ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash As An Active Picture Frame?

Dec 21, 2004

Is it possible to create a flash that works as an active picture frame? That will receive picture name as a parameter and load it into the frame, also can specify some effects on the picture with parameters too. By doing this, we just create a flash at once and use it manytimes with different pictures. We can even let it load frame as a picture file, so we can change frame by some parameters too. It will be good with user who doesn't know flash. And we doesn't need to modify the flash file when they need to update the picture in the frame. It will reduce workload for everybody.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash As An Active Picture Frame

Dec 21, 2004

Is it possible to create a flash that works as an active picture frame? That will receive picture name as a parameter and load it into the frame, also can specify some effects on the picture with parameters too. By doing this, we just create a flash at once and use it manytimes with different pictures. We can even let it load frame as a picture file, so we can change frame by some parameters too. It will be good with user who doesn't know flash. And we doesn't need to modify the flash file when they need to update the picture in the frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Login - First Frame Is Not Active Frame The 2ed Is The Active And 3ed Is Blank So It Wont Show?

Jan 18, 2012

im working on my own site im lost though i copyed and pasted so much but i cant seem to figer somthing out.i have a members sys sitting on a few frames every thing works. but the profile button, i have a total of 11 buttons that are working. i coppyed them put them all on 1 frame with there own instances that contain 3 frames?the first frame is the not active frame the 2ed is the active and 3ed is blank so it wont show. so my login code at this point is

ActionScript Code:
//Button Functions
signupBtn.onRelease = function() {[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Each Picture Loads The Loading Frame Resizes To The New Picture Size?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Site That Would Give Users The Ability To Upload A Picture To A Picture Frame?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to build a site that would give users the ability to upload a picture to a picture frame on my site. I would like AS3 to dynamically re-size, and upload the file from an upload bar under the frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resizing Uploads - When Each Picture Loads The Loading Frame Resizes To The New Picture Size?

Jan 5, 2005

I'm totally wowed by the resizing picture effect though? When each picture loads the loading frame resizes to the new picture size.It must be some sort of actionscripting but how is it done?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reverse Tween Motion From Last Active Frame

Mar 29, 2009

I have a Fade-in/ Fade-out movie that works with the 'alpha'. It begins on a Mouse_Over and works its way toward 0, but stops and reverses from where ever it is at on a Mouse_Out and works it's way back towards 100. I pretty sure someone here showed it to me -- and it has been the cats' meow. I'm wondering if Flash will let you do the same thing with a motion. I played around a little and replaced the 'alpha' call in the function with 'motion' and the code stayed blue (which I'm assuming means that it is acceptable). This would make a really great function, assuming that it is possible. I've enclosed the 'alpha' code so that you can see what I am referring to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Picture Gallery And Use Buttons That Move You From Picture To Picture And Backwards?

Apr 22, 2002

I want to make a picture gallery and use buttons that move you from picture to picture and backwards, but I don't want to tell button 1 to go to frame 2 and button 2 to got to frame 3 and so on (I hope you know what I mean)Can I use on button on a separate layer with the same action set? I tried something like that, but it didn't work:

on (release) {
thisframe =+1

but it didn't work. I'm kind of new to any action script other than gotAndPlay, easy functions and all that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Function That's Only Executable If The Right Frame Is Active In The Animation?

May 20, 2011

I want to make a function that's only executable if the right frame is active in the animation.In this case, the frame 1 (and make all the rest frames have it's cursor normal):

ActionScript Code:
function follow(evt:MouseEvent){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Animating A Picture By Using A Script Need To Break The Picture?

Oct 2, 2011

I how that any Can help I have a Picture that I want To destroy it As someone break it as a glass and then something made it go back as she was

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Picture On Given Frame?

Aug 19, 2005

I'm trying to monitor the currentframe of a movie so that when it goes to a specific frame, its loads the corresponding a picture out of an array dynamically using XML.

I think I have most of that loading part sorted out, the issue i think comes when i am looping code on the movieclip. I'm trying to set it up in such a way that if the currentframe remains the same, that it does nothing...this is so that it does not repeatedly load the same image over and over if the frame does not change.

I only want an image to load if the current frame has changed. I realise an example is in order so i posted the .fla and the .xml files in a zip file.

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Loading Picture Gallery - Preloader Frame

Feb 26, 2010

I am building a web site and I have the main movie, which loads a picture gallery (another .swf file) using "loadMovie();" and then the problem comes in - my gallery movie has a preloader which after finishing is supposed to move on frame 2 of the gallery movie, but instead of that it moves to frame 2 of the main site...

This is the main movies button code loading the gallery:
on(release) {

Here is my preloaders code on the frame 100:

And at last my gallery movie's code on the preloader frame:
percent = Math.floor(getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal()*100);
if (percent == 100){
_level5.gotoAndPlay (2);
I tried using loadMovieNum(); but somehow it didn't work as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame To Transform Into The Size Of The Next Picture

Oct 3, 2005

I want a frame to transform into the size of the next picture. It's hard to explain so here is an example. goto: [URL] and click on furniture for example. Check out the pictures and se how the black frame change size. Does anyone know a tutorial for this operation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLOADER Load Picture To Specific Frame

Jan 21, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Frame Around A Picture That The User Uploads Using Only 1 Image Repeating It?

Dec 3, 2010

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public class frame_part extends MovieClip {
public function frame_part(duplicationBitmap_org:Bitmap, neede_pcs_num_height:Number, order:String, rotation_num:int) {


P.S. The image that I use for the frame is 400x500 px and is duplicated 208 times.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Only "active" When Movieclip On Frame?

Jun 15, 2011

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What I want to do is, for the walkanimation class to only "react" when the movieclip that is connected to the class is existing right at the moment. Apparently right now the class reacts all the time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete The On Enter Frame For Both And Start The Fade Again When Press The Button To Load Another Picture

May 8, 2005

iam loading in jpg's thru xml -- now when they load in they are fading in so i have this
holder_mc is my movieClip they are loaded into


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Window Component - Keep Buttons From Being Active While The Popup Window Is Active?

Mar 26, 2009

I have a window component on my main timeline that gets called up on several instances. When the popup window appears, everything looks fine, except that the user can still click on links that are now behind the actual popup window itself. My question is how do I keep those buttons from being active while the popup window is active?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling A Picture Into A Target In The Movie Without Placing The Picture Inside An Swf File?

Mar 22, 2003

I recently used the loadMovie action to load a .swf file to a target in the movie which it was being called from. Then I tried calling a picture to another target in the movie, but it did not load the picture as intended. I read about it on my book, but it didn't seem to work. Is there anyways on calling a picture into a target in the movie without placing the picture inside an swf file?

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Remove The Old Picture And Then Start Fading In The New Picture?

Dec 7, 2010

i got five images, and five buttons, every image has a color, and lets say we start at the red one. When i click the the green button i want the green image to fade in.. i fugured out a way to do this on the timeline, but then i have to have a black box first fading in to remove the old picture and then start fading in the new picture..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Every Picture Go To A URL When The Picture Is Clicked?

May 27, 2011

I made a simple picture slideshow with a timer, prev/next buttons, pause/play buttons and jump buttons. Everything went good so far.Now i'm trying make every picture go to a URL when the picture is clicked but only the link on the first frame goes to the URL when clicked the other 5 buttons do nothing when click.(FYI: I made alpha 0% buttons in a layer above pictures)I tried two different codes but both have no effect.

as layer

var nextImage:Timer = new Timer(3000);


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Flash :: Banner Not An Active Link

Mar 31, 2009

I am having an issue with making a flash banner clickable. I cant figure out why. I had this site developed by a programmer and he has the site in php with includes files (so the header is in an "includes" folder at the root of my server and the index.php and banner.swf is at the very root of my server).Anyhow, can someone please a take a look at this page and tell me why the banner isn't active to[url]...?[code]...

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Flash :: SimpleButtons Display But Are Not Active On The Stage?

Jun 6, 2011

I wrote a class called ButtonTile to extend the SimpleButton class. I then create an array of ButtonTile objects and add them to my stage in a grid formation.When I run the code all of the ButtonTile objects appear on the stage, but they are not clickable and their color does not change for their over and down states. Here's the code for the ButtonTile class:

package com.shakti.gameState{

import flash.display.*;

public class ButtonTile extends SimpleButton {[code]....

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JavaScript :: Flash Active On Page Load

Jul 19, 2011

I have a flash map included in my site usually like <object... and so on. I have seen on some websites that on page load the flash is already active, I mean, on my map you have to first click on it and then start interacting with it. I want to make it on page load already available for interaction, so user when hovers over flash it would already work, so that user doesn't need to click on the map to start interacting with it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Flash To Find Active File Name

Dec 27, 2009

I have made a simple copy file in php that when I type in a name in my swf it saves a swf file that I have already created. But what I want is to beable to pass my vars to this swf -- but the only way I can think of is to say if(active file name == myxml.value[x]){do this}
I don't even know if this is an option or a good solution but is there away that flash can find the active file name.

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IDE :: Content Under Flash Movie Not Active Under FireFox?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a Flash movie and a list of links. The links display underneath the Flash movie. It works in IE but not FireFox:http:[url]..........Here are the layers: layer 1 is flash content, layer 2 is the links:

#Layer1 {
position: absolute;

The Flash movie is simply a graphic with a transparent spot in the middle.I've attached the fla, swf, and html files as well. I'm using swfObject for the embedding of the Flash content.

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Actionscript 3 :: When Does Flash Stop Rendering And How To Keep Active

Sep 3, 2003

I have a flash/Actionscript 3 application (swf). This application sends a message to a server every 2 seconds. However, in some browsers/operating systems (for example, safari in mac), the moment the browser loses focus, it stops sending these messages.I send these messages in a EVENT. ENTER_ FRAME loop, so every time the application is rendered I have the chance to send a message. My theory is that some browsers apperantly stop callling this method/stop rendering for some reason, because it has lost focus. However, I want to keep sending these messages. I already tried to use a Timer, an event that would be called every 2 seconds, but I read somewhere (and my tests seem to agree) that this timer is also connected to the rendering/frame entering, so that timed function will also not be executed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Menu Needs Several Clicks To Be Active

Oct 29, 2009

i've some flash elements in a php page, one of these is a menu that open some php page (target: _top) I do not why, every time it has to be clicked several times to go at the correct page, seams that it need to bee first activated with some clicks

the menu is in (and open) these pages (left column, snow, x-mas, and scuola logos):


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Regarding Picture Rollover Another Picture?

Jun 18, 2009

is some thing like i have a menu as the background, then if i click the picture, another menu rollover the background picture covering ard 40% of the background.any1 can lead the road for me >< me jus start learning AS3 ><

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash: When Does Flash Stop Rendering And How To Keep Active

Jan 6, 2010

I have a flash/Actionscript 3 application (swf). This application sends a message to a server every 2 seconds. However, in some browsers/operating systems (for example, safari in mac), the moment the browser loses focus, it stops sending these messages.

I send these messages in a EVENT.ENTER_FRAME loop, so every time the application is rendered I have the chance to send a message. My theory is that some browsers apperantly stop callling this method/stop rendering for some reason, because it has lost focus. However, I want to keep sending these messages.

I already tried to use a Timer, an event that would be called every 2 seconds, but I read somewhere (and my tests seem to agree) that this timer is also connected to the rendering/frame entering, so that timed function will also not be executed.

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