ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Added To Container Object
Jan 21, 2010
I have a movieclip that is loaded into a container movieclip. When I click on it, I want it to goto a particular frame and play. Have tried using the name of the container MC (LiftPlaceHolder.gotoAndPlay(10)) but this has no effect at all.
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Aug 13, 2011
I have created 3 movieClips and I added into another movieClip container named as mc.
for(i = 0;i<3;i++)
imgBox = new box();
mc.addChild(imgBox); = "box" + i;
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Apr 12, 2011
I'm trying to figure out when a child is added to a movieclip "x", and handling/detouring this operation from withing this "x" movieclip.
I tried overriding addChild and addChildAt at with no prevail. The movieclips that are placed on the stage via flash still don't trigger addChild or addChildAt. However, tracing this.numChildren shows '2' correctly.
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Feb 17, 2010
I have this enter_frame listener to make my Container MovieClip rotate on a 3D environment in relation to the position of the mouse.
PHP Code:
addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop );
private function loop( e:Event ):void
var distx:Number = mouseX / stage.stageWidth;
One of the MovieClips I load into that "ctt" container has some scrollable content. I've traced both the CLICK and MOUSE_DOWN events on the Dragger of the scrollbar and it's active, it receives the click and mouse_down events. The problem is that it doesn't drag.
I know that the scrollbar works because if I remove the loop enter_frame event I showed before it works perfectly, it just doesn't rotate on a 3D environment as I wanted it to.
why the dragger doesn't drag when that ENTER_FRAME event like that is being used?
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Feb 18, 2009
The thing is: I have got 5 movieclips which are able to drag and drop. Next to that I've got 20 containers which are all droptargets. The movieclips are able to be dragged and then dropped on a container. So far so good. But what I want is that when I drop a movieclip on a container which already has a movieclip dropped on it, the first movieclip gets removed and the second movieclip is dropped on the container. Or you could also say.. that the second movieclip replaces the first movieclip. This instead of the fact that a container has multiple movieclips dropped on itself.
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Nov 25, 2010
I have 2 different classes that contains different object. And I control from another custom classes on when to load which class. The custom class will load a class when first run, and switch to another one when selected. My problem is, although I called the next class, but the object does not appear. The class that controls which to load
ActionScript Code:
package classes{
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import classes.streamVideo;
[Code] .....
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Dec 29, 2009
I want to be able to mask an object that has been added to the stage using 'addChild'. This is what I have so far, but it does not seem to work.
var skyMask:mcSkyMask = new mcSkyMask();
skyMask.x = 0;
skyMask.y = 0;
var cloud1:mcCloud1 = new mcCloud1();
cloud1.mask = skyMask;
cloud1.x = 7.5;
cloud1.y = 57.7;
Basically, the cloud is going to move across the sky then get hidden by the mask so it does not appear on the background stage.
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Dec 11, 2009
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So I just clicked on 'Yes' and a 'script' folder was generated.
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Mar 19, 2012
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Mar 27, 2012
Im adding video windows to a video object inside mxml file
videoMovie = new Video(120,80);
Now would it be possible to apply a rounded border of 2px on this somehow?
I know you can use
<s:Label text="cornerRadius:" />
<s:HSlider id="slider"
On regular objects but cannot find out how to do this with dynamically added ones :(
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Jan 23, 2010
How do you access a child that has been added to an object?For example if I have a movieClip on the stage and I add a child to it, how do I then access that child?
var newClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
newClip.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, checkClip);
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May 14, 2010
ActionScript Code:
Are there two objects added to the stage or does the last addChild method overwrite the first?
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Sep 17, 2011
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Jun 3, 2009
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Nov 21, 2009
The thing is, this feels so basic, and Flash Developer Tool 3 is just giving me this nonsense error! I know, it's probably not really nonsense but... I want to create a simple video object and let it play a local flv. okay, here's the error:"call to a possible undefined method attachNetStream through through a reference with 'static' type Video"What does it means? Does it means the object Video is static, and it's not supposed to be? Or does it mean the attachNetStream is static? here's the function
private function showVideo(e:MouseEvent):void {
var videoConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Jan 26, 2009
I'm having accessing an object i previously added to my stage. Or at least give me some direction, or tell me if there is an easier way entirely to achieve what I'm doing.
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Sep 14, 2010
I have an object which needs to be added to an array, but when it is, it doesn't show the string inside. However, when I alert the exact same object, I get the result I'm looking for.
Here's my code.
The first line shows nothing in that location in the array, and the second pops up a phone number, just like I'm after.
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Nov 3, 2011
I have an object that is instantiated, then placed into a property within a singleton (single instance) object. When a button is clicked an event is dispatched carrying a payload that references the display object that is held within the Singleton. When the event is heard, my view object adds the object to the display list e.g. addChild().The Item shows. Now If I hit another button an event is dispatched, and a new item is added to the display list via the method above and is seen. The 1st object is removed from the display list Here is my problem. When I click the button to load the 1st Object the above process is executed again but the object does not show.
I can run trace statements from the object that is supposed to be visible and they run fine. I even do a check to see if the visible property is set to true, and it is, but not object is on my screen. Code for this process.
//custom event carries the name of the page aka display object. this is a string
dispatchEvent(new MenuEvent(MenuEvent.CHANGE_VIEW_STATE, event.payload));
//When the event is heard, the following condinial is run
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Feb 3, 2011
Can a movieclip have two masks added to it?I mean, I tried doing .mask, but it always shows me the last mask, the other one apparently gets kicked out.
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Aug 22, 2010
how do we remove object( sprite which has an external swf as it's child ) from display and more importantly from memory yet we still can use the same variable to add another object (yes another sprite like the one we removed yet has different content).., "
i did tried the removeChildAt thing it did remove all the child from the display list but i still can hear sound from video running.
here is small scale code of what i'm doing (sorry that i can only give you chunk code of loading and adding)
// var SWFList:XMLList; //used to hold a list of all external swf source,atribute and etc// var totalSWF:int; //hold the total number of external swf there is to be loaded
// var swfLoader:Loader; //instance of loader class used to load the external swf
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Dec 11, 2010
I want to trace how URL looks when it is sent like in following example when using params:
How to trace complete URL with added parameters that is sent? Also, I used Charles debug proxy, but could not get which URL was sent.
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Feb 16, 2012
I have stored an object template in a variable and then I'm adding the video links via jQuery. I'm doing this because eventually the links will be added into the object template via ajax. However, the video does not show up. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The sample code is in action here: [URL]
<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("jquery", "1.7.1");
google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
var obj_template = '<object width="260" height="140">'
[Code] .....
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May 31, 2009
I'm doing quite a complicated game with a lot of code but one thing I can't quite figure out is how to trigger a function on the main stage from a dynamically added object.I've tried using custom events, but it doesn't work and doesn't throw any errors either.Here's the code for the CustomEvent class:
Here's the code part in the dynamically added child(CustomEvent is imported):
this.parent.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(null));
and here's the main timeline part of the code:
stage.addEventListener(CustomEvent.CUSTOM, checkMoney);
//more code here
function checkMoney(e:CustomEvent)[code].....
All of the above seems to work, because it doesn't throw an error, but it doesn't trace money when the event is dispatched.Before you ask, the event IS being dispatched or at least the if method it's in is entered.Any other method to tell the stage it's time to run the function is welcome also
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May 19, 2010
I'm trying to use the action - object.setRGB(0x000000) - to change the colour of a movieclip, but when i restart te file.swf it doesn't maintain the colour that I added the last time. Is there a way to save the colour added?
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May 16, 2011
I'm adding a movieclip element ("lastSlide") to an other movieclip element("endLogoButton"). The added element has a child which is a button("endLogoButton"). How can I call that button?
/*mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").buttonMode = true;;
mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").mouseChildren = false;
mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").useHandCursor = true;*/
lastSlide.endLogoButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, linkClick);
It always tells me that the access to a Nullobject reference is not possible.
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Jan 18, 2011
I don't work with the Flash IDE very much, and I'm running into a problem with the unreliable creation order of components instantiated by the Flash IDE "magic".
Basically, I have to call a function on a loaded module. This function should only be called after all the module's children have been added to the stage.[code]...
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Oct 21, 2009
Is there a simple way to completely empty a display object container regardless of what it contains, including if it's already empty? In other words, without determining its children and using removeChild on each?
View 2 Replies
Jan 21, 2011
I am using a Flash AS2 template for a PayPal shopping cart on my site. As the code is now, a new shipping charge is added to the buyers total for every item added. I would like it to have only 1 shipping charge, no matter how many items are added!
Actionscript Code:
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;cartItems = new Array();itemNr = -1;itemQty = 1;cartin = false;ctrl_mc.cart_mc.onRelease = showCart;attachMovie("cart","cart_mc",15000,
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Jun 26, 2009
In my library I have a symbol.
This symbol class is:
I export this symbol for actionscript.
I export this symbol in the first frame.
In the main time line i have a movielcip named: mc_mask
Inside mc_mask I use this code to duplicate "xmx" movieclip inside "mc_mask" moveclip:
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
var x_pos:int = 0;
var y_pos:int = 0;
If I MANUALLY put an instance of "xmx" movieclip inside "mc_mask" movieclip and assign an instance name (for example pic1), I CAN CONTROL IT with:
mc_mask.pic1.alpha = .1;
But i want to add the "xmx" movieclip using ACTIONSCRIPT...
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