ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Which Is Added To The Stage Every Second At A Random Place?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a movieclip which is added to the stage every second at a random place.i want all instances of this movieclip to move to the postion x=100px and y=200px on the stage at a rate of not sure how to code this, i would like the code to be in as3 if possile as i do not know as2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place 35 Movie Clips In Random Order On Stage In Specific XY Coordinates?

Nov 12, 2009

I have 35 movie clips named mcMyObject1, mcMyObject2, etc. to mcMyObject35Each time the playhead enters the frame this code sits on, I want all of these 35 movie clips to be placed on the stage in random orderI want each one of these 35 movie clips to land on one of these X coordinates: 57, 187, 317, 447, 577, 707, 837 and on one of these Y coordinates: 53, 183, 131, 443, 573. (It's a 7 x 5 grid)Movie size is 1024 x 768Here's my code, which doesn't work:

var myXArray=[57, 187, 317, 447, 577, 707, 837]; //cordordinates for x
var myYArray=[53, 183, 313, 443, 573, 573, 573]; //cordordinates for y


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place Movieclip On The Stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check MovieClip Has Been Added To Stage?

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I don't work with the Flash IDE very much, and I'm running into a problem with the unreliable creation order of components instantiated by the Flash IDE "magic".

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TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild()


// properties in class ----------
var circle_ary:Array = new Array;
var circ_num:int;//number of circles on the stage.


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Actionscript 3 :: Reference MovieClip After It Is Added To Stage As A Child

Nov 22, 2011

I am currently having problems referencing a MovieClip child which I add to the Stage from the Document Class. Basically when the MovieClip child is added to the Stage from the Document Class, I want a certain MovieClip already on the Stage to reference it once it is on the Stage.

Also, if it is possible, I don't want the MovieClip referencing the child being added to the Stage to have parameters linking it with the Document Class, because I plan on nesting this MovieClip within another MovieClip later on in the future.

Here is the code for the MovieClip class which is referencing the child once it is added to the Stage:

package com.gameEngine.assetHolders
import com.gameEngine.documentClass.*;
import com.gameEngine.assetHolders.*;


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[code]This is called as part of the die() function I've created for an enemy in the small game I'm making.The idea being that when the enemy dies, it attaches a movieclip of an XP orb.And it does this perfectly well.The issue is in the last bit of the code.I'm attempting to call the setType() function within the class that the XP orb is in.However, it isn't setting the type to 100.

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for exemple, pacman:

how should i code the placement of all the money?

i would go:

but that's not the good solution is it?

there must be a code to do that without hundreds of lines of code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Random MovieClip To Stage

Oct 18, 2010

I have 3 mc's in my library each with linkage "icon1", icon2", icon3". What I'm trying to do is load one of them randomly in to the stage. Here's the code I have so far:

//creating an array that holds the mcs
var iconsarray:Array = new Array("mc1","mc2","mc3");
//creating a random number to use for loading the mc
var randmc:Number = Math.round (Math.random ()*2)+0;
//this is just a string to hold the mc with the number, not used
var all:String = (iconsarray[randmc]);
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Center Movieclip (with Random Reg Points) On Stage?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm working on a project where I have to load multiple movie clips and center them on the stage.

PHP Code:
loaded_clip._x = Stage._width/2;loaded_clip._y = Stage._height/2; 

Unfortunately, in this case that doesn't cut it. The move clips I'm loading all have different registration points, and they end up looking anything but centered. Is there a way to center them based on some other factor other than the registration point, so that they look centered?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animate A Movieclip To Random Locations On Stage?

Aug 6, 2009

supposing there is a movieclip in stage.. let's say its a circle with an instance name of "theCircle"..

the circle has to move / go to / animate to a random location on stage every 5 seconds... basically, the circle should move to the random location, stop and wait for 5 seconds, then move again to another random location.. again and again...

the code below is untested and incomplete.. but it is what i am trying to do.

var randomXPosition:int;
var randomYPosition:int;
var positionTimer:Timer;


on the moveCircle function, i can simply set the X and Y of the circle equal to randomXPosition and randomYPosition... but that would just change the location of the circle, not move it.. i am trying to make the circle animate towards that location at a constant speed..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Random MovieClip Playback On Stage

Oct 29, 2010

I have 16 instances of one movie clip on the stage and each one has their own unique instance name. The movie clips have a nested animation and I want each clip to play randomly. I'm familiar with the Math.random class, but not for animating clips. Here is what I have so far:

var turkeyArray:Array = new Array();
turkeyArray[0] = turkey1_mc;
turkeyArray[1] = turkey2_mc;
turkeyArray[2] = turkey3_mc;
turkeyArray[3] = turkey4_mc;
[Code] .....

What goes in here to play each instance randomly?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Random MovieClip From Library On Stage

Oct 20, 2004

I want to load a random movie clip from the library to an empty clip on the stage called (bg_graphics). the clips in the library are called (green, blue, yellow).

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Place MC,s At A Random Place

Sep 21, 2009

i tried it all but cant solve it on my own. i have 10 different MC,s. they shall appear by hitting a key on the keyboard. all i want them to appear and play on a random place.

all then 10 MC,s are deticated to 10 different keys on the keyboard. (so by hitting the "A" on the keyboard shall place and play MC "A" at a random place..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Random MovieClip From Library To Stage Dynamically?

Aug 4, 2009

How to add random movie clip to stage from many different movie clips in library? If I wanted to add one movie clip to stage I would do liko so:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);
function onMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
var mc:MovieClip = new Ball();
mc.x = mouseX;
mc.y = mouseY;

Code above works perfect but I tried following but with no success, no errors, but nothing happens - no mc's are added to stage. I have 6 movie clips in library and they all are linked, exported for actionscript. On MouseOver I want to add random movie clip from those six movie clips to the stage.

var myArray:Array = [mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5, mc6];
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onLoop);
function onLoop(e:MouseEvent):void {
for (var i:int = 0; i< myArray.length; i++) {
var randomMc:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*i);
var mc:MovieClip = new myArray[randomMc];
mc.x = mouseX;
mc.y = mouseY;

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Animate A Movieclip To A Random Location On Stage Every 5 Seconds

Aug 6, 2009

supposing there is a movieclip in stage.. let's say its a circle with an instance name of "theCircle"..

the circle has to move / go to / animate to a random location on stage every 5 seconds... basically, the circle should move to the random location, stop and wait for 5 seconds, then move again to another random location.. again and again...

the code below is untested and incomplete.. but it is what i am trying to do... how i should go about this...

ActionScript Code:
var randomXPosition:int;
var randomYPosition:int;
var positionTimer:Timer;


on the moveCircle function, i can simply set the X and Y of the circle equal to randomXPosition and randomYPosition... but that would just change the location of the circle, not move it.. i am trying to make the circle animate towards that location at a constant speed..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting New Random MovieClip To Stage From Library For A Drag And Drop Game?

Mar 29, 2011

I am looking for a way to remove a movieclip from the stage when it is dropped (after a pause) and then have a new random movieclip appear at a specific point on the stage, which can then be dragged and dropped onto its own target (which repeats the process).

var movieArray:Array = new Array();
movieArray = ["Red", "Green" , "Blue"];[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Visit Stage Attribute Before Display Object Added To Stage

Oct 22, 2009

I have a library swf (asset.swf), it's document class binded to, and in the Constructor function of Asset,[code]as known to all, we cannot visit the stage attribute before the display object added to the, when my loader.swf try to load asset.swf, it throws exception and the loading come to failure is there some one tell me how to load the asset.swf? I cannot modify the asset.swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Stage Height / Width / Something That Isn't Added To Stage?

Nov 3, 2009

Is it possible to get the stage height/width on something that isn't added to the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MC,s Shall Appear On A Random Place?

Sep 21, 2009

i am pretty new to actionscript. i tried it all but cant solve it on my own. i have 10 different MC,s. they shall appear by hitting a key on the keyboard. all i want them to appear and play on a random place. all then 10 MC,s are deticated to 10 different keys on the keyboard. (so by hitting the "A" on the keyboard shall place and play MC "A" at a random place.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Song's Start In Random Place?

Oct 18, 2009

I made flash player and i used that tutorial: HERE. Everything is good, but when one song is ending, next song's start is delay about 1-2 sec. You can say that is nothing in flash mp3 player, but if each other song is one short speaker sentence(there are about 10 one by one) it may be nervous. how to delete that delay? I don't need to have xml playlist. Just i want to start one by one(all playlist is about 300-400 loop/songs/mp3 files) without delay.

Now I think there is no way to delete that delay(how i can do it), but i have another idea. I will make one big file from 10 or 20 of that smaller, but i need to have in my player one thing more. When user will press start button, song won't start at 00:00/xx:xx but in random place. You know what i mean ? It will not start at start but somewhere else, in random place(maybe 00:21/xx:xx or 02:47/xx:xx or 01:02/xx:xx).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: AttachMovie - Place At Random Locations On The Scene

Feb 26, 2010

I've got a small issue with attachMovie. I've got an array with references to movie clips which I want to place at random locations on the scene. Here is my function:

The thing here is that the trace of "mc" in the beginning returns the correct movie clip reference, but "" after the attachMovie returns "undefined".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generating A Random Number With One Decimal Place?

Mar 2, 2011

I looked everywhere on the internet and couldnt find how to generate a random number that had one decimal place.I am trying to generate numbers between 12.0 and 13.0 randomly.Below is my code... I know its wrong because of Math.round and Math.random, but i cant seem to find anything that deals with a decimal place.

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_EnterFrameHandler_1);
function fl_EnterFrameHandler_1(event:Event):void{volt.text = Math.round(Math.random()*(1)+12).toString();}


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