ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A Movieclip Named Movie2 Using The "addChild"?
Apr 13, 2011
In my main timeline I have a variable "tipos = 5" for example.I want to call a movieclip named movie2 using the "addChild". The movie loads without a problem.My problem is that in my "movie2" I have to access my variable "tipos ", but I can't access it...The code "trace(tipos)" on my "movie2" returns an error.
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class com.sck.DragList extends MovieClip {
private var placeHolder:MovieClip;
private var listMask:MovieClip;
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Symbol 'buttons', Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 41061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.
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I want to put this in another movieclip. How does this effect the reference because everything seems fine while the dynamic movieclip is just dealing with the stage. As soon as I put it in a movieclip, I get:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com::Gallery/instancesOut()
Heres part of my code:
for(var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++){ var transition:mcTransition = new mcTransition();
addChild(transition); = "transition_mc" + i; transition.x = i * 100;
I can reference using the string name but if I put the addchild in a movieclip it errors
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for(i = 0;i<3;i++)
imgBox = new box();
mc.addChild(imgBox); = "box" + i;
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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.ui.*;
[Code] .....
Generates this error:
C:UsersHaavardDocumentsFlashTurret 1.75, Line 22
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild.
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Nov 24, 2009
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A) Aluminum
B) All Glass
C) Wood
Depending on which you choose I need to show an image of an aluminum, glass or wooden door.Then if the next question is about lock types then your new lock shows up and so on and so forth until you reach the end.The questions all relate to their own variable which are each defined at the beginning of the movie like this:
var doorType:String = "DT0";
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DT1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doorTypeHandler);[code]....
Now the tricky part (for me at least) is figuring how in the world to use this in conjunction with the questions (more accurately, the variables they define) to produce this live image.Another thing to add complication to this whole mess is that there are basically two entire sets of images. Single doors or Double doors, they both have (nearly) all the same hardware but they are two different sets of images. They are differentiated by the ot1 or ot2 in front of the class name. The variable openType defines OT1 or OT2 in a previous question. I would like to be able to use the variable openType in the call for the image
//This is how I tested it
currImage = new ot2_wood_exit();
//I would like to use openType instead of hard coding ot1 or ot2
currImage = new openType_wood_exit(); //I KNOW this is wrong, but I don't know what is right!So that is my basic dilemma. I need to show or hide specific images based on the answers to previously answered questions AND questions currently being answered (live update).
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Jan 27, 2011
I'm making a bonehead error but I 've been designing this since last night and I just started coding it, so I'm not at my sharpest ATM.
Code so far;
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
And, yes, automatically declare stage instances is checked under as3 settings.
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Jul 30, 2011
I get the folowing error in one of my classes and not too sure why?
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Jun 15, 2009
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I use this to load SWF 2
How do i target it to start from a label in a scene from movie2.swf?
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May 19, 2011
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Location:, line 21
Description: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild.
Source: addChild(sp);
I've tried to fix it on my own, but it isn't code for the files is below.
ActionScript Code:
package newRPG_Class {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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import flash.display.*;
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Nov 19, 2010
My first movie is in AS1: movie1.swf is its name and it only contains a button, releasing it, it loads hello_world.swf in the _root. The code is:
btn.onRelease = function(){_root.loadMovie(hello_world.swf)};
It works fine if i open the movie alone, a problem comes when I load it from this other movie called movie2.swf (which is in AS3). The load script in this second movie is:
var i =new Loader();
i.load(new URLRequest(movie1.swf));
when i open movie2.swf it will automatically load movie1.swf, which looks fine, but now its button doesn't work.Maybe it isn't logic to keep the AS1 in the first movie, but I really want to keep it as it is (cause I would have to change dozens of them,) i really want this AS3 and AS1 communication.
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Mar 22, 2009
My situation is this I have 4 movies which load each other, meaning: movie1.swf loads movie2.swf which loads movie3.swf which loads movie4.swf movie3.swf communicates with movie2.swf though the _parent path and it works. but i can't seem to make movie2.swf communicate with movie3.swf since movie2 is _parent i assumed movie3 is a _child...but it does not work so my question is what do i replace _child with?
PHP Code:"subM" + no); ps: would apreciate it if u could tell me a bit about levels ex: _level10/_level0 what do they mean and how can i tell on what level i have something
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Mar 30, 2009
This is something I'm experimenting with, but haven't seemed to figure out... I have several MovieClips, basically the same, only different colors. As each one plays, I'd like it to "overlap" whichever one is already there. Right now I have each button linked to a gotoAndPlay function, but I don't think that will ever get me what I want. You can see how I have it now here: [URL]
Instead of having the content MovieClip go back to all white when a button is clicked, I'd like the preivious one to remain, and get "covered up" by the new one. You continue to see the old color, and the new color overlaps it. I have a feeling I need to use a variable and then addChild, with a removeChild for the old MovieClip after the new MovieClip has loaded, but I'm not getting any good results yet.
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Jan 18, 2011
I'm new to oop and I'm trying to convert a auto scrolling TextField into a class. I guess it has something to do with there not being a stage when the class is instantiated but I'm not sure how to get around it. my code:
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Jul 13, 2010
I got this Error : 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.
what I'm trying to do :I have create a new class called Graph and make it extends Sprite and add a scroolpane to my stage and make an empty movie clip called content_mc and make the source of the scrollpane equals to content_mc
in the first frame i wrote this code
import Graph;
var graph:Graph = new Graph();content_mc.addChild(graph);
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Jul 13, 2010
my_mediafile.load(new URLRequest("PMP2.jpg"));
//trace ("my_mediafile "+my_mediafile);
i have a movie clip(called gfx_pmp) inside of my movieclip (called mc_pmp) and i wanted to add a child to that movieclip gfx_pmp
thought i could use this code
but it doesn't seem to work. when i ran a trace on mc_pmp.gfx_pmp it returned null as a value
//returns null
i dont see what the issue is here, or why the trace on that is returning null
[object mc_pmp_43]
1st trace gfx_pmp [object MovieClip]
2ndtrace gfx_pmp [object MovieClip]
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Jan 17, 2011
here is my new code that works for PART of my movie. i have two dynamic text boxes, one named "item" and one named "ssnumber" ssnumberNode works fine but itemNode does not. i bolded the parts that i think are relevant to the problems
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Apr 6, 2004
I am trying to make the movieClip named "fish" go to a randomly generated spot. I tried using the tutorial, but I didn't understand the math, so I tried it with my own code. I'm not as much interested in getting this to work as I am knowing why it doesn't work.
PHP Code:
fish.onLoad = function() {
fish.onEnterFrame = function() {
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Dec 21, 2010
On my stage I have a movie clip called 'm1'. I also have a variable 'i' which is equal to 1. if I load in a bitmap (called 'bmp') and then use: this["m"+i].addChild(bmp) it attaches the bitmap to the movie clip - no problem. However, if I have a second movie clip WITHIN 'm1' (let's say this second movie clip is called 'mm1') - I can't figure out how to dynamically attach the bitmap to the second movie clip. this["m"+i].this["mm"+1].addChild(bmp) doesn't work....
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Oct 10, 2009
I am having ongoing issue with using addChild(). Everything else works. The code below now loads all thirty five images and the addChild command is used directly on the Bitmap in initHandler in the excerpt below. Now I commented out the line that I was going to use to add these Bitmaps as children of the MovieClip in placeThumbnail function in the FLA. So I believe the only problem I have left is finding a way to get the Bitmaps to be children of the correct MC //This code excerpt is from
public function imgLoad(buttonMC:MovieClip) {
imgLoader = new Loader();
imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finished_loading);
imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
var link=buttonMC.entry_thumbnail;
[Code] .....
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Apr 21, 2011
i've been trying to add a child to a movieclip that already exists on the stage using a timer event. i can't get this to work. i have been able to add a child through other events such as mouse down but this one wont work. here is the code for the timer.
var person:MovieClip;
var peopleFrequency:uint = 400;
var peopleTimer:Timer =new Timer(peopleFrequency);
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