ActionScript 3 :: Isometric Grid Movement For Object In Game
Mar 4, 2011
I am currently creating a game similar to cafe world, farmville etc (social game). Would like to know how could I make an object move in an isometric direction when my mouse move. For example, when I want to build a house, I click on the house build button, and when my mouse move, I want my house object (stored in the library) to be move together with my mouse in an isometric direction. To give you all a better impression of the solution i am looking for, click on this link for a sketch: [URL]. So I want something like only when my mouse move 20 units more than the original mouse position, then my house item should move to the next grid.
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ActionScript Code:
package {
import com.sayConcept.isometric.IsoUtils;
import com.sayConcept.isometric.GraphicTile;
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minx = 120;
maxx = 450;
miny = 20;
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Sep 13, 2006
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myMap1 = [[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
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Oct 26, 2009
I have a character in a game that moves in accordance with keyboard commands.. I'd like to have it so that when the character moves on the stage his legs simulate walking. Meaning.. when moving right, his legs rotate counter clockwise. But since there are two moving at the same time, one moves forward to a point while the other moves back to a point (the legs don't circle over his head), I need a conditional statement that indicates that when his leg's rotation is greater than 149, it reverses direction until its at a certain point, then moves back.. The below code is for one leg.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
function onLoop(evt:Event): void{
if (Bear.Leg.rotation >=149){
Bear.Leg.rotation -=1;}
else {Bear.Leg.rotation +=1;}
I know why this doesn't work, it passes 149 and then moves back until it's below 149 and gets stuck in a loop. I need it so that the first statement gets overrided then flips back to it later. How can I do this?
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm sorry if this is the wrong section. But I'm looking for help with my actionscript coding. I'm fairly new to Flash. I've only scripted some simple websites so far and this is the first time I try to make a flash game. I started yesterday but I'm already having problems with my script.
I have a scene with 2 layers: one with my character and one with the bounds (ground, ceiling and walls).
Inside my character movie clip, I have this: Which is basically a bunch of frames labeled and with the action to stop();. Each one containing another movie clip with the respective animations. So the idea was, when I press "A", jump to "walk left". And it kinda worked, but I have some problems and I'm not really sure how to solve them.
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Dec 13, 2010
Im using Actionscript 3.0 and Adobe flash professional CS5 Im trying to animate a characters movement in a game im designing..Theres 8 differnt instances im going to use for the movement, I decided this upon studying NES zelda and finding his character only has 8 differnt instances for his general movement. See I want the graphics to be pixelated, just like the old games~ I like pixel games.
for example:Whenever I press the LEFT ARROW key I want two instances to switch back and forth between eachother to animate movement, and so I want it to keep doing that until movement is stopped~ as goes the same with the UP, DOWN, and RIGHT arrow keys.
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Mar 17, 2008
I'm relatively new to creating games, however I've been a flash website developer (and designer) for over 7 years, and am used to OOP and AS2 Event-based programming. It was a bit tough to swallow the one-global function runs everything method but it all seems to be going fine now. The only problem I'm having right now is my math, and character movement and interaction.Also figuring out hitTests when the player punches, seeing as how you might have multiple hitTests be true, yet I want only those in the front row to receive damage.
Here's what I'm working on: http:[url].....
What I would like it to do, is for the enemies to swarm, but not walk "through" each other.Because the player only has his fists to defend himself (stipulation of the game unfortunately), they need to start far away, but then come up to the player's range and then mosy about in front of the player, jabbing him from time to time. The only thing, is that currently they look like paper dolls, because they move through each other, and the movement isn't very good either. This will allow the player to punch away their health until theirs none left, starting the new wave. my first big problem is the enemy movement and interaction with each other in a simulated 3d environment.The second would be how to get the player to deal damage to them, how can you tell that he punched the guy in the front row, etc.
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Aug 9, 2010
1. How do I prevent my scuba diver from leaving the screen? As when i hold either up, down, left or right long enough he will leave the stage entirely.2. How can I make my sharks enter the screen at random rather than having them enter from the same position each time? Here is my code:
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = 10;
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Dec 15, 2010
Here is my pool game engine done in Box2dFlash.I would like to make this simulation more realistic as I received mixed opinion from pool experts.Here is my standard wall setting:
var leftWall = _sim.addBox({x:0.9, y:8.15, width: 0.6, height: 11.5, density: 0, fillAlpha: wallAlpha, lineAlpha: wallAlpha});
And of the ball:
_solidBall_7 = _sim.addCircle({x:ballPosX - (ballRadius * 5) - 0.8, y:ballPosY, radius:ballRadius, density: 0.1, linearDamping: 1, isBullet: true, restitution: 0.7, angularDamping: 5, skin: Solid_Bordo});
What other params I might try to improve the realistic movement of the pool game?
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Aug 16, 2011
I am creating a flash game and I've hit a problem I have four objects, lets call them img1 through img4 I need them to move around a maze, witch is made up of blocks (maze.wall.block1 to block53) I have seen tutorials on creating a path however these all involve the object to be added to the stage, where as I am doing it in a as3 class. So my question is either: How can I create a path manualy on the stage, then create an object to follow the path in the as3 class, OR how can I add very simple ai to the img object to move around but change direction when the hitTestObject triggers on the maze.wall.blocks?
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Aug 30, 2011
I'm doing the shooting game. In that character should move left and right by using the arrow keys. The background is movieClip with image. The character is walking very slow sometimes. And the zombies will come automatically. Why the movement is very slow sometimes?
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Jan 8, 2011
how i can stop the movement of one object when one other object is over one third object
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May 4, 2011
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** How to move the tile with mouse only to blank position(ie like snapping to next tile)..
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