ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking Server Content?

Apr 16, 2004

I am an intermediate actionscripter and I am attempting to make a flash picture gallery for my sister. I want to make it so that the flash movie looks in the image directory of her server and then gets the names of those folders and displays each one of them in a separate movie clip in the flash movie. Then if the user clicked on one of those generated movie clips, it would display the pictures in that corresponding folder on the server. How would I check the names of the folders in the images directory of the server?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Checking Server Content?

Apr 16, 2004

I am an intermediate actionscripter and I am attempting to make a flash picture gallery for my sister. I want to make it so that the flash movie looks in the image directory of her server and then gets the names of those folders and displays each one of them in a separate movie clip in the flash movie. Then if the user clicked on one of those generated movie clips, it would display the pictures in that corresponding folder on the server.r?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking For New SWF's On A Server?

Jun 25, 2007

i made my site with levels so there are lots of swf's being updated, and i cant seem to get some of them to work. i think that my problem is that the swf's are being stored on the cache so when i update them, it doesnt reconize that its a new swf

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and if it is possible, MAYBE making it so i dont have to put it on EVERY button (but if thats the only way fine i will live)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking External Server Connection?

Oct 15, 2004

got a swf called checkconnection.swf and basically this runs off and checks to see if it can get info from our online catalogue servers, however this swf is hosted at our IPS and our servers are here at our building on a different network with a different net address.When I run the program from the flash program it works fantastic. When I transfer my swf over to our ISP it fails. Can flash check an external source?So lets say, for example my flash file is hosted atnd my server is at can flash view, post and get things over a different domain? Is there a way to force flash to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Checking External Server Connection?

Oct 15, 2004

I've got a swf called checkconnection.swf and basically this runs off and checks to see if it can get info from our online catalogue servers, however this swf is hosted at our IPS and our servers are here at our building on a different network with a different net address. When I run the program from the flash program it works fantastic. When I transfer my swf over to our ISP it fails. Can flash check an external source? So lets say, for example my flash file is hosted at and my server is at can flash view, post and get things over a different domain? Is there a way to force flash to do this?

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Media Server :: Checking JS Runtime Memory Used For Specific Instance?

Jan 11, 2012

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Media Server :: Stream Content Located On One Machine, Using A Server On A Separate One?

Jun 12, 2009

I seem to recall reading somewhere (but for the life of me I can't find the article I was reading), that with Adobe FMS you could store content on one machine, and then run the actual server on a separate machine.  Is this correct? If so, how would you go about doing it?

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Media Server :: Force Authenication To Stream Live Content Interactive Server On Linux?

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Jul 6, 2009

little stuck on a project, need as much help as possible. I am creating a building directory for a touch screen kiosk app. this kiosk will have a virtual keyboard that i have created with an input text field, which hopefully will search a single file on the server that controls these kiosks. Then display the search results in a dynamic text field. What i would like to do is create a swf that my employer may enter there own information such as thier name, title, department, suite, and some comments... then click some sort of button that will save the information on the server... then on the kiosk end the user can type in a name, department, suite number to have the data display on the kiosk. i am using cs3/as3. i have created the virtual keyboard, and the data entry app that allows my employer to save data to the server, but for the life of me, i cannot, get my kiosk end to retrieve the data.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamiclly Loading Content From A Server

May 14, 2010

I am creating a building directory for a touch screen kiosk app. this kiosk will have a virtual keyboard that i have created with an input text field, which hopefully will search a single file on the server that controls these kiosks. Then display the search results in a dynamic text field. What i would like to do is create a swf that my employer may enter there own information such as thier name, title, department, suite, and some comments... then click some sort of button that will save the information on the server... then on the kiosk end the user can type in a name, department, suite number to have the data display on the kiosk. i am using cs3/as3. i have created the virtual keyboard, and the data entry app that allows my employer to save data to the server, but for the life of me, i cannot, get my kiosk end to retrieve the data.

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Using Flash CS4
Actionscript 2
Dreamweaver CS4
Google Chrome and Opera


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Media Server :: FMS With Universal Content Management (UCM)?

Dec 27, 2010

I need some advice integrating our content management system with FMS. We are currently using Oracle's Universal Content Management 10g and FMS 3.5.

I am able to get the test video to stream by creating a VOD streaming application in Flash (drag/drop FLVPlayback component and setting the content path to rtmp://serveraddress/vod/TestVideo). However, when I try to incorporate it into UCM the video doesn't load. I have tried checking the .swf skin, .swf video, AC_RunActiveContent .js file, and even the .html file (I have edited the .html file to reflect the new path for the uploaded .swf and .js files) and I still get nothing. I suspect that the .swf video file that creates the connection to the FMS server has something encoded into it that can't be called correctly once it's uploaded to UCM. If this was a traditional website where I could simply drag and drop the files generated by flash into the site's hierarchy, there would be no problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Content (read And SQL Server)

Sep 27, 2007

Does AS3 handle connecting to SQL servers and using it's data or do you need an intermediary such as JavaScript to pass information to and from Flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Loaded SWF Content From Server

Mar 30, 2010

I'm loading swf file from a server. For some reason I can't access movieclips that are not instantiated on the first frame, more than this - all movieclips that are not instantiated on the first frame and have some animation inside of them, won't stop looping, like there is no stop() action inside, but it is there. And even more than this - everything works fine when i'm using other server. Both servers have crossdomain.xml file that looks the same. I don't get no crossdomain errors and no other warnings. I'm using Security.allowDomain('*') function in both files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .target.content Works Offline, But Not On Server?

Aug 21, 2009

I've set up an event listener to check if an image has been loaded. If yes, then change the width and height of it. I achieved this by using .target.loader.content. It works fine on my machine, but things are different, when I upload the swf to the server. the images get loaded, but aren't resized as they were offline. What might be causing this? What changes should I do in the snippet to get it working.This is the function that is called using the eventListenerfunction setImage(evt:Event){  sig_txt.text =evt.currentTarget.content.toString();  var loader:Bitmap = as Bitmap;  gallery_mc.addChild(loader); var ratio:Number = loader.width / loader.height;  loader.width = 100;  loader.height = 100 / ratio;  loader.y = total_height;  total_height += loader.height + 20

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Media Server :: Switching Bitrate Of Live Content?

Sep 14, 2010

is it possible to receive live stream at bitrate lower than  that which video is being recorded with? How to accomplish that? I know  that play2 from NetStream class allows to switch between recorded  videos at different bitrates, but what about live content? I cannot  simply set bandwidth to lower using FMS because i need to be sure that framerate won't be affected, and there are also other simultaneous  streams playing .

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Media Server :: Buffer All The Video Content Before Playing It?

Oct 5, 2010

I just had a very bad user experience here: [URL] The Loading... text appears every 1 second. Is it possible to buffer all the video content before playing it? Or at least a portion of the video content when playback, and at the same time display the percentage of video content loaded?

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Flash :: Darwin Streaming Server Doesn't Gives Content?

Mar 21, 2010

I have problems with Darwin Streaming server 5.5.5 on Debian.When i'm trying to open some stream, for ex.player reports it can't load stream and breaks connection."Access History" section reports file was requested, so, at least initial connection is working, but nothing more.

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Flash :: Media Server Streaming: Content Protection?

Apr 28, 2010

i have to implement flash streaming for the relaunch of our video-on-demand system but either because i haven't worked with flash-related systems before or because i'm too stupid i cannot get the system to work as it has to.


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Pulling Flash Player Content From Http Server

Jun 15, 2011

When a flash player is being hosted on https server, can I pull content to play on it from an http server. Would this work or give a mixed content warning or some other problem?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Read A File From Server And Then Display Its Content

Jul 1, 2011

This method reads a file from server and then display its content. The file which is getting read is a log file which gets updated at regular interval. The issue is once some content read by AS then it is not getting updated that means after every execution of the function content of src variable below remains same even thou the source file is updated.


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Media Server :: Multiple Content Locations For A Single Application?

May 8, 2009

Is it possible to allocate multiple media locations to a single VOD application?  I'm about to exceed the 2TB volume limitation of my SAN, yet the quantity of content that needs to be available for a given clients FMS application exceeds that.

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Media Server :: Get Folders And Their Content To Show Up In The Administrative Console?

May 20, 2009

We have added a few sub folders under the webroot folder. I did this so I could make a custom web page that generates the code need to display the video in a web page if it is one of the folders. My question is how do I get these folders and their content to show up in the Administrative Console? Also how do I get the videos to be logged? I have looked through the Server.xml and Application.xml files and the fms.ini but do not see any place, Am I not looking for the correct setting? Attached is a pic of the folders.

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Media Server :: Publish Static Content To Live Stream?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a requirement of publishing static content like video files mentioned in a playlist to be published to a live stream. It is like creating a TV station with pre-recorded content but with live stream. It will great  if anyone let me know is it possible with FMS?

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Flash :: Media Server - Protect The Broadcasted Content From Unauthorized Copying Users In Player

Feb 3, 2010

Is it possible to protect the broadcasted content from unauthorized copying users. In the demo version of FMS 3.5 for interactive broadcasting stream audio and video can be copied by means of such programs as Comtasia. This may not like the content holders. Perhaps there are some instruments of protection.

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Media Server :: Creating Streamable Audio Content From Short Multiple Input Files

Jun 9, 2010

My question is how possible creating streamable audio files /mp3/flv/ from multiple input files. The server is vps linux without soundcard, installed flash media server 3.5. My task is creating mixed mp3 output file.The input files are 2 mp3 file = 2 channel, uploaded to a server by the user.Controls: volume pitch, equalizer, fading that is controlled from client side flash appThe problem it should be in real time, when the user control the volume pitcher channels  etc  could be heard the result in the client's flash player on client side.For that purpose I tried to split the audio files into 1 sec pieces, and changing the splits only, and when done joining them together.

Feeding them to flash media server there was more problem:-the server streamed not the actual file but probably from cache -the streaming was always stopped after 1-2 seconds - using client side dynamic streaming /without joining the files / only the last file was played - using server side playlist playing more files was not played all the files So the question which way possible creating streamable files, or is there a better solution than splitting them.

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