ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Text File To Display In A Dynamic Scrolling Textbox As HTML?
Dec 19, 2003
I am trying to get a text file to display in a dynamic scrolling textbox as HTML. What do I need to put in my code so that the textbox displays it correctly and leaves out the HTML tags?
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Mar 29, 2012
am currently facing an issue with displaying the % sign in my dynamic textbox which is loading a text file saved in UTF-8 format. Am using Flash CS5.
my text file contains this:
varEn=Discounts up to 10% on any goods bought today!
And my code for this part (AS 2.0):
if (lang == 'en')
numline = this.varEn;
Text1.text = numline;
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Mar 23, 2004
I searched the forum first, found a lot of answers, but not for this question.I need to display a dynamic text in a textbox. In my txt file there are some "&" and "+" characters that need to be displayed. So I URL encoded these characters. "&" becomes %26 and "+" becomes %2b. Strange thing is: it works perfect for the "+", but the "&" won't show nowhere...
Changing my txt file from Unicode into UTF 8 doesn't.Tried using System.useCodepage = true;
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Feb 18, 2012
found that code to display html format text to dynamic textfield in as3:
var url:String = "";
var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
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Dec 12, 2003
so here's what I'd like to do. I'd like to create an action that, when it's a specific day, a dynamic textbox displays a specific text. In other words, if today is th 24th of December then I'd like the dynamic textbox to say "merry christmas" or something like that...HOWEVER I need to set this actionscript up so that it reads 8 different days and the dynamic textbox holds 8 different values. How do I do this? I'm having a LOT of trouble with this..and I'm on a deadline
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Dec 12, 2003
Ok, so here's what I'd like to do. I'd like to create an action that, when it's a specific day, a dynamic textbox displays a specific text. In other words, if today is th 24th of December then I'd like the dynamic textbox to say "merry christmas" or something like that...HOWEVER I need to set this actionscript up so that it reads 8 different days and the dynamic textbox holds 8 different values.
How do I do this? I'm having a LOT of trouble with this..and I'm on a deadline, so if anyone has advice PLEASE let me know!
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Aug 29, 2009
I am using flash CS3 and the flash scroll bar components to display scrolling text. This feature uses the dynamic text box. Well I have several pop up windows. A few of them need dynamic text so they can be scrollable because it is a lot of text. The issue that I am having is that in comparison to the static text...the text looks different but it is the same font?
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Mar 23, 2005
Check out the fla and xml links below. The xml loads in and is processed fine but I can't seem to get it to display in the scrolling clip. The scrolling clip used to work fine with static text but now doesn't at all. link to folder: [URL]
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Aug 22, 2007
I have a basic flash file with a button, when you hover over it, an object with dynamic text appears. Now I want text from an XML file to be pulled from it into my dynamic text box. This is what my code in my actionScript looks like so far...
function DisplayInfo(){
var title = items[i].firstChild;
var items = channel_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
box.text1.text = title.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
menu_md._visible = false;
box._visible = true;
[Code] .....
How to simply grab the info in the description tags and whack it in my dynamic text field?
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May 12, 2008
loadVariablesNum("testimonials.txt", 0);
This code works perfect when testing, and it works perfect viewing the SWF, but when you view the HTML file with the SWF embedded, it doesn't display the text file content.
View 5 Replies
Oct 21, 2006
Is there a way to display subscripts in flash in a dynamic text box trough html. I couldn't find on the supported tags for html a way to do subscripts.
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Jun 23, 2010
I am trying to make a scrolling banner like the html <marquee> tag that loads text from a .txt file. Here is what I have so far:
var formatObj = new TextFormat();
formatObj.size = 15;
formatObj.color = 0;
formatObj.font = "Comic Sans MS";
For some reason it only works by using the stop(); command. The problem is that this causes the animation not to automatically start when placed into an html page. The result I want is for the text to automatically begin to scroll.
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Jun 5, 2004
I have used the Scrolling Dynamic Text Tutorial and it works great. I have a url in the file that I want people to click on to launch within the movie. My problem is I can not figure out the code to do this.
Action Script code
loadText = new loadVars();
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Jun 5, 2004
I have used the Scrolling Dynamic Text Tutorial and it works great. I have a url in the file that I want people to click on to launch within the movie.[code]
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Aug 19, 2009
It's been a about seven years since I have done any work with Flash but now my employer is asking me to create a custom online magazine tool (we're publishers). I've been immersed in PHP and AJAX and building Mac apps with XCode so I've got a bit of a relearning curve to go through.
Anyway, I'm pulling in some XML into a Flash file and want to display some of the various node values in a dynamic text box. That was easy enough, AS3 makes it a charm compared to the dark old days. The problem I am running into is displaying the values - its kind of a runsheet for a magazine - num of pages, ads, features, etc. etc. and I want to display that in one text box in a list type format. So I have something like this:
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Jul 21, 2010
I am trying to display an HTML formated file in text area component using Action 3.0. The following script does not generates compiler errors, each function seems to be executed yet the file is not displayed. When trying the same code with myCV.txt and myCV_TA.text = ( the text file is displayed OK. Flash MX and actionscript 2.0 had handled that differently but with success?
var loader1:URLLoader =new URLLoader();loader1.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,displayText);
function textload(file:String){ loader1.load(new URLRequest(file));trace("in textload");}
function displayText(e:Event){ myCV_TA.htmlText = (;trace("in displaytext");}
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Oct 14, 2008
I am trying to get a link to work in the body text of a text block. I am using CDATA but can not get this to translate to html in the flash. I have checked that the 'Render text as html' box is checked.
Below is my AS and below that is my XML
xml menu stripped down
function CreateMenu(menu_xml) {
var items = menu_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
View 2 Replies
Nov 2, 2011
I have a dynamic textfield being populated with an xml files' content. I then have a css stylesheet loaded into format the text. This all works great, but what doesn't work is the ability to bold some of the words in that text. I have both the regular and bold versions of the font embedded into the swf, I can test out just a bold block of text and it works fine. The css is also working as it will change the size of the text that I tell it to. Everything is working, but for some reason I am not able to get the bolder version of the font to display in the same text box as the regular one. I have also tried to change fonts but had the same outcome.
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Jan 10, 2012
ok in theory this sounds brutally easy. Just can't make it fire. On my stage I have an atm movieclip called "atm". In it I have 8 buttons l1-l4 and r1-r4. I add and remove functions based upon what is on the screen. So on the third screen I want when I hit l1 for a dynamic text box to display "20". So my thought is, place the dynamic textbox where I need it, create the instance name, and where it needs to come up use this line of code:
cashdispense.text == "20";
well the box remains blank. I've posted all my code if it makes things easier to understand.
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;[code].........
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Sep 15, 2009
I have a dynamic text box which gets populated depending on the value of a variable. However I am getting errors with my code. Here is my code.
if(percent<51) {
"Below 50";
} else if(percent>50) {
"Above 50";
The errors get are:
1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before if.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before leftbrace.
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Apr 8, 2003
I want to import an html file that contains just plain tet inside of a dynamic text box. The things that I have tried jus tmake the html file pop-up as a new page, but i want the information inside of that textbox.
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Feb 8, 2011
I am trying to use a dynamic text box with HTML tags (<b><i><u>). I've tried loads of methods without success:
1. 3 dynamic textboxes placed on the stage with each font variant (bold,italic,regular), with embedding enabled for each. Then the main dynamic textbox with embedding turned off.
2. 3 font symbols with linkage enabled in the library. Then the main dynamic textbox with embedding turned off.
The font is not a system font btw. I have tried point 1 with Verdana and it worked. So is it an issue with a non system font with HTMl tags?
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Oct 1, 2010
I'm trying to pull in dynamic text from a txt file and display in a web page. The text works great when I view the .swf, but when I place the .swf in a web page the text no longer appears. I'm using loadVariables("text.txt", ""); in my ActionScript and text.txt is located in the same directory. I have embedded the fonts and I'm using Flash CS5 and I have selected Classic Text/Dynamic Text.
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Apr 10, 2007
I'm new in the forum,i want to make a photo gallery which loads images, thumbnails and description from XML file , no problem with that [url]... i made the Gallery in one column, want to add dynamic text field beside each thumbnail in order to display description[code]...
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Jun 22, 2011
I have a textbox that will display numbers,but not text.I'm fairly certain it can't be anything to do with the code, so could it be something to do with the properties?
var words:String = "default";
var multiplier:int = 10;
var scoreBubble:ScoreBubble = new ScoreBubble();[code]....
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Mar 23, 2010
I have combed the Web and I can't seem to find the answer. All I want to do is display some html-formatted text, located within an external XML file, in a dynamic text field in Flash CS3.
I don't have any code to supply because at this point the only thing I'm trying to display in the text field is "<b>This</b> is a <a href="">test</a>." For this hypothetical example, I could call the text field myTextField. I just need to know how to format the AS3 code to get the XML to display inside myTextField.
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Aug 12, 2010
display arabic font from right to left in a dynamic text when loading from a xml/.txt file
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a flash movie within it quite a few scenes. When I go to a certain scene it has a movie clip on it (UGFT_MC). Within this I have a dynamic text box (UGFTtxt). I have the render text as HTML selected and the variable called "data". On my main timeline at the start of this scene I have the actionscript: loadVariables("UGFT.txt","_root.UGFT_MC");
Within my text file I have the following:
data=<B>All the code I want in my text box</B>
<p><img src="test.jpg"</p> etc.
This part all works, except I have lots of text and images in the text file and need a scroll bar on my dynamic text box. I have tried the UIScrollBar and it only works some of the time, and there is no pattern as to whether the scroll bar will appear. Quite often it is just a grey area. Though the top of the text called from the file is visible.
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Jun 7, 2009
I'm trying to load an external html file into a dynamic text field. The dynamic text field has html display enabled. The html file contains a list of links in <a> tags, and nothing more. The dynamic text field is called 'dynamictext', and I've tried:
Code: Select allvar externaltextload:URLLoader = new URLLoader( );
externaltextload.load(new URLRequest("text/Links.html"));;
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Sep 19, 2011
I have a problem: I'm trying to have a dynamic text box (htmlText) with a number of links (all dynamically generated themselves) within. I need some way that the html link can detect the user mousing over/off of it and fire off a function (to bring up a tooltip elsewhere on the interface, specifically). Is this at all possible in ActionScript 1.0?
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