ActionScript 1/2 :: Display Arabic Font From Right To Left In A Dynamic Text When Loading From A Xml/.txt File?
Aug 12, 2010display arabic font from right to left in a dynamic text when loading from a xml/.txt file
View 1 Repliesdisplay arabic font from right to left in a dynamic text when loading from a xml/.txt file
View 1 RepliesHow can I display arabic text from right to left with as3?
View 4 RepliesIve got text in arabic in Word doc, written right to left (its times new roman font, arabic characters). when I copy & paste in XML, it reverses the direction, becomes left to right.
Im using word 2003 & adobe CS3 .i need to load xml file in Flash .
when the flash file reads text from a xml file, the font display is unclear. when the text is embedded in the flash, it appears clearly
problem in detail -
i am unable to resolve this problem despite my best efforts. see '~about.fla'. it has been decompiled from a swf file as the original source code was not available (can this be causing the problem?). the xml folder resides in the same folder as '~about.fla'. it contains 'about.xml'. you can download these files at [URL]
i discovered a problem - if you view 'about.swf' - when you click on 'history' link, you can see that the text is distorted. this text is read from the xml file. but is you click on the 'key people' link, you can see that the text appears perfectly. this text is embedded in the flash itself.
i have given the screenshots 'text is unclear.jpg' and 'text is clear.jpg' to further explain my query.
i am unable to resolve this problem despite my best efforts. please see '~about.fla'. it has been decompiled from a swf file as the original source code was not available (can this be causing the problem?). the xml folder resides in the same folder as '~about.fla'. it contains 'about.xml'. you can download these files at discovered a problem - if you view 'about.swf' - when you click on 'history' link, you can see that the text is distorted. this text is read from the xml file. but is you click on the 'key people' link, you can see that the text appears perfectly. this text is embedded in the flash itself
View 2 RepliesI have RSS reader it's work fine with english but the problem is arabic text don't display in RSS reader just english and about to display arabic text in ScrollPane component that component reader info from xml file and display it?
View 1 RepliesI'm new to this community and to AS3. I'm working on a project which involves some arabic text.I was able to load succfuly arabic text from external XML, also I could set a dynamic text field with an arabic string. the player shows everyrthing perfect. However when I try to to use the appendText function, it gets ugly
I want to use arabic text in flash through external file.I used XML file, through xml file arabic text is diplayed but not accurate.
View 2 RepliesIs it possible to load Arabic text from an xml file into a flash flip book application? What I mean to say that in place of English text I want to use Arabic text in the xml file to load into the flash flip book application. Some alignment issues are there also, however this is the second issue.
Earlier I did not get any reply , do not know the reason. Is this forum not for general public?
i'm using adobe flash cs4 to make my web site template, and also i'm using an xml file to add the menu and the item, it works ok...
but when i'm trying to write an arabic text in the xml file, the specific item don't display
how i can type right to left languages like Arabic, it works with me fine when i make the text dynamic and check it in runtime. But if i change the font or do something it breaks the letters apart. Why does this happen, i am using Flash 8 Pro.
View 3 RepliesI have a dynamic textfield being populated with an xml files' content. I then have a css stylesheet loaded into format the text. This all works great, but what doesn't work is the ability to bold some of the words in that text. I have both the regular and bold versions of the font embedded into the swf, I can test out just a bold block of text and it works fine. The css is also working as it will change the size of the text that I tell it to. Everything is working, but for some reason I am not able to get the bolder version of the font to display in the same text box as the regular one. I have also tried to change fonts but had the same outcome.
View 2 RepliesWhile creating one photo gallery I am facing one problem in controlling the Font Color, Font Size and other characteristics of a text loaded into a text field from an XML File. The name of the text field in question is �my_txt� it loads the title from the xml file attached herewith. how I can control the behavior of the text loaded in that text field.
I am working on a as3 project in which the user select a font from Combo Box and that font SWF should be loaded Dynamically and then i need to change the font of the Dynamic text field.
I have swf font files downloaded from [URL]
My question is that how can i load the font swf dynamically from server and add them to the library and how can i use that swf to change the font of dynamic text field.
if there are embedded fonts in library the i can access them using this- --
var fontList:Array = Font.enumerateFonts();
for( var i:int=0; i<fontList.length; i++ )
trace( "font: " + fontList[ i ].fontName );
But How to use dynamically loaded Font swf as a font type.
I'm trying to pull in dynamic text from a txt file and display in a web page. The text works great when I view the .swf, but when I place the .swf in a web page the text no longer appears. I'm using loadVariables("text.txt", ""); in my ActionScript and text.txt is located in the same directory. I have embedded the fonts and I'm using Flash CS5 and I have selected Classic Text/Dynamic Text.
View 2 RepliesI'm new in the forum,i want to make a photo gallery which loads images, thumbnails and description from XML file , no problem with that [url]... i made the Gallery in one column, want to add dynamic text field beside each thumbnail in order to display description[code]...
View 3 RepliesI tried hours trying to change my website to Arabic language but the arabic text not loading.example:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
I downloaded a flash template that includes a text file that it uses to load the content. So, I opened the text file and started to make changes to certain text and when I view the changes I noticed that certain letters and characters are not being displayed such as the letter w and the question mark ? and other is an example of the text I included in the text file:
&privacy_title1=Privacy Policy&privacy_txt1= what information do we collect?
We collect information from you when you register on our site, place an order or fill out a form.When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address, mailing address or phone number. You may, however, visit our site anonymously.As you can see the w is missing and the question mark and some other letters.
I am trying to get a text file to display in a dynamic scrolling textbox as HTML. What do I need to put in my code so that the textbox displays it correctly and leaves out the HTML tags?
View 4 RepliesI have an xml file loading text into a dynamic text field. What would the AS be to fade it in?
View 3 RepliesI have combed the Web and I can't seem to find the answer. All I want to do is display some html-formatted text, located within an external XML file, in a dynamic text field in Flash CS3.
I don't have any code to supply because at this point the only thing I'm trying to display in the text field is "<b>This</b> is a <a href="">test</a>." For this hypothetical example, I could call the text field myTextField. I just need to know how to format the AS3 code to get the XML to display inside myTextField.
found that code to display html format text to dynamic textfield in as3:
var url:String = "";
var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
I have a dynamic text box that is loading in a text file. It seems to be doing this perfectly well. However, some HTML tags seem to break it. <b> makes the text dissapear. I tried doing a <span> on it, and changing the font-family with CSS, but I dont think its reading the CSS at all.
I'm having some problems with the XML/FLASH Photo Gallery Tutorial ([URL]). When I load the swf file into another movie the dynamic text will not display. Any thoughts to why this is happening.
View 1 RepliesIs there a way to detect if a dynamic text field that has basic english characters embedded can't display some foreign text, japanese for example?
So I can then switch the text to display in an arial device font text field.
Sorry if this has been answered b4, but I can't find it if it has.
How I can align a dynamic text loading xml file? My code on Actionscript and XML is :
I've been trying to load an XML file into a dynamically created text field so i started of working on an example of Flash Help.
In the XML of the example there is an hyperlink which doesn't work. It appears as a hyperlink but when you click on it isn't working.
Its a simple matter of loading text from a text file named "data" into a dynamic field. The code in the frame itself is
loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
name.text =;
The thing is that the SWF file I load the text into (called "RASHI.swf"). I loaded into another SWF file called "index.swf". My site is based on this tutorial [URL]. When I run "RASHI.swf" on my PC everything is fine and the text is loaded but when I run "index.swf" (again, on my PC, not the web) it says "Undefined".
I'm trying to load a simple variable &myVar from a php file into my flash movie, that's a blank movie with just actionscript in it.I tried to load this &myVar into a dynamic Text field and it works fine, but I can't get this value into a flash variable to manipulate it with actionscript.. Must be simple.. My actionscript it
PHP Code:
$x = "abc";print "&myVar=$x";
How to get the myVar value into a FLASH VARIABLE?
I have to work on a flash arabic application. Through actionscript 2 I'm getting the current date and time. I want to display this in arabic.
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