ActionScript 2.0 :: External Inteface: HTML To Flash?

Nov 2, 2007

get this "simple" example to work? I eventually want to be able to pass a variable to Flash whenever a menu link is clicked, but for now I'm just trying to send a variable through a form button[URL]

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Flash :: Put Getters And Setters Into Inteface?

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to put getters and setters into my inteface but I get the following error1053:

Accessor types must match.

Below is my Interface. package com.objects{


How are you suppose to put getters and setters into a interface. for as3

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Html :: Styling HTML Links Within A Flash File Without Using An External CSS File?

Mar 6, 2011

I am having a nightmare using CSS to style HTML within a dynamic textfield in my flash doc. From what i now understand after much trial and error and reading online, CSS doesn't even work properly in flash even for the tags that it does understand (which are few and far between anyway). For some reason my layout is getting completely screwed up in certain scenarios (predominantly when there are images present too) when i hover over links (which are styled in an external CSS file). If i remove the external CSS styling (which only contains the following simple code):

a:link {text-decoration: none;}
a:active {text-decoration: none;}
a:visited {text-decoration: none;}[code]....

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<object width="305" height="115"> <param name="movie" value=" ram name="flashvars" value=" 26809361&


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Flash :: Professional - Changing <li> Tag In External Fed HTML

Aug 10, 2010

Ive got some external HTML text being fed into flash, all I want to do is to edit the <li> tag in the HTML (not CSS) so the bullets sit flush to the left with the rest of the text, thats it! is there something i can put in the HTML that will resolve this such as:


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Professional :: External Html Page Into Flash

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how to load external html page into flash? (AS3)

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AS3 :: Include External Html Content Within A Flash 'window'?

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I'm building an as3 only web application and want to be able to include external html content within a flash 'window'. In AIR there is the flash.html.HTMLLoader class which makes this possible.

Can anyone point to an example of this being done in a flash as opposed to AIR application?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External HTML File In Flash CS3

Sep 28, 2009

So there must be a million variations of questions and answers to this but I have yet to see one that works! Trust its nor for lack of trying as I think I have tried them all, so I am hoping by reposting this question that some one has found the answer. I've wracked my brain for the past 3 weeks an dthe closes i can come up with is this coding someone did in Flash 8 but aslas tis not complete or something.

code start-->


// declare the LoadVars object that
// loads in the external text
myData = new LoadVars();


I have tested with the absolute URL, with and without extension (.html or .txt )
I have testes with just the filename, with and without extension again.
The text box is Dynamic, with Multiline (with wrapping) and I did press the button that says allow html rendering.

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Feb 14, 2009

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IDE :: External Html And Internal Flash Frame Links?

Jan 3, 2010

Not sure if I'm in the right place, I apologize in advance if so. I'm somewhat proficient with html, but fairly new to flash, using cs4pro, as3.Here's my dilemma. Converting an existing html/css site to flash. Flash is main site now but a few html pages are still linked, a buy page and a form page, a few others. I can get the all the external html pages to link to a frame in the flash movie, and I can get the flash to link with all external urls.My problem comes when I move to a frame outside the main timeline. The movie is lets say 393 frames. All symbols/content are on seperate layers, and so is the action. Once the full movie ends, I have several frames past that where I have basically created frames for additional "pages" and created anchors for those frames, new layes for content, new layers for anchor (labeled) and new layers for a stop(); on each frame, I extended the pertinant graphic frames out to 410 from the original movie.

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Is there a way to conrtol the flash timeline with an external html file? For example, if i loaded in a textfield formatted as html, can i get the <a> tags to , (...say) _root.gotoAndPlay (33)

does this need to be in javascript, php, or xml?

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Professional :: Can An External Html File Be Loaded Into And Displayed In Flash

Mar 11, 2010

I currently pull an html file into our site via iframe.  (due to various factors, I cannot host the information in the html on our site and need to host it elsewhere).  Is it possible to use a loader or other method to pull this information into flash?

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Aug 2, 2011

I need to load contents of an external html document through AJAX. The problem is the external page has some Flash application embedded. Now I need to show this html with the embedded flash in my own webpage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Pngs And External Text With Html?

Jul 19, 2009

I want to load external png's through this code:

(for this code, check the mcBandPreloader in de .fla file)

var imageLoader:Loader;
var RespJpeg:String = "images/arch1Proj.jpg"
function loadImage(url:String):void {


Here the problem is that I can't type html in my external txt file. (I did checked the html button in Dynamic Text Properties. What am I doing wrong here?

.fla can be downloaded at [URL]

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I used Dreamweaver to embed my flash file into an html file, using "Insert-->Media-->Flash".When I preview the file, everything works fine, but when I upload the file to the web, the external links to my blog and e-mail will not work. Before, I just had the flash file up, with no html, and it worked fine.Url...

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Button Code Not Opening External Html Pages In Flash Website?

Feb 26, 2012

- I made a flash-based website using Flash CS3 and then embedded the file into a blank html page with Dreamweaver cs3.-All my buttons, linking, and content were made in Adobe Flash CS3 using ActionScript 2.0 (AS2).The issue I am encountering is that when i click on some buttons that have get URL codes, they will not load the html files assigned to the As2 code of the button. The html files are supposed to load in a separate browser window for each html page assigned to each button. The html files are located within subfolders in my Main Site Root Folder.All my AS2 code is Object-based; meaning I applied it directly to my button symbols.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Not Opening External HTML Pages In Flash Website

Feb 26, 2012

I made a flash-based website using Flash CS3 and then embedded the file into a blank html page with Dreamweaver cs3. All my buttons, linking, and content were made in Adobe Flash CS3 using ActionScript 2.0 (AS2). The issue I am encountering is that when I click on some buttons that have get URL codes, they will not load the html files assigned to the As2 code of the button. The html files are supposed to load in a separate browser window for each html page assigned to each button. The html files are located within subfolders in my Main Site Root Folder. All my AS2 code is Object-based; meaning I applied it directly to my button symbols.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link From Embedded External HTML File To A Label In Flash?

Aug 16, 2010

I got my HTML embedded in my flash file, finally!But now I want some parts of the text that is in the HTML file to link to a specific label in flash itself.What variable can I use for this? or even a Href link?

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Flash :: Javascript - Embed Completely In HTML Without Reference To An External SWF File?

Mar 18, 2010

Is there any way to embed Flash completely in HTML, without reference to an external SWF file? I ask because I would like to send an HTML file as an email attachment that the recipient will open in a browser and fill out as a form. The last step is that they will copy the result to their clipboard, paste it into a new message, and email it back. I cannot reliably copy to the clipboard with JavaScript because of the security issues, but there are simple Flash apps to add that capability.

I know I could just display the response text (which will be Base64 encoded) to the recipient and have them copy/paste, but it would be nice to provide this small convenience to them. Also, so you are aware, the text is often too large to include in an email using mailto. Yes. This needs to be done via email. The users have slow, occasional satellite email access and no other data connection to the interwebs. To make things worse, I cannot make them install anything. It is a difficult situation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Page Opens Flash Site - Loads External Swf File

Jul 11, 2005

I have an HTML page with buttons. Each button needs to have a getURL to open the Flash site, but then somehow, needs to also load the appropriate swf into that Flash site... My reasoning is because I have some scripts under my site that need to be in HTML (or PHP) for search engines, that way I don't have to do the whole site in HTML.. I hate having a HTML index page, but it's the only solution I could come up with. So, when a visitor selects any of the navigation buttons, I don't want them to have to select that button again, when the Flash site loads. how to do this for Flash 7 / AS 2.0? Or if there are any posts here about it?

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Java :: Load External Page HTML Via Javascript Or Flash Or Java?

Nov 13, 2011

I need to load somehow the html code of a webpage A into a javascript string of another webpage B, on a different host. I know this is impossible to do with javascript alone because of the same origin policy, and I know I could do it loading the page via php on my server and then send results back to the user's client but I wouldn't be able to handle so many requests, so I need it to be done directly by the user's browser. I can use nearly whatever browser scripting language/applet framework common enough to be installed on the majority of my users' computers, like flash and java.On example, what if I use flash or java to load the external html code and then call a javascript callback function providing the source? Could this work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Preloader (in Flash With The "percent-loaded"-thingie) For An External .html File

Aug 4, 2004

I want to create a preloader (in flash)(with the "percent-loaded"-thingie) for an external .html file that I want to load. Here's my code:


On the "main" frame" I've put a getURL action on a movieclip. Can this work.???? I'm still new at this and a bit confused?

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