an option, because the project is ~80MB.Here are my publish settings.

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var square:Sprite = new Sprite();;, 0, 40, 40);
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<!-- Our black overlay -->
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..if I don't apply mask, scaling works great, but when I do scaling is wrong...

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Dec 29, 2009

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var skyMask:mcSkyMask = new mcSkyMask();
skyMask.x = 0;
skyMask.y = 0;
var cloud1:mcCloud1 = new mcCloud1();
cloud1.mask = skyMask;
cloud1.x = 7.5;
cloud1.y = 57.7;

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Oct 4, 2010

can I mask multiple object through a loop

should be the question

ActionScript Code:
for (var m = 0; m < mylooper; m++ ) {
MovieClip(holdbox.getChildByName("mytxt" + [m] )).mask = mymask

it seems to only mask the last object not all of them

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Mask To Follow An Object Or The Mouse?

Nov 14, 2010

I continue in my adventure with customizing a horizontal slider's functions. This is the very last thing I need to figure out and it is done.I have posted an SWF at the following link so you can see it working: neterhetdotcom/test/slidermask/ (change "dot" to a period "." as i am not yet able to post links)If you click on the scrollbar. You will see that a mask follows the click and displays an "orange" color... this orange color is supposed to indicate the progress of the slider across the scroll bar. the mask is positioned just to the left of the slider on the click so it allows the "orange" color for "progress" of the slider to "show up".

If you click and hold on the slider the mask does not track this motion. I need to know how to make the mask track the mouse along with the slider. The mask would have to align it's right edge to the point of the mouse click for it to work as the mask is the same width and just slightly taller than the visual scrollbar. (a narrow rectangle as well)How the scrollbars is set up in Flash is I have 2 layers with the scrollbar art on each. the bottom one is the default greay "off" state.. the top one is the orange "progress" state that has a mask attached to it so when the mask slides the orange shows up or goes away. (Thus indicating the progress of the slider across and back)So either the mask has to follow the slider button (on the left edge of the slider button) or the mask has to follow along with the slider on the mousedown state...(as long as the mask had it's right edge aligned to the mouse click)


import flash.display.MovieClip;


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I would like to know if it is possible to apply function as a mask for other object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using GetChildAt - Get An Image Object From One Sprite Container?

Jan 14, 2010

I am trying to get an image object from one sprite container and adding it to another sprite container. But when I use GetChildAt for this, it will remove the object from the parent sprite and place it inside the other.

Code: sprContainer1.addChildAt(sprContainer2.getChildAt( 1),0);

Problem is when I run this code sprContainer2.numChildren is getting reduced by 1, which seems that this code removes a child from sprcontainer2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display List Container Object On Stage

Sep 21, 2009

For some reason below is not working. It is probably very obvious but I am not seeing it. As soon as I comment out the container mc variable and just add Child to root timeline I see everything which means me container is not being added to the stage correctly.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
var i:int = 0;
var a:Number = 10;
var ageString:String;
var ageText:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....

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Is there a way to reference the object and its other property base on the position of the target


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May 12, 2010

I am doing some pre-production on a project that requires drawing on a 3d canvas, which I think flash is the best way to go. But there is a chance down the line that this client might want the site to show up on the ipad, iphone or other mobile devices that don't support flash.

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Are there any examples out there that have tried to do this?

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Jun 22, 2009

How do I remove all children from a display object container? I want to make sure that when I re-enter a particular frame that there are no imageLoaders loaded into my photoGallery.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: StartDrag On Object Inside 3D Rotated Container?

Jan 7, 2010

Here's the layout:I have a main SWF. Inside that main SWF is a container MC that has been rotated in 3D space to have a bit of perspective. Inside _that_ container is a container MC into which is loaded various images, videos, and SWFs. Images: no problem. Videos: no problem.The problem:If an SWF is loaded into the media MC that has an MC in it with a listener/startDrag combination allowing that MC to be dragged it seems to fail (the drag).I've tested this child SWF extensively to make sure the drag works, and I've even loaded it externally into other SWFs and it works. I've also tested in various ways to make sure that the problem isn't something simple, like an intervening clip in my main SWF keeping the MouseEvent from reaching the MC with the startDrag

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