ActionScript 2.0 :: [FLASH CS3] Checkbox Component - Give The Viewer The 'don't Show This Again' Option

Sep 12, 2011

I'm working on a mini-site and there is this opening page with some text bla bla and I need to give the viewer the 'don't show this again' option. I've discovered the components in Flash (yoo-hoo) and so far I've dragged a checkbox to the stage and only been able to change its label in the parameters in components inspector.

The opening page is in scene 1 and I just need the movie to play scene 2 frame 1 if the checkbox is clicked. How do I go about this? I'm very confused with event listeners etc. Could anyone give me a "for dummies" walk through?

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:NavigatorContent xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" >


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PHP Code:/DESTINATION--------------------------

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Mar 16, 2010

I have a project with 100 pages or so. Each of this pages will have a label name. I am trying to create a toogle button that will ad the frane name to an array by using "currentLabel". If the user unchecks the box, then remove "curentLabel" from the array. At the end, there will be a "review" section where the items on the array will show in a comboBox so that the user can navigate to each of these pages.
I already have the combo bit working:
flaggedList.dataProvider = new DataProvider(flaggedQuestion);
flaggedList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeHandler);
function changeHandler(event:Event):void


I tested it by using a button that added the "currentLabel" to the "flaggedQuestion" array. But is the user clicks on the button more than once on the same page, it keeps adding the same label (as it should). Thats why I figure using a checkBox component that the user can check and uncheck would be an ideal solution. The problem I have with checkboxes, is that it is not keeping the "check" on the box is the user navigates back and forward thru the sections...

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Nov 20, 2008

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Actionscript :: Flex - Uncheck A Checkbox In A Component?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a component with checkboxes, the checkboxes are bound to booleans in the main code:

<mx:CheckBox id="LyrClearAll" selected="{Application.application.bLyrClearAll}"/>

This works fine for the checkboxes that dont change unless a user interacts with them again. My problem appears because I want to uncheck one of the boxes everytime the component is closed. (I know something other than a checkbox would work better, but Im trying to keep things consistent in this component.)

I have tried setting the bound Boolean variable to false, and Ive tried setting the checkbox.selected value to false. Neither are working, everytime I open the component the checkbox is still checked.

private function makeLyrsPopUp(evt:MouseEvent):void
var panelLyr:popUpLayers = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, popUpLayers, false) as popUpLayers;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Working With Checkbox Component - Getting Errors?

Sep 13, 2011

I know my way around basic Flash, I can work with script as long as I have script assist for basic things like getting URLs and linking buttons etc. I'm trying to create a "don't show this page again" on the opening page of a mini-site using a checkbox component and so far, I've dragged a checkbox onto the stage from the components window and only been able to change its label to "don't show again" from "checkbox" in the parameters window. I've given it the instance name of 'showAgainCheckBox' and I have this code on the component layer first frame looking like this.

Select allshowAgainCheckBox.addEventListener( Mouse.Click, onshowAgainClick );
function onShowAgainClick( e:MouseEvent ):void {
// do something about the click here

Of course the code is filled with errors from what I get of the compiler message. I've been trying to get the logic. So I might need like a 'checkbox component for dummies' kinda explanation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checkbox Component To Call Movieclip

May 20, 2007

I'm trying to call a movieclip dependent on which checkboxes are selected. The user selects checkboxes and the presses a button to call the movie. How do I set the function for the button to check the values (true or false) of the checkboxes to decide which movie it is to play. Each different combination of checkbox selections calls a different movie. I need guidance on how to do this. Do I need to do something specific with the checkboxes? As of now I have something like this..

function dressUp ():Void {
if (head1=true && top1=true && bottom1=true) {
outfit_MC.gotoAndPlay (1);


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IDE :: CheckBox Component: Increase Size Of Hit Area?

Mar 10, 2009

I'm trying to make selectable thumbnail images for a touch screen app where the user can touch the thumbnail image and turn a CheckBox on or off to select/deselect it.

The thumbnail images measure 100x100 pixels, and I want the CheckBox to be in the upper right hand corner of each image. When I go to the Adobe AS3 help site, it says that it should be possible to increase the size of the CheckBox hit area in one of two ways:

1) Select the component on the Stage and use the Free Transform Tool or any of the Modify > Transform commands.
2) Use the setSize() method or applicable properties of the CheckBox class.

According to this same site, if you increase the size of the instance, you also increase the size of the hit area.

I've tried both of these, and none expand the hit area over the entire thumbnail. In fact, neither seems to increase the size of the hit area at all. In order to select a particular thumbnail, the user still has to hit the CheckBox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Variable To Checkbox Component?

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying to assign a few variables to checkboxes that I am adding dynamically to the stage. There are like 40 checkboxes added dynamically and I need to keep track of a few variables for each checkbox.It will only let me assign a "name" to the checkbox. If I try something else like "Group" (see code), then I get a runtime error:[code]

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Mar 11, 2004

how I can get a variable assigned to a checkbox component in Flash and into a database through ASP/VBScript?

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IDE :: Toggle On/off A Checkbox Component With ENTER Instead Of The Default SPACEBAR?

Jun 17, 2009

how do i toggle on/off a checkbox component with ENTER instead of the default SPACEBAR? so ENTER key is the key to toggle..

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