ActionScript 2.0 :: External SWF With Asset Library Possible?

Oct 25, 2009

So I've seen many a tutorial on how to do this in AS3 but I'm trying to work out if there is a way to have all my assets for a game I'm making external, so they can be shared with a level editor that resides in a different .swf and won't be loaded twice.I spent a while looking and found out about Shared Libraries, which at first I thought would solve the problem, until you find out that you can't use attachMovie to attach anything to the stage at run-time if it is an imported object, which just sucks to be frank .So I then thought of a work-around for that by adding these shared objects inside a MovieClip that wasn't shared so I could add that from the stage and access the clip inside using the instance name that I would assign it. This worked fine until I remembered that I had was using several Bitmaps and the BitmapData class, hence if I placed these bitmaps in a MovieClip I can't even assign an instance name to access them to perform the code that I wish to on them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Asset Package - Swf - Swc?

Aug 19, 2010

When I was building apps in as2 - my main method of project distribution was to create a bunch of different swfs, each representing, probably, a timeline, some code, and a set of graphical assets. Tho cumbersome, it meant that I could progressively load large chunks of the project as needed, at runtime.

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Jul 28, 2010

I haven't experimented with external SWF's purely as image/sound libraries etc. I generally embed assets and/or load in sound/textures/geometry etc dynamically.

However as I'm starting development on my first game, I would like to use an asset SWF per level, so all images, sounds, models etc are contained in this SWF, nice and clean, just one file loaded per level. No code, just assets.

Not only for the structure, but embedding transparent PNG's is very important, as obviously uncompressed PNG's are pretty hefty, and flash does a great job of it.

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May 31, 2011

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Jan 21, 2009

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IDE :: CS4 External Library Path For Components?

Jun 3, 2010

I want to:

1) Place symbols on the stage manually in loaded.fla

2) Exclude these symbols from the swf because they will already be in loading.swf

So I:

1) Created a component.fla

2) Created a "comp" symbol in the fla

3) Turned that symbol into a component via Component Definition

4) Exported the comp.swz into Configuration/Components/MyComps

5) Opened up loaded.fla

6) Pulled the comp component onto the stage

7) Went to file AS settings and added Configuration/Components/MyComps to the External Library Paths

8) Compiled loaded.swf and played it

BUT the swf includes the comp component on the stage...which is NOT what I wanted. I only want the swf to work and have a reference to comp when it it loaded into loading.swf.Why haven't the classes in comp been excluded?Obviously this is a workaround for runtime shared libraries, which is unpredictable, time-wasting and generally painful. Is there a better way to retain WYSIWYG and share symbols? I don't want to do dynamic placing.

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I'm changing scalex of an object over time.

function onLoop(){

The object becomes thiner and thiner. Is there any way how to know where(x,y) is the top left corner of the object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Images (library)?

Sep 29, 2010

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"This is what I got so far"
load_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, LoadBox);
 function LoadBox(event:MouseEvent):void {    //create a Loader instancevar myImageLoader:Loader = new Loader();//create a  URLRequest instance to indicate the image sourcevar myImageLocation:URLRequest = new URLRequest("url to website");// load the bitmap data from the image source in the Loader instancemyImageLoader.load(myImageLocation);//add the Loader instance to the display listaddChild (myImageLoader);

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ActionScript :: How To Include External Library Into Flash

Aug 17, 2010

I have downloaded some external actionscript library in a form of a bunch of folders with .as files that have the following folder structure:
com/primary_lib/ <- primary lib I want to use has the following code:
package com.primary_lib{
import com.helper_lib1.*;
import com.helper_lib2.*;
public class LibClass extends MovieClip{.....

Now I have some fla project where I want to use this com/primary_lib/, something like:
import com.primary_lib.LibClass;
var test:LibClass = new LibClass();...

How to include this library into my project and where should I put all those files? I already tried putting them into every possible folder but I always get definition com.primary_lib:LibClass could not be found error.

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Aug 23, 2009

i am having problem to load multile swf one by one . the details of swf file name will be in a xml file . it should load one by one . and one more thing how we can know the details of that loaded swf like wheteher that contains Background movieclip aur Games Character's Movieclip

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Jun 3, 2010

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project1.fla <- library here


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Is There Any Plugin Or External Library To Do It Dynamically

May 8, 2011

I need help with oulining dynamic text. Is there any plugin or external library to do it dynamically?I made imitation of outline text by copying written text, and placing it under the original. Then increase it's width and height, change it's color. But it is not looking so good as i thought it would look..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Several Images - External Or Library?

Jun 1, 2011

I am about to build an image slideshow. I have a mainmovie.swf and a slideshow.swf. I will be loading my slideshow.swf into the mainmovie.swf. I have about 10 images to go into my slideshow.

Should I load the images externally via a Loader/ URL request, or add them to the library and export for AS?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Library From External Class?

Oct 23, 2011

have an external class which controls about 400 buttons. But I want this class to also be able to show a Popup window. But this would mean I would need to access the Library.Within this library would be a MovieClip exported for Actionscript with the name PopUP.WITHIN the fla it's easy:PHP Code:va popUpWindow:PopUP = new PopUP();addChild(popUpWindow);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check To See If Asset Is There Before LoadMovie?

Apr 10, 2010

I know just loading the movie and then using getBytesLoaded will check to see if it is actually loading, but I'd rather run of test of say, 10 assets to see which are present and then start loading them after I know which ones are there.

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Flex :: Class Of An Embedded Asset?

Mar 1, 2010

What is the class of an embedded asset?

[Embed(source="picture.png")] public static const picture:Class;

what is the class of:

new picture();

what superclasses does it inherit? i thought it would be Sprite, but it gave me a TypeError.

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading A SWC Asset By Variable Name?

May 23, 2011

I am trying to load assets from an SWC into a SWF at compile time, in as3. I'm getting the information about which assets to load from a JSON file. I can do so statically, but when I try to define the names dynamically, I'm running into problems. So for example I can do this:onemech[+] = new mech3 as MovieClip;And it loads the asset named mech3. But what I would like to be able to do is something like

var mechtype:String = "mech" + mechtypenumber;
onemech[+] = new mechtype as MovieClip;

Obviously, that doesn't work.I looked around a bit and I found this here, which seems to be angling toward what I need, but I can't figure out how to apply what's said there to my specific situation.

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May 22, 2009

As I am building a Flex framework for minigames, I plan to bundle a bunch of graphic assets (movieclip symbols) into a single swf file, which I will load into my Flex application, before extracting the symbols from the swf file for use in my application

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Asset Without Flex?

Jun 28, 2011

I am trying to implement a card game using Flash Professional CS5. Since flex makes the final size bigger, I do not want to use Flex for now. I have some difficulties to bind code logic with assets. I have a Deck class and Card Class and 52 card images which are converted to movie clips.

Option 1: I can create linkage to those movie clips means that I will have 52 different classes for each card and I have to create 52 different classes to put my functionality for each card.However I do not want to create 52 classes so is there any other solution?

Option 2: I found embedding asset paths to classes in Flex like that;

public var customClass:Class;

So is there a way to make it without using flex in action script code?

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