ActionScript 2.0 :: Class Files(.as) And SWF?

Aug 20, 2010

Sometime we write custom classes that are used by our FLA files, the custom classes are stored as .as files. Now when were create SWF files, what happens to the .as? Does the SWF itself contain the elements of both the FLA and .as, meaning can I say: SWF = FLA + as. noticed that the swf files were loaded in the directory in the server but not the .as files, even though at the development end there was both the FLA and the external .as Class file.So in the absence of the .as files in the server, I came to my above conclusion of SWF = FLA + as. Am I correct in assuming this?

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//This is the file:
class Person { public var HomName:String = "unknown"; public var HomEmail:String = "unknown"; public var HomPhone:String = "unknown"; public var HomSaveFreq:Number = 0;


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How do I split the following class into several files;
package package_path {
public class cSplitMeClass {
public function cSplitMeClass() {
} public function doX():void {
// ....
} public function doY():void {
// ....
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ActionScript Code:
package  {
import flash.display.*;
import test2;


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var loader:Loader=new Loader();
var context:LoaderContext=new LoaderContext();
context.applicationDomain=ApplicationDomain.curren tDomain;
var req:URLRequest=new URLRequest("Untitled-1.swf");
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE,onCPL);
function onCPL(e):void{

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ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property timer_start not found on
CollapsingBox and there is no default value.    at


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Calling Functions Between Different Class Files.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX04 - Class Files Not Working

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Short description of my project:I'm making a "flash-car-damage-registration-program" where a user can click on a part of a car, make two choices (from two comboboxes) that describes the damage, and then save it in a datagrid withing flash.I have split up the code in different class files:I have a class file that describes the damage and its properties.I have a class file that extends the Movieclip class. This sets all the propertiesof each carpart and where the roll-over/out eventlisteners are, pluss som escriptive text to each carpart. This works the way I want it to. This is just to quickly give you an idea of what I'm working on.So to the real question or problem: I have a class file where I load some xml data, this works fine. A function in this class takes a combobox and a xmllist as parameters.

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IDE :: Flash CS3 Not Publishing Changes To External .as Class Files

Jun 16, 2009

I use flash CS3 on Mac OSX and I'm creating several AS2 projects with .as class files. Everything code-wise is working perfectly. The problem comes when I make a change to a particular class file, save the file, and the republish the fla. The changes are almost never reflected in the published swf. The only thing I've discovered to work around this problem and actually get my changes published is to publish to a different flash player version, and then republish back to the version I really want. Somehow that seems to actually get flash to load the most recent version.

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Apr 1, 2009

I'm trying to get the as3corelib to work as when I run my file at the moment it tells me: 5001: The name of package 'com.adobe.images' does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file. /Users/markbunyan/Websites/ I thought I had imported the as3corelib fine but can't get this to work. Can I simply import the code from

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS4: Where Are The Class Files Located

Sep 5, 2009

I just got a copy of Flash CS4 and I can't find the classes... almost impossible to code without the need classes...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Organise A Game With Multiple Class Files?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm making the game Breakout as an AS3 application using OOP. I am getting very confused though. I know that objects should be only responsible for themselves. But this is where I get stuck, they need to communicate as some level to add and remove screens, and I am getting majorly confused as to what is going too far, when it could maybe achieved in a simpler more OOP way.

I've worked out the hierarchy of my classes, in terms of where they are being added (I think). Here it is roughly drawn out below. Have I got the order right based on OOP principles? Like, Introscreen will listen for play being pressed then call a method of the document class that will remove introscreen and then attach gamescreen. Is that right?

Another thing that puzzples me. It seems to me if I made a level and put the paddle and the ball in that, then arranged all the bricks in that level, that I'd be duplicating work (based on the fact I need paddle and ball for level 2 also). So it would be best if I could have gamescreen with paddle and the ball and then add level1/2/3 to display list which would therefore set up the appropriate brick placement. But then, wouldn't that mean that I couldn't do hittests because my level 1/2 or 3 wouldn't be a sibling to the bat and the ball, them residing as a sibling in the level's parent class?


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AS3 :: Flash - How Are SWFs Are Compiled From External .as Class Files

Oct 5, 2011

In the Flash app I'm building, I have a "main" SWF that will load a variety of "child" SWFs.

All of the AS3 code for both the main SWF and child SWFs is contained in external .as class files.

In other words, each movie has it's own document class .as file.

There are also a number of .as class files for all of the common elements (e..g, UI buttons and controls).

So - for example - both my main SWF and all child SWFs use the "MyCommandButton" class; the code for this class is in, which all SWFs reference (import).

Here's what I don't understand.

(Let's say that the code in draws buttons that are red.)

First, I compile ALL of the child SWFs.

Next, I change, so that the buttons it draws are blue, instead of red.

Then, I compile the main SWF.

When I run the app (main.swf), I would expect all of the buttons in the main SWF to be blue (since that's what specified when main.swf was compiled), and all of the buttons in the child SWFs will be red (since that's what specified when they were compiled.)

Instead, ALL of the buttons are blue, which means the change I made to affected all of the child SWFs, even though I didn't recompile them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class Files Caching In External SWFs

Jul 30, 2009

The problem is class files being cached in external swfs when they are loaded into another swf. (as2-cs3). In a nutshell, we've got a clip on the stage that is linked to a class. You can make changes to the class, pub the swf and everything works fine. When we then load that swf into our application swf, the changes are all lost, and it "reverts back" to a previous version of the class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Global Variable In All Class Files

Aug 13, 2009

How to access a variable in all class files. Is there is any tutorials or sample files.`

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Download Link (without Using Class Files)

Sep 3, 2009

I have a movie that is going to be playing in our onLine Learning Site. I want to include a link to download a few documents, and I just don't know how to do that.I do Not KNOW what the complete HTTP url will be, just the directory path by that I mean, I know the files will be in "VideoFilesHighRes1.MOV" but I don't have access to the complete URL. This isnt a problem when it comes to loading other Flash objects (IE sounds, different clips etc) For some reason I didn't think the "getURL" request was valid in AS 3.0.....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Loading PNG Files With Loader Class?

Jan 13, 2011

i was loading a images from web for a polio page.. and for god shake, the uploading of image using Loader class for .PNG file alwz stuck at 13765 Bytes and Threw error saying the URL not available .. i was sure that the image was there and it loaded upto 13KB ... this was damn freaking.. i took hours tryin to debug it.. the fix was so simple.. the image file was to be renamed .png rather than .PNG and all worked fine... How come and from when Flash started treating .png and .PNG in different way and why the image loaded to 13KB and said invalid url..?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Connect Multiple .as Files To The Document Class (.as)?

May 10, 2011

Is there a way to connect these three .as files (, and to the document class ( is how I want my code to do.Click on the work btn, all the thumbnails from,,and appear on the screen. These three .as files, I have used external xml file to load in the images.I tried to use include "",but I got an error saying package is not nested in I don't know what that means.[code]

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