Media Server :: Multiple Content Locations For A Single Application?

May 8, 2009

Is it possible to allocate multiple media locations to a single VOD application?  I'm about to exceed the 2TB volume limitation of my SAN, yet the quantity of content that needs to be available for a given clients FMS application exceeds that.

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Media Server :: Multiple Or Single NetConnection Object Per Application?

Sep 22, 2009

If I'm streaming live video and chatting in an FMS app, should each component have its own instance of NetConnection or should they share one? Was thinking perhaps the quality of the live video stream would be hurt in a sharing situation but am not sure the architecture works like that.
From a development standpoint, I'd like to make one NetConnection instance in my main application file and connect with it.  Then, when successfully connected, I'd like to pass that connection into any custom components that need it. 

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Media Server :: Broadcast To Multiple Locations?

Jan 28, 2011

Trying to output to multiple servers - tried launching multiple window of FMLE-but get an error message with the second broadcast attempt.

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Flash :: Draw Multiple Bitmaps Onto A Single Sprite In Different Locations?

Feb 8, 2011

I have many base images that I need to combine to construct larger images to draw on Sprite objects. I understand that the beginBitmapFill() method of the Graphics class renders a bitmap on a Sprite's graphics object. So I figure that I need to manipulate the BitmapData object, adding the base images to produce a composite image that I can then draw on my Sprite.

My question is: Is there any clean and relatively hassle free way of doing this? Is there a way to draw Bitmaps to certain locations in a Sprites graphics context? Could you copy a Graphics object onto another at certain coordinates and build it that way?

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Media Server :: Multiple FMS Connected SWF On Single HTML Page

Oct 14, 2009

I have 3 seperate .swf on a single html page which are all communicating with FMS on separate connections. Do you think there will be any stability issues? or connection issues. All the .swf use the same main.asc. There are no apparant problems so far just need an expert opnion.....a side note is I've also noticed an error in the error logs that says its detected a backwards time stamp when recodring. Whats that all about? The application seems fine. Using FMS 3.0

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Media Server :: Single RTMP Link For Multiple Servers?

Oct 3, 2011

can i use a single RTMP link included on FMLE with multiple servers, means, that RTMP link will do the redirection to the other RTMP links.with hight number of simultanous users, that feature will manage the use of servers

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Media Server :: Setup Multiple Videos Within A Single Swf Using RTMP/FMIS?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a case where I'm displaying 3 videos simultaneously using FMIS 3.5. When one is selected it will play the other two will switch and show a videoloop.
What is the proper way to accomlishing this. I actually have 6 videos (3 loops and 3 videos). Do I need a netconnection/netstream/video object for all of them or can they share something. What is the best practice?

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Media Server :: Merge Multiple Live Audio Streams Into A Single Stream In FMS?

Nov 17, 2009

I need to merge multiple live audio streams into a single stream so that i can pass this stream as input to VOIP through a softphone.For this i tried the following approach:Created a new stream (str1) on FMS onAppStart and recorded the live streams (sent throgh microphone) in that new stream.

Below is the code :
application.onAppStart = function()


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Media Server :: FMS4.5 Live Stream With Multiple Video Files As Single Source?

Jan 27, 2012

I am using Flash Media server 4.5 and i read the tutorial if i want to stream the live feed, i may need to use the media live encoder.
but what i found in media encoder is i have to manually setup everything and it only support camera devices. But in my case i have multiple video files keep received from another program and place it on file system (server),my goal is use the Flash Media server to perform a live boardcasting with these video file one by one. That means when client watching a live streaming, they will not notice the server is playing mov1, then mov2, then mov3, then mov4... and so on.
You can imagine i am trying to boardcast a live footage say for 60sec, but the video file will not recorded entirely after 60sec, instead for every 10sec i will save a new video file, so that when client watching the live by HLS [URL]when the time reach to 10sec, a mov1 video file available and FMS should boardcast this video on live123.when the time reach to 20sec, a mov2 video file available and FMS should Immediately follow the mov1 boardcast on live123.and so on...Also can FMS dynamically create a new streaming session (invoke by code), so that when client A uploading some video files to the server, the FMS open a new streaming session only stream cilent A video files?the configuration to boardcasting like screen size, bit rate, etc should be pre-defined on the server.  [URL]

View 5 Replies

Media Server :: Make A Application For Multiple Videoconferencing?

Feb 10, 2010

I trying to make a application for multiple videoconferencing, in which more than one peaple can join. During my analysis I have got one issue:  Suppose four users are making a conference meeting and all of them are publishing their respective videos. All the video are displayed on on each screen. But due to limited connection and bandwidth I am making connection or viewing each publisher one at a time in every 15 sec, which make still image. but I want to clear the video of the respective person who has either logged out or stop publishing. I have tried the netstream event i.e netstream.unPublishNotify but it works only when I have made connection for viewing. But sometimes it happens that I have no connection for viewing for that perticular person as per the timer. so I want to know who is publishing video at the time of making connection for that perticular view. How could it be possible to know whether the live stream is coming or not at the time of view.

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Media Server :: Creating Streamable Audio Content From Short Multiple Input Files

Jun 9, 2010

My question is how possible creating streamable audio files /mp3/flv/ from multiple input files. The server is vps linux without soundcard, installed flash media server 3.5. My task is creating mixed mp3 output file.The input files are 2 mp3 file = 2 channel, uploaded to a server by the user.Controls: volume pitch, equalizer, fading that is controlled from client side flash appThe problem it should be in real time, when the user control the volume pitcher channels  etc  could be heard the result in the client's flash player on client side.For that purpose I tried to split the audio files into 1 sec pieces, and changing the splits only, and when done joining them together.

Feeding them to flash media server there was more problem:-the server streamed not the actual file but probably from cache -the streaming was always stopped after 1-2 seconds - using client side dynamic streaming /without joining the files / only the last file was played - using server side playlist playing more files was not played all the files So the question which way possible creating streamable files, or is there a better solution than splitting them.

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Media Server :: RTMP & Flash Media Streaming Server Live Application?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now.  I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients.  Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.

I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.

If I leave port 1935 open to the outside world, there would be nothing to stop anybody anywhere from streaming video via my server.  Anyone else running a default install of Flash Media Streaming Server and with port 1935 open to the outside should see that this is true of their setup as well.  I'm wondering if I can safely close port 1935 without limiting the functionality of the server or if there's some way I can require authentication prior to publishing a live stream even though I'm not on the four-and-a-half-times-more-expensive edition of the product.

View 30 Replies

Media Server :: Application Is Not A Valid Signed Application Loading Access Denied

Oct 29, 2009

We have an application that works no problems on our server with FMS in test mode. As soon as we enter our FMS license key we get this error: "application is not a valid signed application loading access denied".We removed the license key and it works again, but with user limits obviously, so this is not an acceptable fix.

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Flash :: Application Which Can Relay Another Application On Media Server?

Oct 5, 2010

Is there any application which can relay another application on Flash Media server? For exmaple I have a "live" application on the server. I want another application, "liverelay" which can basically relay what is coming on the "live" application. Is it possible? If so how can I implement it? Looking forward to a response.

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Media Server :: Stream Content Located On One Machine, Using A Server On A Separate One?

Jun 12, 2009

I seem to recall reading somewhere (but for the life of me I can't find the article I was reading), that with Adobe FMS you could store content on one machine, and then run the actual server on a separate machine.  Is this correct? If so, how would you go about doing it?

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Media Server :: FMIS 3.5 Unable To Access Any Of Video Content / Getting Server Not Found Error

Jun 11, 2010

Some users are unable to access any of our video content, getting a Server Not Found error.We have our FMS configured to use ports 1935, 433, 80.  Our firewall is allowing RTMP traffic to each of these ports. Is there something more I can do from my end to make sure users can access our FMS?

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Media Server :: Force Authenication To Stream Live Content Interactive Server On Linux?

Dec 6, 2011

We purchased Flash Media Streaming Server Interactive edition in order to have the security featuers of not allowing unauthorized connections streaming live content to the server. Is there a document with procedures that details how to make this happen, the allowedHTMLdomains.txt does not work when you place in IP ranges that you do not want connecting. I need some help just to figure out a way to keep someoen from connecting to the server and not streaming live content. Has anyone configured this in Linux because the documentation is mainly for Windows. Any help/advice would be great since this seems to be a common problem for anyone who runs Linux.

View 10 Replies

Media Server :: 4.5 (HDS / HLS) Not Working - How To Stream A Single File

Feb 23, 2012

I watched two videos by Jody Bleyle:

1. [URL]
2. [URL]

In Video 1, she shows how to stream a single file. I've done everything to the letter on this video, however, when she uses the videoplayer to reference the livestream.f4m file, there is none. I've actually checked the folder location(apploications/livepkgr/streams/_definst_/livestream and there are files in there (.f4f and .f4x), but no .f4m which is the file she references in the video player.

In Video 2, she shows how to create a multi-bitrate video stream. Using the manifest packager and creating a .f4m and .m3u8 package and placing it in the webroot folder. Here is the contents of my liveevent.f4m file:

View 8 Replies

Media Server :: Convert The F4V Single Moof Atom File Into A FLV?

Nov 25, 2009

I have converted the F4V to a single moof atom file and it now plays in Media Player and I can create a SWF player to play the video file but my question is, how do I convert the F4V single moof atom file into a FLV? Media Encoder will not except it

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Media Server :: Activating PHDS From Application.xml And Event.xml Causing The Server Error

Mar 5, 2012

Dear community, i am searching for 6 days for a solution but i couldnt find. I installed the trial version of Adobe Media Server 4.5. I am trying to host live stream and it is working without error. but when i activate protection (PHDS), server gives en error code: 20...

Here is the server log...
After i could take the Live HDS, i made these settings as described at [url]

My application.xml and event.xml files are:

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Media Server :: Application Doesn't Have Permissions For Server-side Record/append Of Streams

Aug 12, 2011

I have configured FMS on Amazon EC2 I am trying to capture data from my webcam and push it to the server.For storing the webcam i created a new folder  but as it is recommended in other forums "You need to replace the signed Live application (main.far) with main.asc in[FMS-Install-Dir]/samples/applications/live/ ;(For more Info: refer to documentations & live/readme.txt) "I am not able to locate samples folder from where i can get my main.asc file

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Media Server :: RTMPT & RTMPS Only Allow A Certain Amount Of Connections From A Single Client?

May 20, 2011

I've been trying to figure out FMS for about a week now. Because of company firewalls, all traffic must go through either port 80 or 443 (I configured this in FMS.ini). I also created a self-signed SSL certificate and configured the adaptor.xml file to use it. Nevertheless, here are the problems I am experiencing: For RTMPT & RTMPTE, I can't start more than 9 connections. Beforing configuring FMS to also use port 443, I could only get about 4 connections. Now I would like to say that I testing this between only two computers, the FMS server with apache web server and a client.why it will not at least start 10 connections which I know is the limit for the dev version? Also, when using RTMPS I can only start 1 connection. Why is that?

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Media Server :: Server Always Starts With A Particular Application Loaded?

Apr 4, 2011

The server on which FMS was running crashed due to a power failure. FMS is set to start, and it restarted with the server.Unfortunately it restarted with no applications loaded, including the application, which we need to run continuously.Is there some way to ensure that the server always starts with a particular application loaded? The only way I could find to load it was through the systems console.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Drag And Drop Multiple Boxes And Snap To Multiple Locations Then Reveal Button

May 3, 2011

I'm Trying to develop a small game where the user chooses from a range of boxes of the left of screen and can drag 3 of them separatley to 3 holding boxes on ther right. each box can be dragged to any location and the order is not important. Once the 3 holding boxes are all full I want a new button to appear. I completed a tutorial and I've got one box working perfectly but no matter what i try I can't get it working with multiple boxes and locations. Below is a list of the instance names of the movie clips plus my actionscript. I've attached a link to the flash file.
box 1 = "circle_mc"
box 2 = "circle_mc2"
both the grey boxes are called = "targetCircle"


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Media Server :: Have Multiple FMS Installation Running On 1 Linux Server?

Jan 19, 2011

Is it possible to have multiple FMS installation running on 1 linux server?This mean that each fmsadmin, fmsmaster, fmsedge, fmscore will run under a specific user. (not vhosts of a single FMS install)How will this impact the performance of the other FMS instances in case there are more of them running on the same server?

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Media Server :: FMS With Universal Content Management (UCM)?

Dec 27, 2010

I need some advice integrating our content management system with FMS. We are currently using Oracle's Universal Content Management 10g and FMS 3.5.

I am able to get the test video to stream by creating a VOD streaming application in Flash (drag/drop FLVPlayback component and setting the content path to rtmp://serveraddress/vod/TestVideo). However, when I try to incorporate it into UCM the video doesn't load. I have tried checking the .swf skin, .swf video, AC_RunActiveContent .js file, and even the .html file (I have edited the .html file to reflect the new path for the uploaded .swf and .js files) and I still get nothing. I suspect that the .swf video file that creates the connection to the FMS server has something encoded into it that can't be called correctly once it's uploaded to UCM. If this was a traditional website where I could simply drag and drop the files generated by flash into the site's hierarchy, there would be no problem.

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Media Server :: Switching Bitrate Of Live Content?

Sep 14, 2010

is it possible to receive live stream at bitrate lower than  that which video is being recorded with? How to accomplish that? I know  that play2 from NetStream class allows to switch between recorded  videos at different bitrates, but what about live content? I cannot  simply set bandwidth to lower using FMS because i need to be sure that framerate won't be affected, and there are also other simultaneous  streams playing .

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Media Server :: Buffer All The Video Content Before Playing It?

Oct 5, 2010

I just had a very bad user experience here: [URL] The Loading... text appears every 1 second. Is it possible to buffer all the video content before playing it? Or at least a portion of the video content when playback, and at the same time display the percentage of video content loaded?

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Flash :: Media Server Streaming: Content Protection?

Apr 28, 2010

i have to implement flash streaming for the relaunch of our video-on-demand system but either because i haven't worked with flash-related systems before or because i'm too stupid i cannot get the system to work as it has to.


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Media Server :: Run Application In Fms Server?

Feb 22, 2011

[URL]i have my client app in my local system.. i m using rtmp://my server/Helloworld to connect server.. but while running my client app nothing to launch and run app in fms server?

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