ActionScript 2.0 :: Content Not Overlapping A Button(attachMovie)
Apr 25, 2007
I have two movieclips. 1.a button, 2.the content.
When i load both using the attachMovie. The content is loaded over the button but, you can still click on the button even thought there is something over it.
The same problem happens when using the loadMovie. Even thought the content is overlapping the button its still possbile to click on it.I also notice that you can also select dynamic text. I know you can use the disable button function but using this i will need to disable every button on stage. Or without the need of unloading the movieclip too
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Oct 12, 2010
I've successfully attached a clip (identifier = "myPane_mc") which contains a ScrollPane (instance name = "myPane_sp") to the main Timeline from the Library. No problem.
However, I can't immediatley load another clip (identifier = "myPic_mc") into the ScrollPane.
myPane_mc_01.myPane_sp.contentPath = "myPic_mc";
Is this particular to the ScrollPane component? It works fine if I place the contentPath code in the next frame of the Timeline, but is there a function that I can attach to myPane_mc_01 to load myPane_sp's content without the additional frame?
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Sep 6, 2011
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on(release) {
attachMovie ("my_btn", "my_btn", _root.getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:34, _y:158});
Now I am trying to make the button gotoAndStop on a scene on release. I tried this code,
my_btn.onRelease = function() {
gotoAndStop ("SettingsPanel")
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Mar 14, 2011
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Result.The button cannot be rolled-over or clicked due to symbol_MC overlapping it.
Solution.Obviously I need to make the symbol_MC on layer2 which is overlapping the button undetectable to the cursor,so that when the cursor rolled over symbol_MC, it detects the button instead.I don't have any code to make symbol_MC undetectable to the cursor!
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Aug 15, 2009
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Mar 1, 2011
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ActionScript Code:
itemY = 0;
urls = [];
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Jul 5, 2004
I'm having some issues with my attach movie. I've made a button that attaches a movie when pressed.[code]My main loads this movie into an empty movie clip called "emptyMC". When I go to test the above code does not work when the button is clicked to attachMovie.I've tried switching _root to this and that didn't work, and I tried switching _root to _parent and that didn't work.What is the code for attaching a movie that is nested in an empty MC in my main movie.
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Mar 30, 2006
how to use attachMovie to load a movieclip in to my main stage, drag it around and include a close button. I then added a variable (x) that would control which clip would on top depending on which was clicked last.
The question bit... I've managed to do this (...sort of), but was wondering if anyone could hint me with the code to disable the button if the clip is loaded, and enable it as soon as the clip has been closed so that it may be opened once again?
I'm using this to load the clip where x is the variable;
on (release) {
attachMovie("new", "newname1", x);
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Apr 11, 2008
Adobe Flash CS3
publishing as Flash 8, AS 2.0
I have a movieclip named menu (instance name = mainmenu). Inside of that there is a button named btn_about (instance name = about). On the main stage there is an empty movieclip named empty_mc (instance name = mcholder, linkage id = empty). I want a user to press the button which causes a movieclip in the library named tesst (Linkage name = testid) to load into the empty movieclip (mc_holder).
Here is the code on the button:
on (release) {
this._parent.mcholder.attachMovie("testid", "tesst1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
It does not work.
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Oct 8, 2003
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Aug 3, 2011
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on (release){loadMovie("A_002.swf", _root);}
This same script is used every time I need to load the following .swf movie.I would like to use a similar (equivalent) script using AS3. (Please note that the objective is not to load dynamic content into a particular file as when creating a "Gallery". My objective is for the new loaded movie to applear in its own screen. At the same time the file on scree shall unload completely or disappear.
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Aug 28, 2011
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Sep 22, 2010
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how can I lock the assessment button until all the other pages containing the content has been viewed? A bonus would be a pop saying something like "Please view content first" appearing when they try to click it.
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Oct 14, 2010
But on this occasion I have created an assessment in AS2 and I want my "Take Assessment" Btn disabled until the rest of the content has been viewed. If someone clicked on the Assessment button before it is viewed it would be good to have a message pop up saying "content must be viewed first" or something like that. How do I do this?I have the content set up in scenes.
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May 3, 2009
I successfully create XML menu and adding MouseEvent in each item and associate it with its content. My problem is that, how to load the first content in the stage without having to click the button?
public function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
if (( as URLLoader) != null ) {
//Insert the loaded data to our XML variable
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Mar 19, 2009
I need to create a button that when clicked will print out the contents of a movie clip which will be some text and background graphics. Not sure how to go about this, but it should be in AS3.
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Oct 3, 2010
Flash CS4
Actionscript 2.0
I am designing a page with over 20 thumbnail picture buttons on one single layer. When a thumbnail button is rolled over a larger picture will appear on the center above all of the content. How do I make the larger rollover image appear above all the buttons and content (without making a layer for 20+ thumbnails)?
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Apr 29, 2009
I am creating a website with a content box and 4 buttons which activate 4 different pages of content. I would like the content box to resize smaller on one page when activated by a button and resize back to normal when clicked on any other button. I figure I will use a shape tween to resize the box to avoid distortion. So, how do I program each button to transition properly if the page with the smaller box is displayed?
View 18 Replies
May 14, 2009
I have an animation that shows items highlighted in a diagram. As the items are highlighted, the audio will play (to explain the animation). because we are creating this for people with possible disabilities, we also created captions with text for the audio. So, in separate layers, we created speech bubbles and text that is synchronized to the animated actions on the screen. this will also be synchronized with the audio. We want to have a button (close captioning button) that when users press it, they see the text captions and if they press it again, they don't see the text captions. my questions are
1) what will be the easiest way to create the effect i am looking for?
2) what actionscript command will i need for the button's actions?
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Jul 23, 2010
i dublicate my movieclip named mc2. (mc2 in mc1 moviclip). And my scrollpane 's contentpath is mc1. When i do that, it works. but if i make scrolldrag = true, my button in my movieclip doesnt work. How can i use scrolldrag and button click in scrollpane content ??
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May 3, 2010
I would like to automaticaly resize my button (spark button) according it content (label text) ?
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