ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Loses It's Interactivity When Added To Parent?

Feb 5, 2010

I've made it so that I can I can use an external class to control a movie clip. Very exciting. I've run into a new issue though, in that now when I load this swf into a parent movie, the Papervision no longer works. I don't receive any error or anything. When I run the swf by itself everything runs as it should, but when loaded into another parent, it just seems to turn off any interactivity.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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but this code is giving error.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@2b1aa061


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Here's what I want to do,

I've got a movieClip named wrong_mc, which plays for a couple of frames and on the last frame, its got a close button "close_btn" inside of it, now I wanna write the code such that when close_btn is played the movieClip "wrong_mc" should go and stop at frame1, I'm just not able to access this movieClip from the button.

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/*mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").buttonMode = true;;
mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").mouseChildren = false;
mcSlideHolder.getChildByName("endLogoButton").useHandCursor = true;*/
lastSlide.endLogoButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, linkClick);
It always tells me that the access to a Nullobject reference is not possible.

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for(i = 0;i<3;i++)
imgBox = new box();
mc.addChild(imgBox); = "box" + i;


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Actionscript Code:
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;cartItems = new Array();itemNr = -1;itemQty = 1;cartin = false;ctrl_mc.cart_mc.onRelease = showCart;attachMovie("cart","cart_mc",15000,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning Parent MC In Order To Center Child MC On Parent's Parent MC

Feb 5, 2010

[code]All clips are squared.Ok, on the PlayerPlane, there are little soldiers, which have hotkeys. The effect I'm trying to create is I want to position the GameStage so that the currently selected soldier appears in the center of the GameClicker clip.The GameStage is movable by the player (to scan other areas of the map)by holding the CTRL key, so it's easy to kinda lose track of where your players are.I have tried using localTo Global and globalToLocal techniques, but I think I'm lost on the actual math of getting the GameStage to move the correct distance so that the selected soldier is centered to the GameClicker.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling A Movieclip Added Whit AddChild()

Jun 26, 2009

In my library I have a symbol.

This symbol class is:


I export this symbol for actionscript.

I export this symbol in the first frame.

In the main time line i have a movielcip named: mc_mask

Inside mc_mask I use this code to duplicate "xmx" movieclip inside "mc_mask" moveclip:

* * * * * *
* * * * * *
var x_pos:int = 0;
var y_pos:int = 0;


If I MANUALLY put an instance of "xmx" movieclip inside "mc_mask" movieclip and assign an instance name (for example pic1), I CAN CONTROL IT with:

mc_mask.pic1.alpha = .1;

But i want to add the "xmx" movieclip using ACTIONSCRIPT...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Function Declaration In Recently Added MovieClip

Jul 28, 2009

I am trying to access a function in a MovieClip that has been added to the stage. Right after loading in the function, I create a function that calls the function in the recently added MovieClip. The compiler does not recognize the Function and when I go into debug mode it shows up as null. I've tried declaring the function in the MovieClip using 3 different methods, but I get the same result.

function Sleep(){
var Sleep = function(){
this.Sleep = function(){

What I find strange is that when I declare the function on the stage, it looks just fine and I can even see it (as a Function object) in the debug panel.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Which Is Added To The Stage Every Second At A Random Place?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a movieclip which is added to the stage every second at a random place.i want all instances of this movieclip to move to the postion x=100px and y=200px on the stage at a rate of not sure how to code this, i would like the code to be in as3 if possile as i do not know as2.

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Movieclip From A Child Added In Runtime?

Mar 28, 2011

I created a child that will be added on runtime. How do I access a movieclip on the mainstage from within the child?

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Actionscript 3 :: Access MC Inside Movieclip Added From Library?

Sep 22, 2011

I'm new to AS3 so please bare with me with this basic question.I have the following codes and I followed the answer from this question, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm not getting an error or getting a trace response.

Basically I need to access this test_mc inside the added child. Am I doing something wrong?


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Actionscript 3 :: Reference MovieClip After It Is Added To Stage As A Child

Nov 22, 2011

I am currently having problems referencing a MovieClip child which I add to the Stage from the Document Class. Basically when the MovieClip child is added to the Stage from the Document Class, I want a certain MovieClip already on the Stage to reference it once it is on the Stage.

Also, if it is possible, I don't want the MovieClip referencing the child being added to the Stage to have parameters linking it with the Document Class, because I plan on nesting this MovieClip within another MovieClip later on in the future.

Here is the code for the MovieClip class which is referencing the child once it is added to the Stage:

package com.gameEngine.assetHolders
import com.gameEngine.documentClass.*;
import com.gameEngine.assetHolders.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Mask To New Dynamically Added Movieclip

Feb 23, 2009

I need to work in as2 and I would like to add a blank movieclip to the stage, then the user can draw in it, but but only within certain confines. So I tried to set a mask but its just not working. :-(

this.createEmptyMovieClip("draw_mc", 1);
_root.attachMovie("mask_mc", "instance1", this.getNextHighestDepth());

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