ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Load Data From A .txt File, It Doesn't Work Online

May 11, 2008

I'm using LoadVars to load variable data into flash from a .txt file.Pretty simple - when uploaded onto a server, I can see the data loaded but no one else can, not even other accounts on my computer!Could this be a CHMOD permission problem? Could this a problem with my AS? A problem with directories? A problem with URLs?Anybody have a good method that simply loads vars from a .txt file and can also do it online?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loadvars Doesn't Work Online?

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a simple text file with a variable in it: &tekst=This is a test&
I'm loading it with LoadVars and let the text of one dynamic textfield be replaced by the 'tekst' variable.
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {

This works offline, but online the text isn't replaced? This should work right?
The code and the dynamic textfield are both on frame 1. The swf only has this one frame. The txt, swf and html file are at the same location.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadvars Doesn't Work Online

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a simple text file which I want to read with LoadVars:

&tekst=This is a test&

I'm loading it with LoadVars and let the text of one dynamic textfield be replaced by the 'tekst' variable.

ActionScript Code:
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {


This works offline, but online the text isn't replaced? This should work right? So what's wrong? All I've got is this one frame with code and a dynamic textfield.See attached files. The published files .html .txt and .swf are all in the same location.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images Doesn't Work Online?

Aug 23, 2010

But it works fine locally.

I've created an extremely simple flash website. I need it to display some pictures and to keep the filesize down I want to load these images on demand. The images are hosted on my server in folders in the same directory as the website swf and the html file that initializes the swf.

I use the most rudimentary way of loading an image, it looks like this:

var loadStart:Loader = new Loader();

When I upload the website to the server it simply does not display the image, it's not loaded, the place where it's supposed to be is blank.

I've searched the site and there have been some threads with similar issues but the answers given just don't seem relevant. Something about cross domain policies, but all my images are on the same domain as the website swf.

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Professional :: SWF File Doesn't Load Images Correctly And Buttons Do Not Always Work Properly.

Jan 7, 2011

I have a big problem - I decided to make a website using flash as I am good with photoshop and thought it would be fairly easy to construct in flash using tutorials. All went well except now the website is published, weird things happen. The homepage works fine but when you click on "portfolio" some of the buttons don't appear and when you try the buttons, some images don't appear. Occasionally some of the buttons take you to the wrong place also. When I test the movie in flash, everything works fine so I can't work it out. I am a complete novice so advice will have to be spelt out in black and white.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF File Doesn't Load Images Correctly And Buttons Do Not Always Work Properly

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I decided to make a website using flash as I am good with photoshop and thought it would be fairly easy to construct in flash using tutorials. All went well except now the website is published, weird things happen. The homepage works fine but when you click on "portfolio" some of the buttons don't appear and when you try the buttons, some images don't appear. Occasionally some of the buttons take you to the wrong place also. When I test the movie in flash, everything works fine so I can't work it out.

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Professional :: SWF File Do Not Work Accordingly When Uploaded To The Browser/online

Sep 2, 2010

iv been having this problem  with swf file iv created, it consist of images somewhat like a gallery.  when played offline it works smoothly, navigating frame to frame / image  by image. iv used AS3 to compose the animations in my flash file. now  my problem is when its uploaded online, the swf is shown but once iv  clicked on a link to proceed on showing the gallery it lags and  continously loop when it should actualy stop on a frame and wait till  the next button is clicked to procced to the next image. plus the  animation iv added in doesn't seem to working at all.

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There�s a great tutorial for sending and loading XML (in AS2) here:[URL] However, I�d like to have an equivalent in AS3. I�ve attached my attempt, but it doesn�t work � even though it doesn�t throw any errors. (PS: there are similar examples 'out there' for Flex but after buying the book 'Learning AS3', by Shupe/Rosser the example in Chpt 14 doesnt seem to work whilst I cant find anything of use in O'Reilly's AS3 essential book).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send And Load Doesn't Work

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to fix a piece of flash code that sends variables to a vb script that updates the database. but whatever I do, the database is not updated and there is no variable sent back to the flash. Here is my code:

Clearly I'm sending two vars (pos and user) to the script and should get re_pos and re_date values back. But I get nothing. The code used to work when sendandload uses GET instead of POST. But now neither works. POST option returns no error in the Flash testing panel and GET give me a "script URL not found error".


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Professional :: Animation Doesn't Work When Load One Swf Into Another - Buttons

Jan 28, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie Doesn't Work - Keep Orig - Cords [MX]

Aug 13, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 Button In MC Doesn't Work In AS-file

Apr 23, 2009

I've got this weird problem with one of my Flash projects.At first it was working fine.And then i decided to externalize the actionscript.On the root, there is a movieclip, wich holds a button.When another button is hit, the movieclip appears (goes to frame 2) and displays the other button (only on frame 2).It worked fine, but since i moved the code frome the swf to an AS-file the button in the movieclip doesn't respond at all.For clearer explaining i made a very basic flash-file.Main button (on root): main_btnMain movieclip (on root): test_mc Button in movieclip: test_btn.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf File Doesn't Work In IE7 Browser?

Jul 22, 2009

I don't have an idea about Flash & ActionScript 3.0. Please help me regarding this issue.Suppose, I have created a simple flash application(say, Test1.fla & Test1.swf file has been generated and works fine). Now, I need to use this swf file in my Java application as son as a menu-item is selected/gets clicked by the user.

But, when I run my whole application in IE7 browser window, If I select the Flash menuitem by clicking on it, then no flash file[viz., contents of Test1.swf file] gets visible.Instead a blank page without any conents is displlayed. In addition to this, it don't/doesn't display any message like this:" Install Flash Player to view the contents of swf file you need."


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Handling Exceptions When External Data Doesn't Load

Sep 23, 2010

I'm loading external data from a txt file into a MovieClip. It contains data that is crucial to the presentation viewing. It is necessary to load, not right away but at some point (the sooner the better). When the txt is on the same server it works instantly, but I'm loading data from another server.

Two problems: the onLoad code is stuck if the file doesn't load (connection problem, server down?) and in offline mode what happens if the data is purged out of browsers cache (history problem)?

How can i handle these exceptions?

1. Some code that uses a "timer" to periodically try to load the data again if the connection is slow and the txt doesn't loads the first time?

2. When it doesn't load at all, and the onLoad fails, how can I simulate notOnLoad - exception for data download fail? And retry the dataLoad?

I've already made cross-server data loading possible using crossdomain.xml policy.

The site is still in development. This problem occurred when the server which contains the data.txt was down due to maintenance, and when one of the test-visitors was downloading so much in the background that his connection didn't had enough bandwidth to load data correctly (browser thought he had connection problems).

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Professional :: Swf File Doesn't Work Properly Inside Uiloader

Jun 16, 2011

I have created a swf (exporting) that have action script that adds childs to the stage. When i export the file and see the result it is all ok. But when i use de same file inside a uiloader the action script seems not to work because de childs doenst apeear in the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing A Video Component Into The File And It Doesn't Work?

Sep 3, 2009

using an old file that utilizes actionscript 1.0. I tried placing a video component into the file and it doesn't work. This leads me to believe I need to convert my old actionscript 1.0 to at least 2.0. The old actionscript simply moves a movieclip at certain intervals when the play button is pressed or the slider bar is dragged. When I exported the movie using 2.0, the following errors occurred in the compile errors box.Here is my actionscript that causes these errors.

// playhead button coordinate
// playhead button moves strip[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Publish The File On A New Macbook Pro Or IMac The Css Doesn't Work?

Nov 4, 2009

I built a site, and most of the content is pulling from an XML file. I think format some of that text with a css style sheet. When I publish this out on a powerbook running 10.5 with the first release of flash cs4 it works.But when I try to publish the same file on a new macbook pro or iMac the css doesn't work for me. Has anyone run into this kind of problem before?

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Flex :: File Upload - FileReference Doesn't Work With NTLM Authentication?

Jul 15, 2011

We use the FileReference component to upload file in Flex. But if the application is deployed within an environment having NTLM authentication (Windows Integrated Authentication), the upload capability will not work, and each time a message box will be popup asking the user to input credentials.I've queried some resource from internet and it seems this is a bug of FileReference component.

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Aug 3, 2010

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Apr 15, 2005

i copy movie to another file but the same movie doesnt work at other file.copy seems to be copied but it doesnt work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flex] Webservice Vs Load XML - Use The Xml File To Load All The Data At Once?

Mar 2, 2007

I'm currently working on a project that contains a lot of data, about 14.000 records. This means an xml file of about 3mb. Now my question is: Should I use the xml file to load all the data at once, or should I use a webservice, that provides the data when I need it? Keep in mind that I'm new to webservices. And if I'm going to use a webservice: How do I store the data, in a mySQL database?How fast is a webservice?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (MX) XML File Doesn't Load When Upload

Oct 9, 2004

I created a movie that loads an XML file into flash and then.. does stuff with it (Like put text into text fields) My problem is that it works when I test it on my computer, but when I upload it and test it on my website, the XML file doesnt load. The movie is the XML load into has been loaded dynamically, as has the one above it (Like this: Lobby Clip > Games room clip > newgames Clip)

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Flash Movie .swf File Doesn't Load In IE Or Firefox

Nov 16, 2009

I have a basic site for an old age home. Recently I decided to put a Flash Movie on the Homepage but even though all files are loaded and links correct it won't show in either IE or Firefox...

The movie should be loading here (

There is a white space where the movie should be loading... But it doesn't...

I've done lots of sites with the same kind of movies and they all work fine... But this ons just doesn't work. It views fine when I test it on my computer but as soon as I load it - nothing...

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