ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Display Text / XML File In Flash

Dec 16, 2002

How to display a .txt file in flash and also to display an xml file in flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Include Text File And Display From Text File?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm found the site with the monkey on the the flash thing and all it shows is a name, email and something else and I used it and it works by including a txt file and displaying text from that file as putting down this information
name.text =;
and I can't find the site anymore to get help.I want to know how to include a PHP script that shows this information like this
text=something I need&username=My Name&
I want to show this stuff on the flash but every time I execute by using it as localhost/test.php, it will show a syntax error.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML / Flash Photo Gallery Tutorial - Load The Swf File Into Another Movie The Dynamic Text Will Not Display

Jan 6, 2007

I'm having some problems with the XML/FLASH Photo Gallery Tutorial ([URL]). When I load the swf file into another movie the dynamic text will not display. Any thoughts to why this is happening.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When View The HTML File With The SWF Embedded It Doesn't Display The Text File Content

May 12, 2008

loadVariablesNum("testimonials.txt", 0);

This code works perfect when testing, and it works perfect viewing the SWF, but when you view the HTML file with the SWF embedded, it doesn't display the text file content.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Bold Text In A Dynamic Text Field Fed By An Xml File?

Nov 2, 2011

I have a dynamic textfield being populated with an xml files' content. I then have a css stylesheet loaded into format the text. This all works great, but what doesn't work is the ability to bold some of the words in that text. I have both the regular and bold versions of the font embedded into the swf, I can test out just a bold block of text and it works fine. The css is also working as it will change the size of the text that I tell it to. Everything is working, but for some reason I am not able to get the bolder version of the font to display in the same text box as the regular one. I have also tried to change fonts but had the same outcome.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display A Text Loaded From A Xml File?

Oct 4, 2010

I have multiple movieclips (they all have instance names) and i want to display a text loaded from a xml file. I have loaded the xml file and it work fine but instead of trace the code i want to "eco" display it into my flash file when i click on a movieclip. Here's what i have done until now.

import flash.display.*;


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Actionscript 3 :: Display Html Format Text To Dynamic Textfield Work In Loacal , But Online Don't Display Text?

Feb 18, 2012

found that code to display html format text to dynamic textfield in as3:

var url:String = "";
var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);


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Professional :: Display A HTML File In Text Area?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to display an HTML formated file in  text area component using Action 3.0. The following script does not generates compiler errors, each function seems to be executed yet the file is not displayed. When trying the same code with myCV.txt and myCV_TA.text = ( the text file is displayed OK. Flash MX and actionscript 2.0 had handled that differently but with success?

var loader1:URLLoader =new URLLoader();loader1.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,displayText);
function textload(file:String){ loader1.load(new URLRequest(file));trace("in textload");}
function displayText(e:Event){ myCV_TA.htmlText = (;trace("in displaytext");}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Html Text To Display From Xml File Using CDATA

Oct 14, 2008

I am trying to get a link to work in the body text of a text block. I am using CDATA but can not get this to translate to html in the flash. I have checked that the 'Render text as html' box is checked.

Below is my AS and below that is my XML

xml menu stripped down
function CreateMenu(menu_xml) {
var items = menu_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)


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Calibri Font Display Is Unclear If Text Is Read From Xml File

Nov 14, 2009

when the flash file reads text from a xml file, the font display is unclear. when the text is embedded in the flash, it appears clearly

problem in detail -

i am unable to resolve this problem despite my best efforts. see '~about.fla'. it has been decompiled from a swf file as the original source code was not available (can this be causing the problem?). the xml folder resides in the same folder as '~about.fla'. it contains 'about.xml'. you can download these files at [URL]
i discovered a problem - if you view 'about.swf' - when you click on 'history' link, you can see that the text is distorted. this text is read from the xml file. but is you click on the 'key people' link, you can see that the text appears perfectly. this text is embedded in the flash itself.

i have given the screenshots 'text is unclear.jpg' and 'text is clear.jpg' to further explain my query.

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Professional :: Pull In Dynamic Text From A Txt File And Display In A Webpage

Oct 1, 2010

I'm trying to pull in dynamic text from a txt file and display in a web page. The text works great when I view the .swf, but when I place the .swf in a web page the text no longer appears. I'm using loadVariables("text.txt", ""); in my ActionScript and text.txt is located in the same directory. I have embedded the fonts and I'm using Flash CS5 and I have selected Classic Text/Dynamic Text.

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Professional :: Loading From Text File Unable To Display Certain Letters Such As W And ?

Feb 13, 2011

I downloaded a flash template that includes a text file that it uses to load the content. So, I opened the text file and started to make changes to certain text and when I view the changes I noticed that certain letters and characters are not being displayed such as the letter w and the question mark ? and other is an example of the text I included in the text file:
&privacy_title1=Privacy Policy&privacy_txt1= what information do we collect?
We collect information from you when you register on our site, place an order or fill out a form.When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address, mailing address or phone number. You may, however, visit our site anonymously.As you can see the w is missing and the question mark and some other letters.

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Calibri Font Display Is Unclear If Text Is Read From Xml File?

Jan 28, 2007

i am unable to resolve this problem despite my best efforts. please see '~about.fla'. it has been decompiled from a swf file as the original source code was not available (can this be causing the problem?). the xml folder resides in the same folder as '~about.fla'. it contains 'about.xml'. you can download these files at discovered a problem - if you view 'about.swf' - when you click on 'history' link, you can see that the text is distorted. this text is read from the xml file. but is you click on the 'key people' link, you can see that the text appears perfectly. this text is embedded in the flash itself

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Array To Display Data From XML File?

Apr 10, 2007

I'm new in the forum,i want to make a photo gallery which loads images, thumbnails and description from XML file , no problem with that [url]... i made the Gallery in one column, want to add dynamic text field beside each thumbnail in order to display description[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preload External Text File Can't Display Percentage?

May 6, 2009

I want to load an external text file, and display loading percentage in flash,so I could show user how far loading is completed.And the problem is I can see progress in trace window,no progross message displays in the textfield,only when my text is completly loaded,the whole text shows in flash.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: OMG - Get A Button When Pressed To Display Text From An External .txt File

Oct 29, 2010

Im trying to get a button when pressed to display text from an external .txt file (which I've done so far), but (1) I want it to only display certain paragraphs (the actual dialogue) of this text and (2) every time I click the button it should replace the old text with the new (like in any RPG). Now I asked a former lecturer for help and he gave me a link to a website and gave me a hint of what to do, but seeing as I was recently voted #48 on Forbes worst 100 programmers of all time (actually I haven used AS for 5 years) so I thought someone could explain it to me in a much clearer fashion? PS: My lecturer said: When you click the button to add text to the textfield but you ewant the previous text to be cleared the first thing you do is empty the box ( myText.text = "") then fill the box again with your new text..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Choosing Quote To Display - List In Text File?

Aug 10, 2011

I am using this random code below to choose a quote to display and I want to move the quotes list to a text file.

quotes = [Fish are the last to recognize water.","I am my brains publisher.", "Every tool carries with it the spirit by which it has been created.","Curiosity is the mother of intelligence.","Thinking is drawing in your head.","A person without imagination is like a teabag without water.","Realism is a corruption of reality.","Its always better to be looked over than to be overlooked.","The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.","The soul has no secrets that conduct does not reveal.","Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality.","Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.","If you want to get lucky... it pays to get ready" ,"Realism is the corruption of reality","I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.","Music is noise submitted to order by wisdom.","God...invented the giraffe,the elephant,the cat.He has no real style.He just goes on inventing things.","The person you love is 72.8% water."]

qNum = Math.floor(riddles.length*Math.random());
partThree = quotes[qNum];
mainTxt = """+partThree+""";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Text File To Display In A Dynamic Scrolling Textbox As HTML?

Dec 19, 2003

I am trying to get a text file to display in a dynamic scrolling textbox as HTML. What do I need to put in my code so that the textbox displays it correctly and leaves out the HTML tags?

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CS3 - Make XML Data From External File Display Inside A Dynamic Text Field?

Mar 23, 2010

I have combed the Web and I can't seem to find the answer. All I want to do is display some html-formatted text, located within an external XML file, in a dynamic text field in Flash CS3.

I don't have any code to supply because at this point the only thing I'm trying to display in the text field is "<b>This</b> is a <a href="">test</a>." For this hypothetical example, I could call the text field myTextField. I just need to know how to format the AS3 code to get the XML to display inside myTextField.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Display Arabic Font From Right To Left In A Dynamic Text When Loading From A Xml/.txt File?

Aug 12, 2010

display arabic font from right to left in a dynamic text when loading from a xml/.txt file

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Actionscript 3 :: Classic Text Object In Fla File Doesn't Display Numbers And Some Other Characters

Aug 9, 2011

I ran in to a problem I could not solve for a very long time While I was using Actionscript 3 in order to change the text of a classic text object in my .fla flash file, I did not see any change in my text field, and noticed that it doesn't display any numbers and some other characters (just some specific letters DID work).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Choose A Quote To Display And Move The Quotes List To A Text File?

Sep 14, 2006

I am using this random code below to choose a quote to display and I want to move the quotes list to a text file, can point me in the right direction I cant seem to get it to work.


quotes = [Fish are the last to recognize water.","I am my brains publisher.", "Every tool carries with it the spirit by which it has been created.","Curiosity is the mother of intelligence.","Thinking is drawing in your head.","A person without imagination is like a teabag without water.","Realism is a corruption of reality.","Its always better to be looked over than to be noverlooked.","The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.","The soul has no secrets that conduct does not reveal.","Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality.","Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.","If you want to get lucky... it pays to get ready" ,"Realism is the corruption of reality","I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.","Music is noise submitted to order by wisdom.","God...invented the giraffe,the elephant,the cat.He has no real style.He just goes on inventing things.","The person you love is 72.8% water."]

qNum = Math.floor(riddles.length*Math.random());
partThree = quotes[qNum];
mainTxt = """+partThree+""";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Some Raw 3d Coordinates From A Text File And Display Them Joined Sequentially In A Wireframe Model?

Feb 20, 2004

I'd like to be able to use some raw 3d coordinates from a text file and display them, joined sequentially in a wireframe model. Then be able to rotate, scale etc the resulting model. The coordinates aren't from a 3d drawing package but rather measured - therefore each point is literally assigned three numbers, in a tab delimited file. With a large number of points (i.e. over 100) is there a way to load in the file and then generate the resulting model?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Display Video File In An Imported SWF File Fullscreen In Flash?

May 23, 2011

I am using a flipbook Flash/Actionscript 3.0 framework for a digital magazine[url]...

You can have videos embedded in the pages of the flipbook, but they can not be display fullscreen like Youtube videos, for example.

The flipbook can also import swf files to display as pages of the flipbook, so another way of embedding videos into a page of the flipbook would be to have the video player in the swf page you are embedding. This gives you more control over the style and the positioning of the video.

My question is: Is there a way with AS3.0 to togle the embedded video from normal predefined size to fullscreen and back?

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IDE :: Flash File Won't Display When HTML File Is Outside Of Folder?

Sep 29, 2009

When I use swfobject (or, for that matter, publish from Flash)...if my HTML file is in the same folder as my Flash .swf (called "bin")...the flash file displays as a blank white page. I can tell the .swf is on the page, because when I right-click I see the flash context menu...however, the swf is blank. So the path isn't written incorrectly.If I move the HTML file inside the "bin" folder and change the path from "bin/myFile.swf" to "myFile.swf" everything works again...what gives?I think it might have something to do with using the Loader class...I am using loaders to loader external .jpeg files. But I don't know what to do about this other than to keep my HTML files in my "bin" folder which is a bit of a pain.


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Flash :: Display Traditional Chinese Text In A SWF With The Text Populated From XML

Feb 24, 2011

I know this is similar to an already asked question, but I would love to get some more detailed help on how the outcome was achieved. I have a website with SWF animations of automotive systems. Each animation has labels naming the parts, action buttons to show failures, and links to other animations. The text for each label is dynamic, with the label being pulled from an XML file. We allow the user the option of changing the language, and currently have successfully used English/French/Spanish (all left to right) and Hebrew (right to left).

We are trying to add Traditional Chinese for a user in Taiwan, and are having difficulty getting the characters to display. We can make it work if we embed the font file into the SWF, but the file size increases to a point that it is not practical to do. I want to use the "Device Font" option, so that we can enter the Chinese text into our XML file, and then the SWF will use the font file from the end users computer to display the characters, but if I change the text property to "Device Font" it makes all the label text in the boxes disappear, no matter what language I select. If I leave the box set to "Anti-alias", the other languages display correctly.

The XML file contains this for the Chinese language label:

and this for the English Language label: The encoding of the XML file is UTF-8.

Is there something I am forgetting to do?

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Actionscript 3 :: Display Input Text To Another Text Field Flash?

Oct 10, 2011

I am trying to show input text to another text field on run time. I want to show the myOutputBox with in a movie clip. The code is below:

Actionscript 3

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A External Text File To Flash And According To The Number Present In The Text File

Apr 25, 2009

I'm loading a external text file to flash and according to the number present in the text file i'm trying to do a IF - ELSE command. It's not working coz the value I load from the external file is string. How can i get this as intiger.

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Flash :: "append" Html Text To Text Area In Flex And Flex Mobile Project To Display Sprite And Text Formatting?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm playing around with a messaging type of application. Does anyone know how, or of any tutorials on to "appending" html text to text areas in flex and flex mobile projects? And specifically how I could take that and basically "append" a sprite inline to the text when i need to? Something simple like:Username: some text right here!So, Anyone have any experience "appending" sprites or simple text formatting?how to solve these issues!EDIT:Based on an answer below it was sugguested that it's as simple as...textAreaInstance.htmlText += "<b>Username:</b> some text right here!";But its not. you can't do .htmltext with a text area. you can on a text field, so i tried

var TF:TextField = new TextField();
TF.width = 200;
TF.height = 200;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Data From MySQL And Display In A Dropdown Box,text-field?

Oct 21, 2009

I am a complete rookie in ActionScript2.0/Flash.I just started learning regarding a project. My problem is I want to display data from MySQL in a DropDown Menu in Flash. the SendAndRecieve functionality only aids us to receive any responses,right?(Please correct me If I am Wrong.

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