ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX04] Make A Navigation System
Jan 16, 2006
I found this navigation system and im trying to figure out how to make it. Not going very well tho, i was wondering if anyone has some hints or a simular tutorial for this. This is the navigation system: [URL]
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I am creating a site, and I have this navigation system inside the portfolio page. But it is not working. So it is like this it is built. Default.fla is loading portfolio.fla inside a movie clip loader. and the portfolio.fla has a navigation system for different portfolio pieces. I have set up the first one to work (dasa design). so, I need the outro to play of hm1.fla (first file loaded) and then play the intro of the Dasadesign file. I know this has something to do with the depth and so, but I have tried many ways but not succeeded. files are found here! [URL]
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Aug 13, 2009
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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Bitmap@3e91d2e1 to image_Loader_fla::menu_1/isLoaded()
So obviously, it is trying to convert the bitmaps to movieclips. Due to my newbiness with AS3, I'm not really sure what I need to do with my existing code to fix this issue.I've provided a sample of the gallery if anyone wouldn't mind taking a look.
P.S. In the sample I provided, you will notice that on mouse-over, an external will load. The only one that won't work is the first one (Home) as it is trying to load an external PNG.
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Jul 15, 2004
I'm having with a menu navigation system. I'm using Flash MX. I have created a menu system for the site I'm building ([URL]) where one of the buttons "Choose photographer" drops down a list of names. All the other buttons just jump to another page. The drop down is currently using tweens also the logo moves to the left as the dropdown appears and returns when the dropdown returns. All working fine apart from its a bit jerky.
It's I just wanted to get away from tweening and use action scripts instead, as I'm a newbie to all things Flash I trawled the net for tutorials and examples so that I could cobble together the exact same effect. I have managed to get the drop down work and return using the action script and it does seem smoother and works slightly better. But can I get the logo to move to the left and back in time with the drop
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var myArray:Array = new Array();
myArray.push({day: "18", month: "02", year:"04"});
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btn1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, show (image1));
function showimage1(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Apr 14, 2006
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Oct 12, 2010
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I created the button in flash cs4 with a static state and a pulsing state on "Over" and "down" that works fine. I tried adding the following action to the button>
on (press) {getURL("aboutus.html?include=contact","_self");}
but nothing happens when I view it in live view. and all the pages exsist in the file. (Using Dreamweaver CS4 to build webpages.)
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Oct 4, 2006
I'm trying to make a navigation menu that primarily uses key presses to work.
var keyListener = new Object();
var listSelection:Number = 1;
function upPress() {
(note: this uses the lmc actionscript tweening classes)I have 10 items in the list, and basically this works fine for the most part. Press up and the menu slides up 63 pixels (height of one button) when it's not at the end of the list, and press down and it slides down until you reach the end. and it keeps track of which one is selected. fine. great. but when holding down a key it skips forward but might only move the options list only a few pixels. or if pressing the keys really fast it'll make the list stop short.
I guess what I'm looking for is how to make this menu list work so they can make a selection through an animated menu using the keyboard. so press up and the list animates up to the next selection, or press up three times fast and it animates up to the fourth option.
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Feb 3, 2005
My problem that I'm having is I am trying to build a menu consisting 3 buttons, side by side that open and reveal subnavigation buttons on rollover. Then on rollout of the main container button, they close back to where they were. I have built the buttons and everything works great, the only problem is that on rollover of the internal buttons, the main button senses this as a roll out and plays the rollout animation event (closes the button). How can I make the main button not sense the rollovers of the internal buttons and only play the rollout event on rollout of the main button?
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Dec 29, 2010
Is it possible to make this a mask? The system contains one movieclip of a circle called ball, also a class called ball and a class called particle. I want the particle system movieclips to display an image...I'm sure this is possible...just have not been able to find a way. A little backround, I'm a completely selftaught n00b when it comes to AS3, but I'm grasping it fairly well... the tutorial is on this website, called A Simple Particle System Using Actionscript 3.
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Jan 7, 2006
i'm calling a php file, which is supposed to make an xml file. whenever i call the php file using this syntax, most of the time i get "cannot load file" in the xml loading section, but this updates the xml file.
[code] loadVariables("http://localhost/file.php",this,"POST");[/AS]
but when i do it this way. [code] loadVariables("http://localhost/file.php",NONE,"POST");[/AS]
the "cannot load file" messge doesn't get displayed, and the file loads perfectly, but this doesn't update the xml file.
so everytime i have to first use "this" and then "none".
what can i do so that whenever php is called, it'll update the xml file, and still load in the swf.
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Feb 20, 2011
i'm calling a php file, which is supposed to make an xml file. whenever i call the php file using this syntax, most of the time i get "cannot load file" in the xml loading section, but this updates the xml file.[code] loadVariables("http://localhost/file.php",this,"POST");[/AS]but when i do it this way.[code]loadVariables("http://localhost/file.php",NONE,"POST");[/AS]the "cannot load file" messge doesn't get displayed, and the file loads perfectly, but this doesn't update the xml everytime i have to first use "this" and then "none".what am i doing wrong? what can i do so that whenever php is called, it'll update the xml file, and still load in the swf.
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Mar 1, 2005
When I use the code below it works fine and loads the CSS-file and shows the the html-textarea as it should be CSS-formatted. BUT when I try to put the SAME code into a movieclip within another fla-movie it does not work (loads text but not css) and I get un "undefined" all the time. After trying a lot of different things I've come to the conclusion that it MIGHT have soemthing to do with the .onLoad that gets "undefined" in some way. As you can see below I'm getting two vars from input textfields and then use a button to activate the function loadCSS().
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Apr 19, 2004
Like any of it's simple, but here's what I've got...I'm doing my loadVars, everything's going peachy, but now I want to swap the variable. I've got a bunch of vars in a text file, and here's how I'm doing it right now...
on (release) {
output1.text = myLoadVar.name2;
Now, this works ok, but with as many vars as I'm planning for, I'd like something that I didn't have to make a ton of frames just to have it run.
on (release) {
output1.text = myLoadVar.(name('prevnum'+1));
How do I do this?
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Nov 19, 2005
Im making my first flash game so forgive me if there is anything with my actionscript or my explaining that is messed up.
This game is a 4 player (<--will be) tank game that fires bullets and stuff. so far its working just how i want it to apart from one thing... the duplication for the bullet. This snippet of the script is the bit that should make the bullet firing. if you look at these to bits of script "_root.depth += 1;", "duplicateMovieClip(_root.bullet, "bullet"+depth, depth);" to my understanding the "depth" should increase BUT it doesn't? does anyone know what is going on?
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Feb 14, 2006
I have following lines inside a function
var u = clips.clip1.getDepth();
clips.clip1.duplicateMovieClip("clip1clone", u-1);
the problem is that clip1clone is not generated. I think it has to do something with path, I have to add somehow a path to clip1clone? I tried 0 instead of u-1 but it didnt work so I guess the problem is with path?
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