ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash MX Independent Object Movement?

Apr 4, 2005

I hope that this topic hasn't been discussed ad nauseum; I searched the forums for similar discussion threads to no avail. I completed the Flash MX object movement tutorial found at [URL].I then wanted to add a second instance of the beetle symbol to the stage and assign it both a new instance name and a different set of keyboard keys that would control its movement.

When I test the movie, I am able to control each symbol instance with its assigned keys. (The instances move and rotate as they should.) However, when the first instance rotates and moves to the right, the second instance "slides" with it. That is, the second instance's assigned keys have not been pressed and it doesn't rotate, but it moves right in unison with the other instance.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash MX: Independent Object Movement?

Apr 4, 2005

I searched the forums for similar discussion threads to no avail.I completed the Flash MX object movement tutorial found atI then wanted to add a second instance of the beetle symbol to the stage and assign it both a new instance name and a different set of keyboard keys that would control its movement.When I test the movie, I am able to control each symbol instance with its assigned keys. (The instances move and rotate as they should.) However, when the first instance rotates and moves to the right, the second instance "slides" with it. That is, the second instance's assigned keys have not been pressed and it doesn't rotate, but it moves right in unison with the other instance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 2 Puppets Can't Have Independent Movement

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In other words, I would like the puppets to be completely independent from each other.

public function lancelmaat() {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 2; i++) {
herms[i] = new Herm();


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Actionscript 3 :: Get Frame Rate Independent Movement

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mask Shifts Independent Of Container Object?

Mar 13, 2012

I am making button pieces for use in my GUI factory. I am having an issue placing my Thumbnail graphic w/Mask and border. The mask is not moving away from 0,0 when the Thumbnail is moved to 280,10.I can force it to 280,10. I will be multiples of this and other button in a scrolling menu with it own mask in a container.I am trying to build in a work-a-round for this feature.Here's the primary part of Thumbnail class:

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EDIT: by camera I mean the viewing perception. Not a real hard drive web camera.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Calculating Frame Independent Acceleration?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a 2D side scrolling game (made with ActionScript 3) that runs at 60 frames per second. I'm trying to make it frame rate independent so it will run on slower devices.

To do this I create a var called timeElapsed by calculating how many milliseconds have passed between each frame and dividing that by 16 (60 fps is about 16ms, I think.) So that at 60 fps the result would be about 1. Then I times any time related vars by this number (e.g player.x = speed * timeElapsed;) This is the code:

private var oldTime :Number;
private var defaultFrameRate :uint = 16; // the default frame rate in milliseconds
private var timeElapsed :Number;


As you can see, at 30 frames per second the player is moved further in the same amount of real time. What seems to be the issue is that, at 30fps in frame one, my current code doesn't account for the slight difference in speed between frame one and two at 60fps. I thought of getting the average value of speed between any two frames at 60fps and using that to calculate a more accurate value when the frame rate changes but I got the feeling wouldn't work correctly in some other situations since at 60fps for example, it would move the player by 115 and not 110 pixels.

Is their any way to accurately simulate an object accelerating in a way that is frame rate independent?

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Feb 5, 2010

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_root.right.onRollOver = function() {
goRight = true;


Now, I don't want that "content" object to slide all the way out of the screen. How can I make it stop at certain position, say x=770? Or is there any better way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Movement And Alpha Tween

Nov 17, 2010

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Jun 13, 2011

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Actionscript Code:
//Centering function  function rotCenter (ob:*, angleDegrees:Number, ptRotationPoint:Point) { var m:Matrix=ob.transform.matrix;  m.tx -=


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Constant Speed Movement Of Object?

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to get an object to track my mouse on press and i am using a tween. However, the nature of the tween is such that the time taken for the object would move would always be constant despite the distance.
I would like to make the object travel at a constant speed regardless of the distance. Is it correct for me to use a tween? If not what should I be using?The code for my tween is as follows.
map_mc.tracker_mc._x = map_mc._xmouse;map_mc.tracker_mc._y = map_mc._ymouse;startx = map_mc.crosshair_mc._x;endx = map_mc.tracker_mc._x;starty = map_mc.crosshair_mc._y;endy = map_mc.tracker_mc._y;
trackTweenx = new Tween(map_mc.crosshair_mc, "_x", Regular.easeIn, startx, endx, spd, true);trackTweeny = new Tween(map_mc.crosshair_mc, "_y", Regular.easeIn, starty, endy, spd, true);
map_mc.tracker_mc is the mouse cursor that would appear when onPress while the map_mc.crosshair_mc is the object that would track my cursor's movements.

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Jan 23, 2009

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Using Shape As Object Movement Boundary?

Jan 18, 2010

Let's say you have a room, and a little circle representing the player. Let's say also that you decide to draw a shape overlapping the room, set alpha to 0%, and use hitTestPoint() between this shape and the player to create the movement boundary. In short, as long as the player's centerpoint is overlapping the invisible shape, he/she is free to move around.Now, I decided to make things more complicated and add an obstacle to the room - a table in the center. One would think that cutting a rectangle out of the middle of the invisible shape would prevent the player from being able to move there. No dice, the player passes right through the hole in the middle of the invisible shape. The problem, as I see it, is that when the shape is converted to a symbol for use in actionscript, the entire volume of the movie clip is used for collision detection, not just the shape's volume. No matter what options and settings I play with, I can't get the hole in the shape to stay cut-out when I convert the whole thing to a symbol.

Now, I know I could probably add an extra shape to represent the obstacle, and add extra collision detection into my actionscript. However, given that there will be a large number of rooms in the game, and a variable number of obstacles in each room, this is not an elegant solution. The most elegant solution would be to figure out a way to map the playable area in a room with a single movie clip (/graphic).So, I turn to you fine folk. Can anyone tell me how to convert a shape to any kind of symbol, and preserve features like holes within the shape (as in, not have them glazed over as part of the symbol's body

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Key Movement - Moving Object With WASD

Mar 24, 2005

I am looking for the AS for moving an abject with WASD. I had it working with Key.Left, Key.Right, Key.Up, and Key.Down but I want to change them to WASD.

if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
} if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {

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Jun 26, 2009

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//the package
package actionscript{
import flash.display.*;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3 :: Isometric Grid Movement For Object In Game

Mar 4, 2011

I am currently creating a game similar to cafe world, farmville etc (social game). Would like to know how could I make an object move in an isometric direction when my mouse move. For example, when I want to build a house, I click on the house build button, and when my mouse move, I want my house object (stored in the library) to be move together with my mouse in an isometric direction. To give you all a better impression of the solution i am looking for, click on this link for a sketch: [URL]. So I want something like only when my mouse move 20 units more than the original mouse position, then my house item should move to the next grid.

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