ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Slider/scrolling Images?

Aug 10, 2006

the proper code that I should use to scroll images like a slideshow but i want it to keep going like on this site [URL] I figure the script below but it makes it keep going on.

this._x += 3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Scrolling Images From XML?

Jul 7, 2007

The file reads images from Images folder.But the problem is that its leaving a gap in the end and the start.Also the funny thing is the XML reads from the last node instead of the first.What I want is the images to scroll Continuously Without leaving gap.

Here's the Code:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;


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Professional :: Create Continuous Scrolling (on Mouse Over ) For Limited Images?

Mar 3, 2010

How I can create continuous scrolling (on mouse over ) for limited images (like 10 ) If I mouse over , in left it keeps scrolling images and even keep scrolling when 10 images completed by adding first image to the right

If I mouse over , in right it keeps scrolling images and even keep scrolling when 10 images completed by adding first image to the left[URL]..

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Actionscript 3 :: Continuous Value From Rotation Slider?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a dial which I drag around a circle to give me a reading between 0 and 1.

Something like this:

dx = mouseX-centerX;
dy = mouseY-centerY;
rad = Math.atan2(dy,dx);


This work's great, except when the slider goes from 359 degrees to 1 degree, my value between 0 and 1 returns to zero. (Which makes sense, as the value is based on the angle of my slider)

I'm trying to find a way for the dial to move from 359 degrees to 361 and onwards basically.

In my head: I need to check if the next value of my mouse drag goes past the 360 degree point and add 360 to the total, to stop it returning to zero and continue to 361 degrees.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Slider - Stopping / Starting MovieClip

Jan 20, 2006

I have a nested MC that functions as a continuous slider; when you mouse right of center it slides one way and when you mouse left of center it slides the opposite direction. Right at center it stops. The problem I have is that I'm using this as a menu at the bottom of a .swf and there are other places to mouse on the page, which means that this menu is constantly in motion even when it's not being used. I want it to stop when it isn't being used, only because it's an MC I can't use the onMouseOut command to stop the clip. I tried making a button that targets the clip and stops it when you roll over the button but it doesn't work.

Here's the script I'm currently using:
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
xcenter = 467.5;
speed = 1/25;
} onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var distance = _root._xmouse-xcenter;
[Code] .....

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Vertical Continuous Scrolling Photos

Sep 5, 2009

I have about 27 photos. They are all 250x188. I would like the work space to be 250x564 so that 3 photos display first and they keep scrolling from the bottom to the top continuously through all the photos and repeat. Could someone recommend the best way to do this in Flash CS4. I am totally new to this.

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Scrolling Banner With Continuous Loop?

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I am trying to make a scrolling banner.  I have succeeded so far in making it scroll from right to left and it loops.  However my problem is this - I need for the looping to start when the graphic is at position X (x being a frame number). 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Scrolling Gallery With Xml?

Feb 2, 2009

i have a gallery wich is load dinamically by xml with a php backend.

The problem is that i need to make this gallery with a continuous scroll.

here is the code of the AS

some of the vars are in spanish (because im from argentina )

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var GaleriaXML = new XML();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Continuous Scrolling With Button Hold

Aug 23, 2009

Im new to AS3 (like 5 hours new) and Im after getting stuck with something Im sure is very simple, but Im just not having much luck finding a solution. Basically I have a button which I want to click and hold and then make a movieclip move up and down the y axis. This is what I have so far...


Im sure Im probably going about it in a bizarre way, Im just trying to do it in a way which makes sense to me. So far its working fine for single clicks, so I click the button and the "upwards" function is called which moves the movieclip upwards by 10. The problem Im having is getting it to move continously when the button is clicked and held. Ive read a few possible suggestions relating to loops and setinterval but I just cant seem to make sense of them in a way that applies to what I want to do. Apologies if this is really simple but Ive literally been teaching myself actionscript for all of about 5 hours in total so far and I just cant seem to get past this hurdle.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Scrolling Panel Of Thumbnails

Jan 29, 2010

I followed a tutorial at [URL]. I used this tutorial because I was interested in a continuously scrolling panel of Thumbnails instead of one that stops when you reach the end. Perhaps people know of another tutorial that accomplishes this and I can just use that one instead? While I can accomplish what he accomplishes, there was (I thought) an easy change. Instead of continuously scrolling I want the thumbnails to only scroll when the mouse is hovering over the thumbnails. You can see the current state of things at: [URL]. And the offending AS is below. I thought I could begin by telling the scrollbar to stop if myVar was equal to false, but I don't even know how to word that.

ActionScript Code:
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(_root._ymouse<400 and _root._ymouse>480){
} if(_root._ymouse>400 and _root._ymouse<480){
[Code] .....

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May 2, 2010

url...Once it's loaded click the screen and at the bottom left go to portfolios. Click on one of them and you'll see a slow continuous side scrolling gallery. I've got everything working apart from when I mouse off it continues at the speed at which I left it. I would like it to slow to a default speed and continue scrolling as in the example I've given.It's been a while since I dabbled with Flash and especially action script! url...

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Make Scrolling Thumbnail Panel Continuous?

Mar 30, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Scrolling Movie Clip?

Jun 25, 2008

Here is what I want to do with the page.The boxes at the bottom will be images either embedded in the movie or loaded dynamically that scroll from left to right until someone clicks on a link above. Once the button is pressed the scrolling images at the bottom will stop and slide to a designated image and turn it from black and white to color

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Continuous Side Scrolling Gallery?

May 2, 2010

Once it's loaded click the screen and at the bottom left go to portfolios. Click on one of them and you'll see a slow continuous side scrolling gallery. I've got everything working apart from when I mouse off it continues at the speed at which I left it. I would like it to slow to a default speed and continue scrolling as in the example I've given.I should mention I followed tutorial here:

http:[url].....It's been a while since I dabbled with Flash and especially AS3! Here is the code I'm using so far.

import gs.*;
var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
var galleryWidth:Number = images.width;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slow Continuous Side Scrolling Gallery

May 3, 2010

I'm trying to create the look at the following website: [URL]. Once it's loaded click the screen and at the bottom left go to portfolios. Click on one of them and you'll see a slow continuous side scrolling gallery. I've got everything working apart from when I mouse off it continues at the speed at which I left it. I would like it to slow to a default speed and continue scrolling as in the example I've given.

I should mention I followed tutorial here: [URL]. It's been a while since I dabbled with Flash and especially AS3! Here is the code I'm using so far.
import gs.*;
var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
var galleryWidth:Number = images.width;
var speed:Number = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move);
function move(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Data Scrolling Automatically In Continuous Manner?

Dec 24, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Scrolling Image With Cursor Control?

Jun 1, 2005

I'm using this code to loop a background image over and over so it looks like an infinite rolling background.

Okay now I've decided I want to control the actual movement (left or right) just by my cursor. Some intertia would be good too.

Here's my code for the looping background

onClipEvent (load) {
dummy_mc.duplicateMovieClip("dummy_mc2", 100);
dummy_mc2._x = dummy_mc._x+dummy_mc._width;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Auto-scrolling Text Loop?

Mar 29, 2006

im after achieving an effect similar to movie credits with text automatically scrolling upwards, im loading the text in via xml and have for example

item one
item two
item three


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Continuous Auto Scrolling HTML W/o Buttons And Scroll Bar?

Aug 18, 2010

I know ZERO about flash/actionscript and have been tasked with creating a vertical text/html scroller. This would act like a news ticker but would scroll several paragraphs of text with images vertically continuously.

Here is a sample of the data that i would like to scroll vertically:

some text here
some more text
more text
more text

This pattern would repeat and the script would continuously scroll the information. I will be pulling that data from XML as HTML but i think i have that part under control. Just cant seem to get a sample of scrolling html/text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Scrolling : Slider Does Not Work?

Jan 22, 2010

I tried to do text scrolling in AS3. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to do the slider part.below is the actionscript and attached is the FLA and SWF files.

var rect:Shape = new Shape();, 0xffff0000);;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Slider - Scrolling With Mouse Wheel

Feb 3, 2010

I have been trying to find a way to make my flash slider bar work with the mouse wheel, but can't find how to integrate with the code I already have.

ActionScript Code:
scrolling = function () {
var scrollHeight:Number = scrollTrack._height;
var contentHeight:Number = contentMain._height;
var scrollFaceHeight:Number = scrollFace._height;
var maskHeight:Number = maskedView._height;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Timeline Of Movie Using A Scrolling Slider Mc?

Jul 2, 2003

how to create a movie where a user can control the position of the playhead on a root or mc timeline with a scrolling slider mc? for example, check out [URL] home page (flash mx movie introducing ground breaking sites nike skateboarding, eagle f-1, and cbc home delivery).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery Of Images Automatically Scrolling Horizontally While Having The Set Of Images Loop

Dec 22, 2005

i couldn't find a tutorial on this matter so i sorta started making my own hypothesis... what i'm trying to do is: have a gallery of images automatically scrolling horizontally while having the set of images loop. like at[URL]..

here are a couple of my theories and questions for AS commands to have this work:

1) display a range of pixels of an image at certain positions, i.e. if gallery is scrolling to the left, leftmost image when its parts are disappearing out of the viewing area, they become visible at the right.

2) have two instances of each image and when an image is disappearing on left, the second instance of that image comes visible on the right. this I imagine would take up more HD space.

i guess what i was wondering more about is how jager did their gallery where there's only enough images are in a set to be viewed in the viewing area.

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Create A Slider Bar With Images?

Sep 2, 2009

[url]...Is this done purely in Flash CS4 or is another one of Adobe's products involved too?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Cycling Images Using Slider?

Nov 12, 2009

I am a complete newbie at flash(it took me 10 minutes just to figure out where to put actionscript code lol). Anyway I'm trying to make a flash where you can cycle through images using a slider bar. They are images of a persons face from 13 angles starting from looking 90 degress left, to center, to 90 degrees right. I want to be able to rotate the face using the slider. What I'm trying to do is similar to another thread I was reading(though not exactly the same goal) so I took the code from there just to start myself off. Currently when I test the movie the face is moving back and forth(in loop play) and the slider bar does not interact with the images/frames at all. This is the code I have in Layer 1 Frame 1. I'm aware this code might be completely wrong for what I want to do since I pulled it from someone elses project.


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Professional :: Create 3 To 5 Jpeg Images Slider?

Mar 19, 2011

how to have 4 or 5 images continuing or looping at the top of a web page, no thumb nails just the images changing. This is the site I'm working on [URL], you better see what I'm trying to do.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Create A Slider That Controls 2 Images?

Sep 15, 2009

i want to create a slider that controls 2 images and when you move the slider to half 50% it will have to show 50% of one image and 50% of another image . when i'm at 70% i want to show 70% of one image 30 of the other.the problem is that i coudn't find a way to show just half of image , i don't want to move the image to the left and animate it , simply i want to cut the image in half.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Getting Widths For Various Images- Left To Right Slider

May 21, 2011

I'm currently working on a project for a simple scroller left to right gallery, images get loaded from an xml file, but the width of my images variate, therefore i need to find a way to vary the attribute else I get black blocks before images.. here is my source code for the main comp..

import caurina.transitions.*;
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pics.xml");
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Images Slider?

Jul 24, 2006

I am looking to create something along the lines of with the animation being scrollable in all directions - left, right, up and down - I've seen some references to it called 'dynamic images slider'.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Slider Where Images Are Loaded Dynamically?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm making a Image slider. When the mouse is rolled over, It'll slide to one direction. Just like a normal image slider.The problem is, the images that I want to be inside this slider are in a folder and I want them to dynamically load into flash and into the slider.

For example, Lets say there are 5 images in the folder. I want flash to get all the 5 images and load them into the slider and do the normal scroll thing. When the 5th image is reached, I want the slider to display the first image. (in a continuous loop). If a new image is put into the folder, flash should now have 6 images in the slider.I've manged to get the Number of files in the folder to flash.How can I make a slider where images are loaded dynamically?

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