I have a movieclip that is loaded into a container movieclip. When I click on it, I want it to goto a particular frame and play. Have tried using the name of the container MC (LiftPlaceHolder.gotoAndPlay(10)) but this has no effect at all.
Problem: cannot get the script to open an external swf into a MC (named "container") that is located on the main timeline Desc: MC "container" is located on main timeline... button is housed within MC "clipAbout" which is located on main timeline
Code: on (release) { if (_root.currMovie == undefined) { _root.currMovie = "pages/about"; _root.container.loadMovie("pages/about.swf");
I have a movieclip instance named 'placeholder' on the canvas, and I want to change the alpha of the named movieclip from it's class without effecting the alpha of all the movieclips of the same type. How would I specifically target the named movieclip instance that is on the canvas?
I have created a new instance of a movieclip and named it in as3.
I want to put this in another movieclip. How does this effect the reference because everything seems fine while the dynamic movieclip is just dealing with the stage. As soon as I put it in a movieclip, I get:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com::Gallery/instancesOut()
Heres part of my code:
for(var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++){ var transition:mcTransition = new mcTransition(); addChild(transition); transition.name = "transition_mc" + i; transition.x = i * 100;
I can reference using the string name but if I put the addchild in a movieclip it errors
I have a named movieclip instance coming up undefined in AS2/CS3. the movieclip is on the stage, and I am having trouble accessing it from actionscript. does anyone have any ideas what might be causing the problem?
The thing is: I have got 5 movieclips which are able to drag and drop. Next to that I've got 20 containers which are all droptargets. The movieclips are able to be dragged and then dropped on a container. So far so good. But what I want is that when I drop a movieclip on a container which already has a movieclip dropped on it, the first movieclip gets removed and the second movieclip is dropped on the container. Or you could also say.. that the second movieclip replaces the first movieclip. This instead of the fact that a container has multiple movieclips dropped on itself.
here is my new code that works for PART of my movie. i have two dynamic text boxes, one named "item" and one named "ssnumber" ssnumberNode works fine but itemNode does not. i bolded the parts that i think are relevant to the problems
In my main timeline I have a variable "tipos = 5" for example.I want to call a movieclip named movie2 using the "addChild". The movie loads without a problem.My problem is that in my "movie2" I have to access my variable "tipos ", but I can't access it...The code "trace(tipos)" on my "movie2" returns an error.
I am trying to make the movieClip named "fish" go to a randomly generated spot. I tried using the tutorial, but I didn't understand the math, so I tried it with my own code. I'm not as much interested in getting this to work as I am knowing why it doesn't work.
Can a movieclip have two masks added to it?I mean, I tried doing .mask, but it always shows me the last mask, the other one apparently gets kicked out.
I'm trying to use the action - object.setRGB(0x000000) - to change the colour of a movieclip, but when i restart te file.swf it doesn't maintain the colour that I added the last time. Is there a way to save the colour added?
I'm trying to figure out when a child is added to a movieclip "x", and handling/detouring this operation from withing this "x" movieclip.
I tried overriding addChild and addChildAt at with no prevail. The movieclips that are placed on the stage via flash still don't trigger addChild or addChildAt. However, tracing this.numChildren shows '2' correctly.
I'm adding a movieclip element ("lastSlide") to an other movieclip element("endLogoButton"). The added element has a child which is a button("endLogoButton"). How can I call that button? mcSlideHolder.addChild(lastSlide); /*mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").buttonMode = true;; mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").mouseChildren = false; mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").useHandCursor = true;*/ lastSlide.endLogoButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, linkClick); It always tells me that the access to a Nullobject reference is not possible.
I don't work with the Flash IDE very much, and I'm running into a problem with the unreliable creation order of components instantiated by the Flash IDE "magic".
Basically, I have to call a function on a loaded module. This function should only be called after all the module's children have been added to the stage.[code]...
I am using a Flash AS2 template for a PayPal shopping cart on my site. As the code is now, a new shipping charge is added to the buyers total for every item added. I would like it to have only 1 shipping charge, no matter how many items are added!
I am trying to access a function in a MovieClip that has been added to the stage. Right after loading in the function, I create a function that calls the function in the recently added MovieClip. The compiler does not recognize the Function and when I go into debug mode it shows up as null. I've tried declaring the function in the MovieClip using 3 different methods, but I get the same result.
Code: function Sleep(){ var Sleep = function(){ this.Sleep = function(){
What I find strange is that when I declare the function on the stage, it looks just fine and I can even see it (as a Function object) in the debug panel.
I have a movieclip which is added to the stage every second at a random place.i want all instances of this movieclip to move to the postion x=100px and y=200px on the stage at a rate of 5px.im not sure how to code this, i would like the code to be in as3 if possile as i do not know as2.
I'm new to AS3 so please bare with me with this basic question.I have the following codes and I followed the answer from this question, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm not getting an error or getting a trace response.
Basically I need to access this test_mc inside the added child. Am I doing something wrong?
I am currently having problems referencing a MovieClip child which I add to the Stage from the Document Class. Basically when the MovieClip child is added to the Stage from the Document Class, I want a certain MovieClip already on the Stage to reference it once it is on the Stage.
Also, if it is possible, I don't want the MovieClip referencing the child being added to the Stage to have parameters linking it with the Document Class, because I plan on nesting this MovieClip within another MovieClip later on in the future.
Here is the code for the MovieClip class which is referencing the child once it is added to the Stage:
I need to work in as2 and I would like to add a blank movieclip to the stage, then the user can draw in it, but but only within certain confines. So I tried to set a mask but its just not working. :-(
I've made it so that I can I can use an external class to control a movie clip. Very exciting. I've run into a new issue though, in that now when I load this swf into a parent movie, the Papervision no longer works. I don't receive any error or anything. When I run the swf by itself everything runs as it should, but when loaded into another parent, it just seems to turn off any interactivity.
[code]This is called as part of the die() function I've created for an enemy in the small game I'm making.The idea being that when the enemy dies, it attaches a movieclip of an XP orb.And it does this perfectly well.The issue is in the last bit of the code.I'm attempting to call the setType() function within the class that the XP orb is in.However, it isn't setting the type to 100.
I have a 20 frame MovieClip in the library with a Class attached to it. There is nothing in the Class except the usual stuff pertaining to MovieClips with a Class (import display.movieClip and so on). The first frame in the movieClip timeline is a stop() command. I only want the clip to play sometimes. So in the main document timeline, I add the clip from the library as such: Code: var testClip:SampleClass = new SampleClass(); addChild(testClip);
But with this instance, I also want it to begin playing. However the following is not working: Code: MovieClip(testClip).play();// doesn't work? testClip.play();// also doesn't work?
But, if I delay things a bit it DOES work - like this: Code: Tweener.addTween(testClip, {y:0, time:.5, onComplete:function() {testClip.play()}}); // works fine, clip begins playing Why delaying the play command works, but telling it to play on instantiating doesn't?
Code: function saveAction(evt:MouseEvent):void{ var choice=evt.target.name; var inputText:String = saveName.text; }
I have this and I am trying to make a variable from the contents of the input box. Simple ya? The issue is that it is a child of another clip that is being added dynamically, so it doesn't think the input exists. How do I declare the input? How can I target it's contents? Also I have a remove function that is meant to remove this same parent clip.
Code: function closeSaveWindow(evt:MouseEvent):void{ removeChild(saver); } 'saver' is a variable created in another function, so I think there is a scope issue there. To try to fix that I declared 'saver' as a movie clip as a global var.
this["recipe"+i] = new recipelistname(); this["recipe"+i].buttonMode = true; this["recipe"+i].recipeid = i;
The problem is that the movieclip rotates around the center. The textfield inside the movieclip is starting at 0,0. But it still rotates around the center, how can I make it rotate at 0,0?
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Foo extends MovieClip { public function Foo() {
Suddenly, all the little bar movieclips within foo revert to regular old movieclips and don't fire.[URL]It still has its children, they're added and displayed, but their type changes to MovieClip, ignoring the base class.