ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 Comparing To Multiple Strings
Jul 5, 2009
I would like to compare a string variable to multiple strings. Is it possible?I wrote a pseudo code of my own which doesn't cause an bug/error report,but it doesn't seem to work properly either:[code]
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Im trying to write something that compares two strings and returns the matches between the two.
String 1: Personal Training,Laptop,Massages,Facials,Web Design,Cars
String 2: Web Design,Telecaster,Cars,Beagles,Painting,Laptop
Would yield: Cars, Laptop Web Design
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Oct 1, 2002
I am trying to do a string compare over 2 levels.As you will see when you run the game, When you select the radio buttons and click continue the values are passed to the next movie under the You selected column. I want to compare these with the values in the Correct Answer column.
I have a count that is supposed to be incremented if a string compare is successful (in actions in answers_train.fla), the final value of count is placed in the dynamic text field _level1.score and then it checks the value of count and places a statement in _level1. statement.However my string compare doesnt seem to be working?
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Problem: I push multiple strings into an array, and some of the strings are the same.
var myArray = new Array();
myArray.push (Snivvle);
myArray.push (Kirupa);
myArray.push (Snivvle);
I want to find out which element positions "Snivvle" hogs up. We can see that it would be using element 0 and 2, and if we do an "indexOf" we would only get to see element 0, and doing a "lastIndexOf" we would only see element 2. How do I find out ALL of the element positions "Snivvle" is located in, so that it returns: element 0, element 2.
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var pattern:RegExp = (/^[-._0-9a-zA-Z]+@[-._0-9a-zA-Z]+[.]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z]+[.]?[0-9a-zA-Z]$/i);
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Feb 12, 2005
I have multiple mc's that contain input textfields. I want the results of these to appear one after another in the same dynamic textfield. Later they will be sorted alphabetically.
So far, I've been able only to get one item to appear at a time in the dynamic textfield--the next item replaces the first. A for loop didn't work.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the new text string to be added to the previous text string rather than to replace the first text string?
Anything at all similar I've seen creates a shared object instead of writing multiple strings to one dynamic text field.
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Dec 3, 2006
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var longString:String = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and
typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. ";
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Feb 12, 2005
I have multiple mc's that contain input textfields. I want the results of these to appear one after another in the same dynamic textfield. Later they will be sorted alphabetically.
So far, I've been able only to get one item to appear at a time in the dynamic textfield--the next item replaces the first. A for loop didn't work.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the new text string to be added to the previous text string rather than to replace the first text string?
Anything at all similar I've seen creates a shared object instead of writing multiple strings to one dynamic text field.
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Nov 29, 2010
The scenario is to create a lotto game that matches 6 user inputted numbers with 7 randomly generated numbers. The 7th number is a special case (eg bonus ball) WOULD LIKE TO SHOW A KIND HEARTED FALSH GENIUS ALL OF THE SCRIPT IF POSS! (its not tooo long) This code works, but it just outputs the default message: There seems to be a problem with my arrays not comparing? Part of the code is: (prioir to this the user inputs numbers, they are copied to text areas beginning with O, on a button press) On a second button press randomly generated number appear to a timer. //compareResult checks how many numbers match between the two sets of numbers to determine winnings.
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Jul 16, 2009
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function checkNumber():void{
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Oct 18, 2010
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{// do something (never gets here)
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Jun 5, 2011
comparing the two bitmapdatas?I'd like to have a function which returns an int (a value of how big the difference is), where 0 means they are identical.Right now I can do it with two for-loops, and getPixel. Then I compare the R-, G- and B-value separately. But it's slow if the images are big.
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Apr 2, 2011
I'd like to know how to compare one array to another array with objects.
For example:
Array1 = [one, blue, car];
// there will always be only one entry in this array - no Array1[1], no Array1[2], etc.
Array2 = [product.number, product.color, product.type, product.cost, product.qty];
The actual content in Array2 would be something like this:
Array2[0] = [three, green, boat, 100, 5];
Array2[1] = [two, blue, truck, 200, 3];
Array2[2] = [one, red, car, 50, 20];
...and so on, up to about 60.
I'm trying to figure out to go through all of Array2 to determine if there's a match to Array1. Since none of the entries in Array2 are the same, there will always be one match.In this instance, I want to match array1 with product.number, product.color, and product.type. My example has them as the first 3 criteria, though that may not always be the case.
Something along the lines of this:
function findMatch () {
for(i = 0; i < Array2.length; i++) {
if(all 3 Array1 items equals items in Array2[i]) {
Background: I've a combobox search that allows a user to select from drop-downs. After a user selects items from all 3 drop-downs, they click a submit button, and there's a check to see if the criteria in the drop-downs matches anything in the Array2 (which it should, if you can select it, then it's in the array).
After that, the matched information is used to populate a movieclip. There's actually about 20 pieces of information associated with each product. However, I only need to match 3 of them.I've searched and found comparisons for arrays. But I don't see how they'd apply to my issue as I'm using objects and there are more items in array2 than in array1. Of course, they may apply, and I'm just not understanding how. I could create a 3rd array and move only the items needed for a match from the array2 to it. Then I could do a straight comparison between array1 and array3.
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Nov 3, 2009
I want to compare my two arrays.When both has the same object. they will trace out the name i give.This is the code;
var cap_array:Array = new Array(Sugar,Sugar,Milk,Cocoa);
function ingredients(evt:TimerEvent):void { var ing_mc:MovieClip = null; timer++;[code]......
There is no error in the code; but it can't trace out "cappuccino". Is it I should take the ingredients in order like in the array of the cap_array?
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Jan 11, 2010
I'm working with 2 global variables and I need to compare them on 6 different button function clicks for a lot of different scenarios.[code]My function is starting to look like this;[code]only problem i see is that there are many different scenarios and this if statement could get very long. Is there a way to combine it somehow so there wouldn't be that many else if's?
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Jan 5, 2010
Obviously the two date objects are somehow subtly different, and that difference somehow gets overlooked when they're parsed out as strings, but how are they different?
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a 2 different date formats. 1) dd/mm/yyyy 2) dd-mm-yyyy
I want to compare these 2 date formats in Javascript or Actionscript.
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Mar 29, 2010
Is there a way of exporting an FLA file to a human-readable format, so that different revisions of a file can be compared?
I found a script for exporting to XML here (post 6):[URL] -- but it doesn't work as advertised - e.g. it doesn't export any details of items in the library.
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Jul 25, 2010
Is there a way to compare the current time to a bunch of times (loaded from XML) and have it figure out which is the closest to the current time?
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Mar 25, 2011
I'm trying to position an image on top of another image based upon the make-up of the smaller image. The smaller image is a cut-out of a larger image and I need it to be positioned exactly on the larger image to make it look like a single image, but allow for separate filters and alphas to be applied. As the images are not simple rectangles or circles, but complex satellite images, I cannot simply redraw them in code. I have quite a few images and therefore do not feel like manually finding the position of each image every and hard setting them manually in actionscript. Is there any way for me to sample a small 5-10 sq. pixel area against the larger image and set the x and y values of the smaller image if a perfect match is found? All the images are in an array and iterating through them has already been set, I just need a way to sample and match pixels. My first guess was to loop the images pixel by pixel right and down, covering the whole bitmap and moving to the next child in the array once a match was found, leaving the matched child where it was when the perfect match was found.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have one array with many elements inside.
ActionScript Code:
var all_id:Array = new Array ["56","42","35","64"];
I also have one cd id, which is dynamically created.Im trying to create a function, which checks if the cd id matches any of the IDs of the array.
ActionScript Code:
for(i=0; i<all_id.length;i++){
if(all_id[i] == id){
trace("ID MATCH");
My problem is that - because I'm looping through the elements, I get several traces.Is there a way to get a result if any element matches?
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Jul 16, 2009
I am starting to think I am going crazy. This function works perfectly until it reaches a condition of True, Then if fails. [code]When it becomes true it stops dead in its tracks and returns the following error message.[code]
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